Am I just crazy?
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Hello ladies,
My main issue is a weird off balance feeling. I am not to bad at home but it is worst when I go shopping or to restaurants - basically everything I love.
The feeling is is really hard to describe but I just can't focus , feel hot and lightheaded.
Is this perimenopause? My doctor say anxiety. I am anxious when I go out that I will feel funny but I am convinced that the weird feeling caused the anxiety and that the anxiety wasn't there before.
I have citalopram and currently only a tiny dose as don't really want to take that.
Do you think this is anxiety or my hormones?
Appreciate your advise
Lou x
2 likes, 34 replies
Feel better that I am not alone, sorry that we have to suffer. It just sounds nuts when I try and tell people how I feel. If I had told myself this a few years ago, I would have thought I was crazy.
It has seemed to of got worse over the last 2 years. I would have episodes of it and then it would suddenly just go and I would be normal. Seemed to have stuck around for a long time now.
I am trying to do something everyday as could easily be house bound. I am signed off work at the moment but do worry if I can ever go back. I have worked for the company for a very long time so I am really hoping the insurance kicks in.
I will very slowly increase the citralpram - I only take 2.5mg a day as in my heart I don't think it will help. Got to try everything though.
sharcerv52408 Louise4586
I agree with your doctor. It is anxiety. I have the same problem. A few years ago I posted on here a list of anxiety symptoms. The post was called "Over 100 Anxiety Symptoms". Like I said it was a while back but you can Google it and it should come up.
Louise4586 sharcerv52408
Thanks for your reply
I find it so hard to accept as I have nothing to worry about - life is good.
It's hard as anxiety can produce so many symptoms - every symptom you look at, anxiety pops up. I do wonder if doctors too easily say anxiety. Like you said, there are 100 symptoms.
I get that it sounds mad.
Seem to find loads of peri menopause ladies with this but none that have come out the other side.
Louise4586 sharcerv52408
thank you
sharcerv52408 Louise4586
No unfortunately I have not. I have some good days and some bad days. I have to take them as they come. Recently I was doing pretty well and was learning to cope with my symptoms. But the past two cycles came with some crazy stuff and the anxiety shot through the roof. I pray, I do breathing exercises and try talking myself down from the episodes. It's not easy. I don't want medicine for it. That only makes things worse. Can't wait for this to be done.
Louise4586 sharcerv52408
I am taking a 2.5mg dose of citralpram - may as well take smarties as it’s so low. Don’t want to become dependant on drugs.
I think I need to focus on what I can do rather than what makes me feel bad. Today is a bad day, tomorrow may be better.
Take care xxxx
sharcerv52408 Louise4586
Yes I agree. It is best to focus on the good things rather than the bad. I was just thinking earlier that I need to focus on what makes me happy when I feel anxious. I think that doing something I enjoy will take my mind off of how I feel. I want to go back to work again but the two things stopping me is my kids schedule and these crazy symptoms. I mean who would hire me if I'm all spastic and anxious? I want to work from home but that search so far has been futile.
chris620531 Louise4586
so I’ve done 40 years trials and research.
A lot of restaurants and shops have hard flooring and the noise can be excessive and sends vibration through your ears which disturb balance. Get soft earplugs for that.
Also as in bright fluorescent lighting which flickers but not to the naked eye. Get lightly tinted glasses for that.
One thing that massively helps is a low salt diet around 2g a day. Also low sugar and lots of still mineral water.
My anxiety started from feeling dizzy/off balance and only reduced when I watched my salt/sugar intake and used the above.
Also the blood rushes to the head with hormonal changes that can affect balance too like just before a period.
I also am worse when I’m tired.
Hope you try these 4 things as it could change your life.
Best of luck.
Christine x
Louise4586 chris620531
I will give all your tips a try. I have healthy meals but eat far too much chocolate and too many cups of tea with sugar. Time to make a change there.
chris620531 Louise4586
You’ll need to gradually reduce sugar and balance out your blood sugar out or you’ll crave it and give up.
If you really want to alleviate your symptoms yhen you have to stick to them. The sugar habit also will make you anxious
Maybe have one day a week for the treat.
Guest chris620531
I will have to try the earplug thing. I will probably drive myself nuts hearing myself chew! 😁
chris620531 Guest
Haha yeah. Also if I go to any functions with loud music I always wear them. But always end up dizzy at end of night but last a while longer 🙂. x
Kazjo Louise4586
Hi Louise! I suffered from this back in the early 80s. When I was driving or out in public, I'd get overwhelmed. Anxious, panic attacks. Dizzy, lightheaded, slightly nauseous. I'd be shaking by the end of it. Back then, no one spoke of them or had a name for this. I thought I was dying! I could not tell anyone because I'd be called crazy...remember those good old days? It sounds to me like you have anxiety and that is absolutely a menopause symptom. It's almost agoraphobic. I don't know if I grew out of happens on occasion now too, but very rarely.
Next time it happens, just stop and breathe deeply. Focus on something good (like shopping or the weather or flowers, etc) and breathe through it. It may feel like something bad will happen, but it won't. It's just anxiety. I would think twice about taking anything for it...everything brings side effects. Just learn to breathe deeply through and focus your mind on something good until the feeling passes. And it will. Warm hugs to you!! -Kazjo
katyD211 Louise4586