Am I still suffering from Serotonin Syndrome or Brain and Nerve Damage??
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Please help, 2 weeks ago I was prescribed 50mg sertraline for intrusive thoughts, but was not depressed. I took my first one and about 6 hours later I had a very bad reaction I had a fever my blood pressure was high, I had diarrhea and my mind was cray I knew instantly that I had poisoned myself, it wasn't until a week later I read up on serotonin syndrome and realized I experienced all the side effects and still suffer some of them to this day, here are my symptoms I have and have got worse short term Memory loss, agitation, irritability, muscle twitching, shivering, restlessness, sweating(up my neck and scalp mostly), hallucinations derealization/depersonalization, feel disoriented at times, muscle spasms which are painful at times, tingling/prickling sensations in my hands feet chest arms and legs, pressure at the back of my head. I don't get it I was a happy outgoing person until the doctor insisted the tablet would take away intrusive thoughts, not only do I still get them but get even worse! hallucinations! I don't want this Have I got the effects from serotonin syndrome or is this permanent nerve and brain damage?
please help I am quite worried and no one wants to listen to me
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dominique25381 hayley90227
ephemeral dominique25381
I'm sorry to hear that. What symptoms did you have when diagnosed, and what's your current symptoms?
carol91885 hayley90227
I have had two brushes with SS. Once when I was on day three of tramadol, the first two days I also took a triptin drug for migraines, and once when I was on day three of an antidepressant. Pro comes to mind. The symptoms came on in seconds, one minute feeling fine, the next, feeling deathly ill. Both times I rode it out without seeking medical attention. Still, I have brought the subject up to doctors over the years. They didn't even know what it is. Perhaps their medical training causes them to go back to default mode........I got the feeling that they were thinking panic attack. I don't know if there are long term effects from SS. But I do think that it is a rare condition, and has not been sufficielently studied. I watched my husband die of cancer in December. He was medicated with pain killers. I can't help but wonder how people with SS deal with severe pain. I hope that you have recovered!
kristin03274 hayley90227
I've had serotonin syndrome and feel like I still have it. It's been about a month since I was diagnosed with it and 3 weeks since I've been of the Zoloft I was on. I still feel like I'm going crazy. I hallucinate feel like I'm dying or that I want to die and just can't seem to get over it. I have some weeks where I'm good then others where I'm just the worst crying every night because I hate feeling like this. I'm wondering how long it takes to get over serotonin syndrome I have been on the Zoloft for about 8 years. I'm just hoping there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I won't feel crazy. I do know I don't want to go on any more medications for this and was given a tranquilizer to get through this but I haven't taken it yet I don't want to end up addicted. I'm back at work and even there i have days where I just need to get away and become very emotional. I just want my brain to go back to normal where I was happy and carefree
sarah3365525 kristin03274
emily5863 kristin03274
Hi Kristin,
I know you wrote this post a few months back but hopefully you might still see this and be able to reply....
How are you now?
I believe i am having an adverse reaction to seroxat, but it's so odd as I was on this med for years before I had my baby (five months ago). It's only since that I have had problems.
I'm trying to wean off at the moment and just feel awful. I can't go cold turkey cause the withdrawal is too bad.
Any advice? X
Braden hayley90227
Hello all, I have a bit of a LONG story but your input would be AMAZINGLY helpful on my situation. To begin with, I take small doses of both Buspar and Prozac for anxiety and OCD. The doses are very small and not even within the therapeutic range if I remember correctly. They don't really help but I have been taking them for a while anyway. A little over a week ago, I began taking Verapimil three times a day for migraines (I recently developed rather sever tension headaches and dizziness issues and my mom also suffers from vestibular migraines). Long story short, we went on a little trip for two days in which my headaches didn't really get much better. Occasionally, however, I felt this annoying "tickly" or "tingly" feeling in my head that was hard to describe. It's worth noting at this time I was still pretty stressed due to dealing with my migraines for some time so my anxiety levels were higher than normal. When we got home the next day (it was a Saturday) I continued to struggle with the tingly feeling in my head. I ate lunch, took my Verapimil and tried to take a nap. Halfway through I experienced what can only be described as my mind out of control and I instantly began having a panic attack. Even though I have anxiety I have NEVER had panic attacks. I am always able to keep my feelings under control. Unfortunately, I could not keep it under control and went to the ER. They did a CT scan and told me everything was fine. I went home that night and continued to take my Verapimil through the next morning. Next morning, you guessed it, same thing, and uncontrollable feeling of panic and dread. My aunt who works at a doctors office told me that there WERE interactions between Buspar and Verapimil. We verified this with a pharmacist. So I stopped taking Verapimil and Buspar then and haven't taken them since, however, I still took my Prozac. I continued to deal with feelings of panic and dread, however, and went to the ER a second time that night. Although they were not concerned, I did have elevated blood pressure and my heart was beating faster than normal and I was shivering. They gave me half an mg of Ativan that didn't even help and sent me home. I did not take my Prozac that night.
Next day was the first day of a new job and although I was a nervous wreck and in a semi-state of panic all day, I somehow made it through (I did have to go the nurse's office for a bit though). My symptoms were definitely better than that weekend. The pharmacist told my mother that the Buspar would be out of my system in about five days but my doctor said to continue to take my Prozac. Since then, I have made it through my first week but I continue to be on edge. My mind is very irritable and if I think and concentrate too much it gets overloaded and panicky feeling. However, this is occasionally punctuated by feelings of nervous giddiness and happiness like I took a giant caffeine pill or something (probably hypomania). Yesterday I did have a minor panic attack and got it under control yet my heart continued to race for hours afterward. I continue to deal with feelings that everything is just not right and doom is imminent.
Throughout this my aunt did mention Serotonin Syndrome and I was confident and am still confident this is what I have. However, it has not really subsided as quickly as I had hoped. My parents think that it's all me now and that I have created a habit of being panicked more often (which I do most of the time anyway due to my OCD). I did some research and the original theory of a Verapimil-Buspar interaction would have led to an overdose of Buspar with effects light excess tiredness, drowsiness, and dizziness. This is NOT what I felt. Rather, my symptoms are a much better match with Serotonin Syndrome. As I understand, SS is caused by interactions with SSRI's such as Prozac that are in excess and not Buspar (which is NOT an SSRI).
My theory is that because I have continued to take my Prozac this week, this is why I have continued to feel this way or my recovery from has been lengthened. Because it is such a small dose and I have to neglected to take my Prozac before (I've gone several days without side effects or anything) I decided to skip out on the Prozac last night. This morning I do admittedly feel more calm.
I guess I just need a second opinion on this whole thing. IS THIS SEROTONIN SYDROME OR JUST TOO MUCH BUSPAR? and WILL I EVER GET BETTER OR WILL I REMAIN LIKE THIS INDEFINITELY? I mean I had a panic attack yesterday and this week has been the hardest of my life
Your input is so helpful right now. Thank you so much.
fadel.27968 Braden
I'm as you here and even my wife dont belive me first happend i was like die i dont understand what is wrong and what the problem i only took 200mg two tablets Tryptophan Supplements which i ordered from amzone and have hard crashing symptoms i have to dignose myself and i dont find yet solution to the pain in my legs and feet and arms i advice you to stand for yourself to depend on anyone even your mum and dad just be a man and fight if the medicen make you sick stop them all togther change the doctor and fight the world for your health no one will feel your pain only you, stop the medcine as i did let your body to heal and dont ever took meds dont read about them before you took them and let people call you crazy stop the meds to not let meds damge your body,
I refuse any meny medcines and many doctors, that said just for try this med if the doctor not explain what i have i'll not take his meds even i fought with my wife about it i'll stand for my body and fight for it.
emily5863 hayley90227
Your story sounds just like mine, I am going through it currently and am so scared x
kim37941 emily5863
I am at the tail end of another run with Serotonin Toxicity. I know it is scary but you are going to be okay. Hang in there, and keep your chin up.
When I experience serotonin toxicity through prescription medications, I detox my system to help assist in getting past it sooner rather than later.
3 liters of mineral water, detox bath(baking soda, Epsom salts, and I put it essential oils). If you can get to a steam room, great. If not, close the door in your bathroom. Block the botton of the door with a towel, turn the hot shower on. Put the plug in the tub, this way you can take a detox bath right after as well.
Stay away from certain foods that are know to elevate serotonin. Serotonin cannot be produced in the body. It comes from 1 of the 9 essential amino acids, trypophan-food. Capsaicins elevate serotonin. Eggplants. Certain spices, and herbs. Also teas. Very important to pay attention to your diet as to not aggravate the situation.
I hope this helps
emily5863 kim37941
Hi Kim,
Thank you so much for your reply.
What symptoms have u experienced/how do you know you are suffering from serotonin toxicity?
I ask this cause all of the professionals in my care are saying I don't have it but I'm sure something isn't right.
I was on 40mg seroxat for many many years prior to falling pregnant last year. I dropped down to 20mg whilst pregnant. My son was born five months ago and my meds were put back up again.
About a week later I started experiencing twitching/horrible spasms, involuntary movements in legs mainly, but have also had twitching/small jerks of fingers and hands too.
I started reducing the dose in the hope it was just too high too quickly but felt even worse....pins and needles, prickling sensations over body, goose bumps, panic attacks, diarrohea etc etc...
I can't just stop my meds cold turkey as the withdrawal is just too bad. I'm down to 7mg, but as I said the twitching etc persists. Some of the other symptoms have lessened but the pain in my body has well as stiff feeling limbs my neck and back are now stiff and painful and I have a headache.
Of course some of these could be withdrawal.
It will be another 6 weeks until I'm off the meds (if I can get through the withdrawal) but im scared I'm going to get seriously ill in that time if I have serotonin toxicity.
kim37941 emily5863
Hi Emily,
The reason your doctors and other health care professionals do not understand your situation with Serotonin Toxicity is because there are only level II studies at a World Health Organization level. In addition, only 5% of the global health care community is aware of Serotonin Toxicity. As well, there are no exclusions to Serotonin Toxicity in the DSM5. FDA as well as Vigilance Health Canada have inadequate data collection for adverse drug reactions. So there is a lot of ignorance with regards to Serotonin, and misinformation due to lack of studies at a WHO level. Scientific studies do exist, and from crediable sources. Worth mentioning that I tried to get the scientific research from Lundbeck Inc. pharmecutical company for Celexa, and found out that only the Governor General of Canada can get research from Pharmecutical companies in Canada.
Having said that, I experienced Serotonin Toxicity in 1998 from St. John's Wart, May 2000 from Celexa, 2014 Amitriptyline, 2016 Apo-sulfate, and most recently Buspiron.
In 2014 after taking Amitriptyline, the adverse drug reactions were nearly the same as with Celexa, and St. John's Wart. I filed a complaint with Vigilance Health Canada, and they confirmed Serotonin Toxicity for me.
Drink lots of Mineral Water emily. Do the detox bath. Stick to simple spices but stay away from papirika. Stay away from teas. If you can afford to, eat organic. Glyosphates in the roundup in our food elevate serotonin. Stay away from diary, egg, and meat. Eat lots of veggies, and fruit. There are certain veggies(tomatoes), and fruit(pineapple for one) to stay away from too. Peel the skins of your veggies, and fruit. The peelings have a natural pesticide that can aggravate Serotonin Toxicity.
There is so much too it emily, and I do not have it in report form as of yet. Still working on that.
Keep an eye on your blood pressure, and your body temperature. If there is another adult with you, have them watch for behavioural changes. With certain types of medications you will not see this yourself.
Be aware and alert, try not to worry too much.
emily5863 kim37941
Hi Kim,
Thanks for your advice. To be honest I am trying not to worry but I am pretty terrified right now; the irony is that I was put on the meds in the first place as I have health anxiety, so this is all extra terrifying for me.
Did you go cold turkey on the Celexa etc when you had serotonin toxicity?
This is what I'm so worried about- the fact I have to keep taking these drugs whilst I wean off them. And I don't know if I will even be able to make it through the withdrawals to get off them (I've tried in the past and not been able to)
blake60631 hayley90227
robert26525 hayley90227