Am I have some serious illnesses or it is just perimenopause?
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I wonder anyone out there is suffering from the unusual symptoms as I am. I'm 52 yrs old & haven't had menses for the past 9 months. Since 2016, I started to experience heart palpitations & bodyaches that wouldn't go away. But of late, my heart palpitations became more intense and I also developed anxiety attacks, chronic fatigue despite sleeping 8 hours every night, feeling off balance all the time & internal tremor. I don't have the usual hot flash & insomnia. Am I normal? I have changed my diet - cut off caffine, chocolates & processed food, drink lots of water, eat lots of veg & fruits, pop vitamins & tried alternative medicines & therapies, but nothing seem to work. What's wrong with me? What shall I do? Menopause is driving me to the grave. Would anyone who has been thru this share some advice? Thanks.
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Guest Irene1210
I still get all you said except I am post meno now for 3 years! I still get the off balance / dizzy spells/ internal shakes even nightmares / insomnia AND etc. list of things!
Has anyone been sitting doing things on your PC and suddenly you get REALLY SUPER lightheaded that happened to be last night came in waves of two I shut down and went to bed and of course it kicked my panic attack in high mode and I prayed and finally feel a sleep feeling still a little light headed but not as bad as it was at the PC.
pamela2016 Guest
i do this but it can be walking or sitting and doing nothing its gotten on my last nerve
tmpearce Guest
YES! I have had the light headed thing happen and its scary! Not so much now as I am further into my menopause journey. I had the exact same thing happen to me on several occasions where I was sitting at my computer and suddenly felt very light headed. Had to lay on the bed for a few minutes and then it passed. Another time I was putting on makeup in bathroom and suddenly felt light headed. Again laid on bed and in a few minutes it passed. At the time I was getting those light headed feelings I remember thinking how lucky I was because I wasnt having hot flashes. Well, now I rarely get the light headed feeling but do get the hot flashes. I wonder if they are a precursor to hot flashes?
Thanks all for your reply. I'm happy to know that I'm not suffering in silence & I'm not alone. I really need the support. Menopause sucks! I've spent so much money on seeing doctors & doing all kinds of tests in the past 3 years. Well, the good news is all turned out normal except for high cholesterol. Is anyone on HRT and does it help? My gynae actually suggested HRT but I'm resistent aftering hearing all the risks. I don't want to solve one problem and end up with another. Can anyone share their experience of HRT? I might just go for it if I get to the desperate stage where I really can't function as a normal person. My work & social life has been so badly impacted.