Alternatives to Tranexamic acid?
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Hi I have just been prescribed Tranexamic acid by my doc for ridiculously heavy periods, but don't like the potential side effects and haven't gone and got the tablets yet.
I asked the doc if diet could be a factor and all she knew was caffeine and alcohol could be a factor but I don't take either of those so I know that's not my problem.
However looking into diet and menorrhagia online I have foiund that lots of studies show low levels of vitamin A to be a common factor in women with excessively heavy periods. B-vitamins also play an important part in blood clottting particularly B6.
HAs anyone else tried changing their diet or taking vitamin supplements instead of (or aas well as) taking these pills? I don't think taking a pill is necessarily the best option especially as it does not deal with the causes, only the symptoms - and I would rather try to deal with this naturally rather than take synthetic chemicals.
Tales of any successes - or failures - you have had in combating this with dietary changes greatly appreciated - thanks
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I am always reluctant to take a pill until I have tried everything else. I was recently speaking to a friend of mine who is a very highly qualified therapist who does all kinbds of bodywork. She told me that she sees many women with the problem and almost all of them had their problems start after a back injury. As it happened, mine did too - and I always blamed my inital excessive bleeding on the anti-inflammatories I was taking.
However my freind explained to me that when we injure our backs, quite often we injure the Illipsoas muscle too - which is a deep abdominal muscle which has a role in supporting the womb and it's structures. I have indeed had a deep internal muscular pain on my right side ever since the back injury, although I had not put two and two together.
She used a deep massage technique on me to release the illipsoas muscle last week. I have not had a period yet (I am due in about 2 weeks) but I am hoping this will have changed something.
My deep abdominal muscles still give me some pain but it's nowhere near as bad as it was, I may go for one more treatment to release it some more and see what happens.
I will report back after my next period and let you know if it had any effect!
I'm with you!! I'm 51 and am having the most horrendous periods, especially this week when it has become out of control. Had to have a hysteroscopy last week and am resisting the mylena(?) loop and now prescribed tranexamic acid. Really don't want to take them (had them 3 years ago when this all started but they stayed in my cupboard!) and would rather a natural remedy. My therapist has advised vits A, B, C, E, selenium, zinc and ?? as well as soya - she sailed through hers so will take her advice! Yes I too suffer from a bad back, though caused by carrying too much duty free when I was 21! Anyway 1st day today of the t acid out of pure desperation. Totally sympathise!!
The second time I had virtually no pain again (usually I am in agony, can't sleep etc) so that's a definite bonus, but was back to being heavy again - although not as bad as it has been previously. I may now go and have the muscle seen to again as I can feel it is still not quite right in there even though it has improved quite a lot.
I am thinking this muscle/back injury thing is a big factor in what is going on for me, although I am fairly certain it won't be the same for everyone.
But then the number of people who have back problems/injuries is huge so who knows!
Hope you have some luck Gill, T Acid would be a very last resort for me as it looks like it is for you - so sorry you had to get to that point! What on earth is going on with our bodies eh, it's not right is it...
since my vitamin mix, haven't had another period. Just hope that's it but then it might all come back with a big bang! yes my gyno was almost insisting on a milena - think they like doing these things! i had the cyto back in march to check for cancer (under local not general and was i brave/stupid!). personally I wouldn't have any invasion type device even when I was flooding like crazy i still would have had the t/acid. would definitely go for the vitamin mix before you do anything else just in case it works (i use the tescos menopause one), also helped with mood swings as well. it really helps me to know there are others out there knowing what it's like because you feel so alone sometimes best wishes gill
I take these Trans tablets , across a few years I'm 46 and have heavy periods. I only take half a tablet 3 times a day, 2 days of my period. I also take a root called MACA that I swear by. It contains all the vitamins you need as a perimenopause woman.
julia0331 46Alison
if you still go on this site, how do you take MACA and how much? Thanks for any more info on that - I have been suffering with extremely heavy periods for the last 4 years, take Tran. acid although I don't want to (and my prescription is running out and I don't think the dr. will prescribe it again), and refuse the hyterectomy every dr. recommends. I take many supplements, acupuncture for 3 months, and even take organic dessicated liver pills (for when I get massively anemic).
46Alison julia0331
Yes I take One Maca capsule a day, use the capsule as I found pure powder caused me heartburn. I do still use Tram for heavy periods but I break the tablets up and take a quarter every 4 hours, I've had no trouble for quite sometime I'm now 47 years old running around after a 4 year old and looking after elderly parents with my own business so I must be doing something right. My glass is always half full which helps in life.
Good luck.
tina91570 freya
I took TA for a year after years of very heavy periods to begin with it worked on the prescribe dose which went from 2 tablets 3 times a day up yo 2 x4 times a day... I wasn't happy about increasing the dose so looked into an alternative ... I found on line someone recommended Pure lemon juice mixed with pure pineapple so I gave it a go..... I have been using this now for nearly a year and it works!!!!!! With no side affects xxx hope this helps someone else xxx I'm now 54 so I now hoping for the menopause soon!!!!
julia0331 tina91570
If you still look on this site, how much do you take of the lemon juice and pure pineapple? Do you mean pineapple juice or some other form? Thanks for any info as I would love to get off the Tran. Acid!
rose23672 julia0331
julia0331 rose23672
46Alison rose23672