amitriptyline & weight gain

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Ive been taking amitriptyline for about a year for chronic tension headaches and i'm convinced they have made me gain weight. I've always kept an eye on my weight and i know how it can vary from day to day, but i always remained 2lb's either side of my ideal weight.

Since taking amitriptyline i've gained over half a stone, I even gained weight while trying to loose it! I've been eating around 1200 calories a day and still nothing!

I have asked several times at the doctors about this, and they all say that amitriptyline is not known for weight gain, but when looking on the internet it says that it is a well known fact, so i am quite confused.

Any help or advice would be great.

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129 Replies

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  • Posted

    I am on it too, for migraines and my neuro advised me before hand that the worst side effect is weight gain....however, i never thought it would be this bad. I too have gained while reducing calories and fee bloated a lot..
  • Posted

    So glad I found this conversation! I've probably gained 30-40 pounds while being on Amitrip. for about a year and a half. Thinking of weaning off it and trying HTP5. Has anyone tried that? It sounds like an amazing (amino acid). I take amitrip. for migraine prevention and am only one 20mg. After reading up on the HTP 5 though it sounds like a miracle product - am just curious if anyone else has tried it and had any success switching over from amitriptyline? 
  • Posted

    Hello Clowny1

    This medication does cause an increase in weight because it increases the production of leptin which is a hormone that once again, makes people crave food. Not only will you crave food, you will crave carbs! A lot of them! Whatever MD you went to, most likely doesn't prescribe TCA drugs if they told you that. I get mine from a psych who was up front with me and told me flat out "you will gain 10-15 pounds" and what do you know, i gained 15 and still gaining. I eat healthy, i workout to the extent I can with my back issues and nothing. Its exhausting. Amitriptyline has caused a lack of motivation for me and I feel nothing but frustration. I've only been on it for 2 months. I would speak with someone that actually knows the medication which would be a psych.

    good luck

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear that. I have actually stopped taking them for a year now. I had quite bad withdrawal symptoms so if you do the same then do it gradually. 
  • Posted

    I've been on 25mg of Amitriptyline for years. It was increased to 50mg about 2 months ago. I've gained 11 pounds and crave sweets and carbs. I have an appointment on Monday and I'm asking for something else. I've dealt with weight issues my whole life and was coming down. I lost 80 pounds in 6 months. I'm not trying to go back.

  • Posted

    Yes, I have been on 20mg for 8 years, and I have gained significant weight. I also have brusing all over my legs, and arms, and sweat profusely. I thought the brusing was from bumping into things,and the sweating was menopause, but I am pretty sure this is from the amitriptyline. I am going to see my doc as soon as she's back from maternity leave.

    • Posted

      Hi, I was on 25mg of amitrytiline for about 4 years for pain. About 2 months ago it was increased to 50mg. I've gained 11 pounds, sweat profusely, have bruises and crave sweets. I have to find something else. I've battled with my weight all my life and recently lost 80 pounds. The weight can't come back. I'm trying not to revisit the weight issues.

    • Posted

      I know I hate to change something that has worked for so long, but if you could see my legs it's ridiculous. And this sweating has me wearing short sleeves in the dead of winter. I have had enough. Hope there's something else. I hate rocking the boat, but what can I do. 

    • Posted

      I saw my doctor today and she is weening me of it. I was taking Amitrytiline for pain as well as depression. I have taken Tramadol for pain and have been on it for years. If you're just taking it for pain try and ask if you can take Tramadol and see if that helps. I hope this helps you.

    • Posted

      Hello Beverly, I am taking ZOMORPH which is Morphine based & not so adddictive , it help with my pain control & is marvelous.


  • Posted

    Hello I gained 5 stone on Amitryptaline &  I asked my Consultant if I could come off the Amitryptaline after nine weeks , he said NO & I continued to gain weight.

    I think the Drug is excellent but, the one side affect is WEIGHT GAIN ( KNOWN FACT) only now after coming off it after 20yrs am I now losing weight.

    It is a terrible Tablet for weight gain no matter what you try.


    • Posted

      Well I have taken it for probably 20 years. I have lost weight while on it. And I didn't start getting bruises until I started taking plavix 9 Yrs ago (blood thinner) - I do have head sweating, but don't know if that is from the pill or just hormonal. Or even heredity. My sister has the same issue. So I can't say that amitryp gives me any of these side effects for certain.

    • Posted

      Hello I take blood thinners because i have had several strokes over the last few years.

      I did lose weight on Amitryptaline however, because of my age & the Tablets it  was very slow to lose weight & very hard. I hardly ate to lose the weight, just a few crackers & fruit at lunchtimes , just plain Porridge with salt for breakfast , & salad for dinner at night.

      If I am really honest my youngest daughter is 38years old & born in Africa, before she was even born I was on  Amitryptaline the equivalent which is Triptanol for  more than 20yrs over there, so, altogether it is about 41yrs +

      I have had to basically starve myself to get my weight off & under control.Nice talking & discussing this issue with you


    • Posted

      Hi ... yes I do have to starve myself to lose weight too, but I don't know if that is due to the fact that I have dieted and dieted for so many years, that I have screwed up my metabolism.  It is hard to try to figure all these different issues out, when you have so many different things going on.   Right?  I hate to stop taking the amitrip because it does help me sleep better during the night.  That was really the reason I started it...and because it was supposed to help with  chronic body aches/stiffness (it doesn't.)  

  • Edited

    Hello, I have been taking Amitriptyline for a year and I have also gained a lot of weight. The specialist says it is possible that it is a side affect from the drug...but also that I am in a wheelchair and cannot excersize.
    • Edited


      Our Specialist will say anything because they can, but, like me I was thin size 8 to 10 & went on AMIlTRYPTALINE, well I gained 5 stone, it was horrendous , always hungry & it was definately the piills, I joined a health Clinic & was told it was not my Matabolism but, the Pills. Since I have stopped Amitryptaline I have lost 10IBS in three weeks without even trying. so it proved to me that it is the Amitryptaline.



    • Posted

      If you feel good then do it.....congratulations on losing must feel so energetic now.....Hugs.G
    • Posted

      Hello Gloria , I forgot to mention that I have problems with my mobilty, hence I cannot excersize, nevertheless, I have lost the weight by coming off Amitryptaline.


    • Posted

      Hi Jackie...I'm a bit scared to come off it as it has been so good for keeping the pain manageable..I'll talk to my specialist and ask what she thinks.  Hugs..G

    • Posted

      Hello Gloria, I was the same afraid to come off them but, the side afects got to me in the end & I was so dopey on them, always hard to wake up & felt I was sleeping my life away.

      Now I am off them I sleep so light, & do not feel that heavy feeling in the morning when I wake up & feel as though I havent had enough sleep.

      I am so glad I am off them.


    • Posted

      I'm on a very low dose, half of a 25mg tablet at I don't have the feelings you describe....but if I did, I would certainly reconsider...Thank you for your advice.

    • Posted

      Hello Gloria  in the last tear or two I was only on 10mg Amitrytaline per day but, because I had been taking the Tablets for many years the side affects were terrible , that is why I came off them eventually , they were making me so ill.


    • Posted

      I was a size 12/14 and now am a 18/20. I take 75 mg of  Amitryptaline and 2 co dydramol at night for pain. In the daytime i have tramadol . I also have COPD and use 3 different inhalors -one contains steroid.When my COPD gets worse I take 60mg of steroid and antibiotics. The weight is getting  me down and I  know teh steroids do put  weight on . too.  Well done for losing weight. 
    • Posted

      Hi Marce..I can understand how you feel. I too was a size 14 and now I am a size 18, but I am 70 years old so I am not too concerned about slimming. Doctors still do not understand about the side effects that certain drugs have on the unsuspecting system of our bodies. They know they have good results sometimes, so thats all they care about. Plus lots of patients means lots of money. Ditto the drug companies.

      Also comfort eating comes into play...I often reach for a sandwich at 2 a.m. when I can't sleep...and..I can't excersize coz I'm in a wheelchair . A run around the block is impossible. So all these things combined are taking a toll on our health. Let alone the pain we are in. I know that weight gain is not good for us....but what can we do...we are between a rock and a hard place. Hugs to you all. G

    • Posted

      Hello I went up to a size 24 from a size 12 on Amitryptaline, now I am down to a 16 after coming off this weight induced drug.

      Dont get me wrong Amitrptaline is a fantastic drug for chronic pain which I have had but , the weight gain eventually became to much for me, so, I asked my GP please can I come off this drug, thank goodness she helped me, although it has beenvery hard.


    • Posted

      Hello Gloria I am also 70yrs old in October but, I do not wish for this weight so, aftter asking my Gp to assist me in coming off Amitryptaline my weight is now coming down, plus my kidneys are become so much better, they are really working well.

      I want to live a long & healthier lifestyle so, I thought it is never to old to try & lose weight  & get a bit fit, so, I am trying hard.


    • Posted

      Good that you feel that way...I suppose I should try but maybe I'm just not ready....BTW I am 70 in October too...what date is your birthday ?

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