Am I just crazy?

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Hello ladies,

My main issue is a weird off balance feeling. I am not to bad at home but it is worst when I go shopping or to restaurants - basically everything I love. 

The feeling is is really hard to describe but I just can't focus , feel hot and lightheaded. 

Is this perimenopause? My doctor say anxiety. I am anxious when I go out that I will feel funny but I am convinced that the weird feeling caused the anxiety and that the anxiety wasn't there before.

I have  citalopram and currently only a tiny dose as don't really want to take that.

Do you think this is anxiety or my hormones?

Appreciate your advise

Lou x

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34 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya Lou

    I think it's both. The hormones surge and cause the feeling of being Wonky, and then the brain reacts causing the anxiety. Ultimately though, it's the hormones causing everything. I know it's important to me to believe it's hormones and not me being anxious so I understand how you feel. I've no idea why it happens, I get it when I shop too. I find it a bit easier if I listen to music or an audio book while I shop. Or sometimes I run an internal dialogue just talking myself through the shopping experience 'right Sara, you're now going to walk to aisle 2 and then get tomatoes'....... Ridiculous, but works for me! I'm so weird lol xx

    • Posted

      I feel like there is something really wrong with me!  I have been in bed for two days with this weird dizzy feeling with tingling in the lower torso area.  I am not dizzy like falling or vertigo, it’s just a sudden off feeling in my head and then sometimes a weird tingling/flushing in my lower torso.  I do not always get then tingling though.  I can’t put my finger on what it is but it is causing me anxiety too!  It’s almost like everything in my head just stops for a second!  Anyone else have this feeling?
  • Posted

    I have had this for 10 yrs... great at home but can come on anytime while out.  Shopping centres... fluorescent lighting makes it worse.  I also think it’s hormonal & then causes you to be anxious because of the feeling.  It’s a total nightmare.  As soon as I come out from shop into fresh air I’m fine and I don’t feel so anxious..... keeping in mind I wasn’t anxious before I went into shop, I love shopping! But struggle a great deal with this horrible “ thing “ ... I call it thing as the doc doesn’t know either sobgsvdnt been back in over 5 years what’s the point they just don’t know.  So I just get on with it and if I’m having a bad day I don’t go shopping, if it kicks off in shop I leave.  🤨 that’s it. X

    • Posted

      Hi trevis

      is there any pattern to when you get this?

      I am now on the mini pill so no idea where I am with it, started to bleed today and have a headache with it. Wondering if the headache makes me feel weird. 


    • Posted

      No pattern 😔.... I’m so use to it that’s its become part of my routine.  I have to plan round it never knowing is it going to hit me today.  I still go out and don’t get as anxious about it as it’s expected now, but it’s always there in the background ( sounds weird I know ) but the off balance has never gone away although there is good days sometimes!   It’s like doing your shopping and finding everything too much to take in, like adrenilan rush but for no reason.  Deep breaths keep control and as long as I don’t over heat at the same time I can sometimes finish my shopping.  Trying to just get the job done and hopefully not bump into anyone I know and that would add to it as I would have to stand still while talking that’s a nightmare for balance problems also .   It’s such a hard and complicated thing to describe as it’s not just one thing .....

    • Posted

      Omg - I dread bumping into people as makes it so much worse lol

      10 years is so long. You sound like you cope amazingly xxx

  • Posted

    I am going back to the dr today for this exact problem. I have BPV.  I was also told anxiety.  Been on Lexapro 3 mo.  Vertigo worse...I weaned off.  Mine is all the time.  I get migraines too though.  Terrible while driving... I will update you 🤗

    • Posted

      I also suffer with migraines, I take amitripyline 15mg which helps but still feel that I have a low grade headache most the time. Do sleep well though on the amitripyline.  Also feel like I constantly want to pop my ears .

      Interesting that the anti depressants didn't help. Don't think they will help me as don't think it's that. Only taking them as want work to see that I am doing everything I can to return to normal. 


    • Posted

      Amitripyline is an antidepressant too.. tricyclics...old one though.  Not really used for depression anymore. At the dose you are at it is mostly prescribed for migraines, nerve pain.  I believe I have vestibular migraines or migraine associated dizziness.  Interesting though, my dr originally put my on amitripyline and I threw it out after 2 gave me a migraine.  I did not give it a chance.  I am going to have him put me back on it today.  I have been reading that amitripyline or norotryptine is what is usually prescribed for vertigo associated with migraines. 
    • Posted

      Another thing do not have to be suffering a migraine attack to get the vertigo.  If you have ever had migraines it can affect your vestibular symptom.  I always have that dull head and pressure.  Worse if air pressure if heavy, or my period is due.  If anxiety was the cause of my issue...3 mo on Lexapro  should have made a made my vertigo worse.  I too have stopped working, it has ruined my life.  It is constant, especially if I am cleaning and moving around.  Only relief if if I am sitting up and still in bed.  I never got migraines until I believe dropping hormones are responsible.  Hang in there Louise, it is a sucky feeling.  Mine has been since December and getting worse although my periods are very light.  That is estrogen deficiency.  🤗

    • Posted

      We do sound so similar. I constantly seem to have a dull head. 

      I think that maybe I am worse when I have my period. I started the mini pill 2 months ago and my body is still adjusting. I feel bad today and have started to bleed again although very slight.  

      Good luck with the amitriptyline, I take 15mg and doctor said I can increase to 20 if needed. It does take a while to work, my only side effect was that I was so tired. Take 5mg for a week at about 7ish in the evening. When you feel less tired increase to 10mg. I would give it a good 6 weeks there before increasing anymore. I don’t have bad migraines now but the full head and off balance is still there. I do love that I sleep well on it, so many ladies complain that they can’t sleep.

      I used to also feel that the floor moved but that stopped when I went on the mini pill, gives me hope that it is all hormones.

      Are you on sick leave from work? I have worked for my company for over 20 years so I have 26 weeks paid leave and then insurance that may kick in. I would much rather be at work and I am stressing if the insurance will cover me. Have till Christmas until I get to that point. Hoping for a miracle before then. 


    • Posted

      Thanks Louise!  Fortunately...but unfortunately I am self employed.  I am a licensed pet stylist/groomer and absolutely love what I do.  But this vertigo is terrible, I cannot stand fir hours with scissors in my hands when my targets are always moving!  No pay, not eligible for disability..., it is really putting a strain on things at home.  I have to get better though... I will let you know how I make out at the dr today.  Leaving soon... I absolutely hate driving!  
    • Posted

      Oh that sucks.

      Good luck with the doctors.

      I struggled to drive too, I stopped driving in February but since being on the mini pill something has changed and I am driving again. 


    • Posted

      Lou, Good luck at your Dr appointment. I hope it goes well. 
    • Posted

      Hi Louise,  just came back from the drs.  It went pretty well.  He agreed that if this were anxiety, Lexapro should have made a difference.  Also, the fact that I have not experienced any withdrawal symptoms since weaning myself off ...have not had any since Thursday.  He has put me back on amitripyline ...10mg at night to start.  (When I tried it back in May it was 25mg.). I promised I would stick it out for a couple months and not throw it out after 2 days.   Definitely an issue with my vestibular system caused by migraines and the BPV.  I didn’t get into hormones too much with him...I go see the obgyn tomorrow and let her handle that.  I drove ok today, went to appointment, then grocery store quick.  Kept my sunglasses on the whole time.  Didn’t pass out, so I would call that a pretty good day 🤪. I had a horrendous period while on the mini pill...clots, etc.  Also, I was an emotional pile of mush too!  I never refilled the prescription.  

    • Posted

      Also...the dr is hoping that if we can get the migraines under control it will make a big difference.  I have a lot of triggers...lack of sleep, weather, periods, stress. My son has special needs and lately has been getting worse.  I absolutely notice that if I have lousy sleep and if my son’s behavior is amplified ...I am wobbling all over worse.  Fingers crosed for all of us.  🤞 

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      Thanks Audra!  I posted a little bit about my appt.  I will start a discussion after tomorrow’s gyno appointment.  God I hope this all starts to make sense soon! 🙏

    • Posted

      I just read this! 26 weeks paid...that is awesome..are you in the UK?  I’m in the US.  I know that like me these symptoms are no picnic and you would much rather be working...good that money is not an added stressor!  🤗

    • Posted

      Hi Lou,

      Glad it went well. 25mg of amitriptyline would knock you out.  Other than making me tired for the first week I had no other side effects, hopefully it will be the same for you. Please keep me posted on how you get on. Does take a good few weeks to work. I still am wondering if to increase to 20mg. The only reason that I haven’t is because it had a very slight risk of seizures.  Two years ago when this all started I had my one and only seizure whilst shopping. It’s probably the reason I worry so much now. 

      I am only on my second packet of the mini pill so too early to tell if it is helping. Before I had stupidly heavy periods and very anaemic (probably caused the seizure) Since taking the pill I have loads of spotting but can live with that. Although I am still feeling off balanced, the ground moving feeling had gone which is amazing.  

      I am going to take the advise on here regarding sugar. I need to cut down on it even if it doesn’t cure my symptoms. 

      Good luck tomorrow, please keep us all posted.


    • Posted

      Yes i am in the UK and do work for a very good company and have a lovely supportive boss - I am very lucky.

      Hopefully we will both be working very soon xx

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