Almost a month now. I don't know what to do anymore.

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I'm a 19 year old girl and I had made a post on here a few weeks back about nausea. From the time between that post and today, nothing has changed. I have been nauseated and constantly feel like there is something in my throat for nearly a month now. Lately, I've been feeling kind of fuzzy/dizzy. Not to an extreme; I can still do my work, but it still bothers me. I wasn't planning on making another post, but I'm nearly at my wits end and I don't know what to do anymore.

I've been to the treatment center by my house and to my doctor. The treatment center gave me Xanax; while I was there I could barely speak without crying or hold anything without my hands shaking. I have bad anxiety and hospitals make me nervous. She told me what kinds of food to avoid, and told me if nothing changes, to either come back or go to my doctor. I could barely tell if the Xanax was actually doing anything when I was taking it, so I stopped. I still have a few leftover pills, just in case.

A few days later, I went to my actual doctor. She set up a blood test for me, referred me to a few people to help with my anxiety, and a throat doctor. I had the blood test a few days later. The results came back normal. I haven't been to the throat doctor because I currently don't have time. My doctor told me to buy Omeprazole, to see if it would calm my stomach. It did, for a while. It still helps, but not as much as it used to. Eating helps the feeling in my stomach and throat go away, but it will slowly fade back. Some days are ok, but some days are just frustratingly bad.

I think it might be IBS, but I don't even know where to start checking for that. It's gotten to the point where I constantly want to cry out of fear and frustration. I've had to put a project I've been looking forward to on hold solely because I feel I cannot focus enough to work on it. I thought maybe putting it on hold would help with some of the stress, but doing so has only cause me more stress. I genuinely don't know what to do anymore. I'll link my old post if that helps. If anyone has any ideas or advice, I'd be very grateful. Thank you.

My first post:

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    It seems like gallbladder malfunctioning.... will need defo need endoscopy and ultra sound to start with.

    Meanwhile...herbal teas and no fatty foods please.

    Take care

  • Posted

    Have you been checked via barium swallow for achalasia?

    Have you had a gastric emptying study?

    Those tests are really absolutely not painful and not anything to fear.

    (the radiation dose is kept minimal and is not onto reproductive organs, my daughter had all these and more tests)

    • Posted

      I agree with with what that suggesting she does.  Because I had a lot of the same  symptoms you have and I had every test  imaginable .   It wasn’t until they did the gastric emptying test that they found that my stomach didn’t walk which was a big part of all of my symptoms.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying! Next time I'm able to see my doctor, I'll have to ask her about it, but it's definitely worth a shot to try it.

  • Posted

    Can you have wheat  products? If you don't have gluten issues try saltines. They help with stomach acid and can be taken anywhere. They have baking soda. You can also help excess acid with plain baking soda put in water. Not too much at first until you get used to it. 

    I've  been using baking soda water for years because of SIBO. Bacteria overgrowth in small intestine. I've been on Xifaxan for 11 months which helps control the bacteria that has caused me too many problems to mention. The acid medicines help when I'm over stressed. Stress causes more acid. Otherwise I just use saltines.

    It takes time to heal acid damage so be patient. Try to figure out if certain foods make you worse. High histamine foods and other foods. 

  • Posted

    I want to thank everyone for their responses and apologize for not replying. We had a storm yesterday, and my internet went down. I'll try to respond to everyone here.

    lester90053- I'll have to meet with my doctor so I can see if she has and recommendations.

    EdEire- I'll do my best to stay away from fatty foods as much as possible. I'll have to ask my doctor about the possible gallbladder malfunction.

    sanya11314-  I haven't done either, but I'll ask about it next time I'm able to see my doctor.

    jen6dawters- I have no issues with gluten, so I'll probably pick up some saltines next time I go to the store. I'm going to try and keep track of what foods do what. I'm for sure going to try more ways to bring my stress down, too.

    I just want to say thanks for responding!


  • Posted

    See the throat doctor; make time for your health; Your doctor will advise you on IBS.    Your best bet is your doctor.
    • Posted

      Hi! I did end up going to the throat doctor and ended up getting a scope check through my nose and nothing turned up inside. I was recommended I go to a GI, so that's most likely where I'll be headed next. If and when I go, I'll have to ask about IBS for sure, if nothing more than to get if off the table at least. Thank you for replying!

  • Posted

    In my opinion, STOP letting the doctors experiment with your mind and body. I honestly don't believe there is any such thing as "good medicine" these days. Try not eating anything that "man" has processed. Eat organic as I have learned here lately IS the answer to all my questions. Careful though because not all organics are true anymore either. As far as anxiety goes, I too have bad issues and was first diagnosed with it at 38 years old. It's unfortunately a thing these days because as we try to complete tasks that we know shouldn't be difficult, in turn become exceptionally difficult because of our increasingly demand for technology. We are becoming slaves.

  • Posted

    Sounds like you're dealing with acid reflux or gastritis. Do you also feel bloated or get indigestion? Omeprazole is pretty good but it must be combined with diet and lifestyle changes. Make sure you eat on time. Do not skip meals. Eat small amounts often throughout the day. Do not eat late at night. Avoid anything spicy, oily or acidic, plus carbonated and caffeinated drinks. Stick to a bland diet for now and use probiotics. Avoid stress. These tips will help reduce acid levels in your stomach and once that happens you should be able to overcome the condition. I suffer from acid reflux, gastritis, IBS and anxiety. I was doing ok for a while but just yesterday I had a flare up. Will visit my doctor this week. Have you had an ultrasound or endoscopy? Those can give indications of what's wrong. I find it helps a lot to know what you're dealing with. Not knowing can cause severe anxiety and fear.  

    • Posted

      You should also get tested for H Pylori 
    • Posted

      Hi! I did end up going to the throat doctor and ended up getting a scope check through my nose and nothing turned up inside, so that'll definitely relieve some of the stress. I was recommended I go to a GI, so that will most likely be my next step. The doctor at the nose/throat office did give me a prescription for Ranitidine and told me to take the Omeprazole every other morning. It's helping me much more that just the Omeprazole alone. I haven't had an endoscopy/ultrasound yet, but I think when I go to the GI I'll ask them about it. I'll most definitely have to have an endoscopy done, though. If I go back to my doctor, I'll ask her about H Pylori and see what she thinks. Thank you for replying!

  • Posted

    Hello Jay, I wish you will get well soon, as you said you have not been to the throat doctor or ent doctor, so get an appointment first because as you feel that something is in your throat. And for your nausea have one cup of ginger tea and try to control your breathing by taking slow, deep breaths can also help reduce nausea.
    • Posted

      Hi! I did end up going to the throat doctor and ended up getting a scope check through my nose and nothing turned up inside, so that'll definitely relieve some of the stress. I was recommended I go to a GI, so that will most likely be my next step. Thank you for replying! 

    • Posted

      I know it maybe hard but stop panicing, dont worry too much about it. First look at what caused or triggered your condition if you dont think of any then, a sudden nausea can be because of viral or bacterial infection. It could be because of inflammed liver as well. If it is not because of any organ malfunction then do not worry it will go away. Try natural remedies over meds. If you eat meat or eat heavy meals, switch to vegetarian and light meals. Once you start feeling better, start excercising/running it will strengthen you. Your throat problem is because of acid pressure.

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