Am i beyond help?

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I know that all of you have been such a support. I just want to say thank you. It has not been good at all over the last week. I have drank so much. I have been vomiting bile and i think maybe blood although i am not sure. My partner and daughter have went scotland. I am basically not able to do anything right now, feel so low that there are not even words for it. It took so much for me to even write this. I am so sorry, i dont mean to bring you all down either. I feel like i have nothing left me anymore

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71 Replies

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    Sharon, stay strong sweetheart! It is NEVER too late to help yourself, just think of what you HAVE and build on that. Has your partner taken your daughter away BECAUSE of your drinking, ? Is he supportive? You have so much to look forward to ahead in your life, watching your child grow, marry, have your grandkids, try and think of the positives, and see your doctor for help-never ever be afraid to reach out for help xx
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      Thank you. There is that horrible part of me maybe thinks its went too far. I wish i could eat but i cant. Even drinking water right now is hard because i have been vomiting. I here on my own right now and know that i dont have it in myself to be able to physically even make it there. Sorry, thanks for your support. It might not sound like it means much but it honestly does. Im just at a horrible point right. I know that i have lost everything.
    • Posted

      Don't worry about eating right will come.

      Sip water..and if possible get some soup in you.  Most of all try to put down the my last 2 days drinking last week Thurs and Fri...I was trying to taper and it just didn't work.

      I had to put it down and start the fight back to normal. I'm on 4 days without drinking right now and just able to think of something I want to eat that is bigger than soup. 

      Sleep as much as you can...if you have benzo's they are a big help thru withdrawal...if you don't have benzo's some people use benadryl...just don't use anything with acetametiphen in it as it can damage your liver.  

      Most people don't have the following vitamins on hand...thiamine...any B12 and folic acid....if you have a multivitamin take it....I do feel so sorry for how you feel right now and I do hope you find the courage to push thru the pain of the withdrawal and get to the other side.

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      Its just so hard right now, i know you have been there and done that too. The thought of being without my family is honestly too much to bear, although they all know i love them. It just at times it doesnt come across that way does it? Thank you again tho for your (as always) kind words. Somehow we all need find a way out of this otherwise there is no point. I am considering meds its just so hard to do anything right now other than drink a little water so the idea of even being able to walk to the docters is like impossible. But i either accept right now or try and somehow im going to have to. Just like you... something is there for both of us...maybe even just helping eachother. 
  • Posted

    No one is beyond help my love. From your post it sounds as if you have been on your own and so 'decided to have a binge'. We have all been there! Have you looked into the medication style of help? If not why dont you look into it? 

    You do need to want to get help....because it does require some assistance on your part, that is, mindful drinking etc. It is only ourselves individually who knows when we are truly ready to receive such help! Sometimes it takes a few false starts.

    Have you read JoannaC3 Europe's posts. Google her if you need more info.

    Try and look into all options re help. Then decide which one you think willsuit you best.

    Where do you live? Is there an alcholol recovery programme in your area?

    Keep posting as everyone on here wants to help...most of us 'have been there/done that' so to speak. 

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    You are not beyond help, but you need to help yourself as well, love.

    I'm sorry you feel this bad, and one person that used to over indulge to another, stop! You deserve better than this.

    I've been there! Your working on a 3-5 day hangover and that's if you stop now. I use multiple websites to help me. We love you Sharon! But that poison your drinking does not. It will strip you down to a shell of a person. We are here to support you and encourage you. You can quit and recover!

    • Posted

      Thanks for your support Mike. Its so so hard right now. I am lost without my family. I found it hard at times to stop with them (obviously even though i couldnt love them any more if i tried), which is so not fair on all of them either to say the least.  In some ways i know that they had to go. I do want to get better, just like all of us do. I have lost everything and struggle to even walk to the kitchen. Sorry, i know that i sound like i just want kind words or sympathy, i have lost everything. Cant eat and still vomiting. I hope you are well right now and i really do thank you for your message. 
  • Posted

    Beyond help? Not many people are beyond help.

    Help is often hard to get, but if you fight for it, you will eventually get help.

    The big question is, do you want help and if so, are you expecting someone else to just come and sort it out for you? Because it doesn't work like that.

    Help will only come, when you decide that enough is enough and you want to change. Right now you sound like you are wallowing in self pity and just wanting replies of 'big hugs' 'big kisses' 'poor you' etc. I am sure you will get plenty of those - but long term, I'm not sure how helpful or constructive they will be, as they may just re-enforce the message that what you are doing to yourself is okay.

    My message is not meant to come across as unkind or uncaring, but to try and get you thinking. As for the coughing up blood, that could be something like a stomach ulcer or something more serious like oesophageal varices. I personally would go to my GP if it were me, but you will probably say that you can't face him/her and therein lies your problem.

    • Posted

      No i know where i am right now and no amounts big kisses so to speak will really help in the end, i agree with you. Sometimes i use this forum to hopefully be able to help others and at times we all need to vent off. I am at rock bottom and i just thought that maybe to get back on track talking to other people might be a good thing. I couldnt be any lower right now if i tried, honestly. No your comments are not unking, just honest. To be fair your right about things having to change in yourself this doesnt happen if you expect other people to do it for you. Its just really hard right now and maybe i just need to vent. Thanks for your reply though.
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      we are all behind you!! yes you drank too much and you are on your own and yes you are afraid of loosing your family..medication yes and take advice!! Robin
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      I am going to try. Havent made it out of the house today at all, so im just going to try and rest if i can. Its just so hard tho, but honestly i am not trying for the sympathy thing. i have not had any other meds apart from anti depressants. So maybe that will at long last help. I have to try or will loose myself (i do question right now if that has already happened) and maybe, just maybe i can get the family i love back. 
    • Posted

      Sharon, do watch out a bit for SSRI antidepressants, some have reported that their drinking acclerated when taking them. It's hardly a sure thing, as the next person with the very same SSRI, reports that their drinking went down and the person after that says that it made no difference in their drinking at all. Upshot: It's not a broad result by any stretch, but if you notice your drinking became more problematic after you started the medication or after you increased your dose, do talk to your doctor asap. Don't change the dose without doing so unless the insert that came with the medication said to. 

    • Posted

      Awww Sharon, you are not beyond help but as others are saying you need to want to help yourself and make the decision that  you really just  cant do this anymore. The end result  of carrying on is not good and you know that. .Be kind to yourself today, there is no need to go out. Just rest and try to sleep even if its just hiding under the duvet. Your mind will be running riot we know, Drink water,sips at first and as it stays down drink  as much as you can. You really must  face your GP at some point very very  soon and try and get the help you need especially as you think you may be vomiting blood. Have you thought about the meds route ? Although you might have to fight with your GP fo meds there are some reputable online pharmacies where you can buy them. This may well be the way forward for you lovely .TSM? It works for so many.

      ' I just want to be the person that my family need and as a person myself'  You  know only you can make  the decision to be this person  Sharon and take steps  in that direction., we are all here to support you through whatever route. We have been there you know  !! Can you when your family return have an open honest conversation with them and get their support through this?  Thinking of you hun xx

    • Posted

      I am one of those who found that my drinking increased with SSRI's. I hardly drank before that and it was only when someone on here asked me if my drinking had worsened after starting thisxmedication that I realised this had happened. I have since been to the GP and switched to SSRN's. It wasn't easy but cravings did lessen although I am now retraining my brain with TSM. 

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      Reply to the message sent to you from ADEfree re antedepressant medication.......

      I am one of those who found that my drinking increased with SSRI's. I hardly drank before that and it was only when someone on here asked me if my drinking had worsened after starting thisxmedication that I realised this had happened. I have since been to the GP and switched to SSRN's. It wasn't easy but cravings did lessen although I am now retraining my brain with TSM. 

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      I will have another look at this. It feels like the world has ended but i need to start somewhere. Hope you are well and thanks for helping. 
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      I was on SSRI for 11 years straight without a break and they really cut down my consumption.  More than a couple and I did not like the spaced feeling.  But that was about 10 years ago and from what I read nowadays, it is never prescribed anymore.  Shame as they were no probem coming off.
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      My SSRi's that I was on will certainly not let you drink in excess.  I used to drink every evening then and when my doc said she wanted me to go on them for clinical depression, I did not want to - but she told me to trust her.  I also said can I drink any alcohol on them and she said yes, but a couple at the most.  So I did - but no way could I have more otherwise my muscles used to feel strange and lazy and I got real sleepy but nice sleepy and relaxed.  Let me know if you want the name.

      There is a way forward - it is just finding your foothold and going for it.  You need your fam back quick now not slower later.

      What has done it for me is the absolute horror stories I have read on here, I never knew how bad it could get; they are so graffic it is untrue; but I do not want to end my days in a hospital bed, wired and yellow with sad eyes looking at me.  Join me in thinking this way hun xx


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