amitriptyline & weight gain

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Ive been taking amitriptyline for about a year for chronic tension headaches and i'm convinced they have made me gain weight. I've always kept an eye on my weight and i know how it can vary from day to day, but i always remained 2lb's either side of my ideal weight.

Since taking amitriptyline i've gained over half a stone, I even gained weight while trying to loose it! I've been eating around 1200 calories a day and still nothing!

I have asked several times at the doctors about this, and they all say that amitriptyline is not known for weight gain, but when looking on the internet it says that it is a well known fact, so i am quite confused.

Any help or advice would be great.

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129 Replies

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  • Posted

    Doctors lie!

    They get paid to prescribe pills and regardless of evidence shown to them proving them wrong, they never accept responsibility.

    Yes, it DOES make you gain wieight.


  • Posted

    I put on over a stone in less than 6 months on this drug. I came off it six weeks ago and the weight still won't budge. It also affected my eyesight and now I have come off it my anxiety is increasing again. 😔

    • Posted

      Hello Debra,it is impossible to just come off AMITYRPTALINE  without first asking your DOCTOR for help. I came off mine about 2 months ago but, my GP replaced the AMITYRPTALINE with PROZAC 20mg twice a day, I will be on them for life, these drugs are so addictive you cannot just come off them , they must be replaced really with something else otherwise you will be so terribly ill.

      My eyes are really bad whether through AMITRYPTALINE or not I do not know, but the drug has alot of side affects.

      Weight loss is so hard , you , like me may have to nearly starve yourself to lose weight , plus a lot of walking everyday.

      All the best & do not be so hard on yourself.

      Take things slower & easier plus talk to your Doctor.


    • Posted

      Thank you for your message Jaqueline. I was on 20mg, reduced to 10, down to 5 then halved this dose to 2.5 over a period of time. I agree, the side effects are very unpleasant and never want to go back on them again. I will probably have to go down another route as my anxiety is taking over my life and effecting the quality of my life and my family's. Take care!

  • Posted

    Rather new to its use roughly 3 months and have noticed a definite weight gain. Not as active as I once was. Got rid of my job /stress and am feeling better
    • Posted

      hI Hildy, well at least you are not so  stressful which is a good thing.

      Amitryptaline is a marvelous Drug for ridding ourselves of STRESS TENSION, ANXIETY plus pain, it is just that it is so powerful with side efects, but, I must give it its due , it does work but, not to be on it for years & tears like me.

      A very hard road.


      Keep well & positive

    • Posted

      currently on 50mg. And yes it is powerful. Take it day by day. Will be starting my new job. Gained a bit of weight in 3 months. But hanging in there.
  • Posted

    I was told that it would help with sleep and pain I have severe back issues and can't walk. I know to lose weight keep a note book handy write down what you eat deduct to 500 cal lessyou should lose one kilo a week don't loose weight to quick or it will all go back on.I wish you luck.


  • Posted

    I was on Amitryptiline 30 mgs a day for 7 months for tension headaches and like you gained weight  . I started coming off 10mgs a month for the past 2-3 months and have lost the weight ..-I think some people do put on weight. Hopefully your headaches will improve and you can stop taling the drug . I found going to therapy helped too 
  • Posted

    I had been taking amitriptyline for almost 8 month and prior to taking it had lost 65lbs. I gained almost 100lbs!!!!!!! And I'm totally discouraged, upset and any other emotion you could think of. I've since stopped taking it and in just 3 weeks I've lost 14lbs... I have a long way to go but I believe GOD that I will get there. I really don't like all of these multi purpose medications, because they have too many side affects.I would NEVER tell anyone to take this medicine. I was taking it for nerve pain and fibromyalgia and the only thing benefit was sleeping through the night. One might ask why did I continually take it. Because the Dr said I has to take it for a few months in order for it to help. WOW!!!! SOME HELP !!!!

    • Posted

      Joyce - I was taking 50mg for migraine. I put on weight but when I tried to lose it I couldn't,as I usually could. I've been cutting down 10 mg every 4 days and am today on 10mg. In the last 5 days I've started to lose a little weight - only 1.5 lbs but its going in the right direction.My bigger worry with it is that its associated with Alzheimers. It certainly took away the pain of the migraine, and definitely helped me sleep. I suggest you Google "Amytryptiline and Alheimer's".

    • Posted

      Hello Joyce, it is a good drug in some ways because it works to make you well again BUT, the side effects are atrocious, the weight gain is out of control , I put on more than 6 stone, & it is terrible to get off, it is so addictive. GET OFF IT NOW BEFORE IT CONTROLS YOUR LIFE as it did mine for 18 to 20yrs. Horrible Drug NASTY.


      Pleas speak to your Doctor & ask to be placed on something else like PROZAC , it has worked for me but, 9 months on after finishing Amitryptaline I am still suffering side effects. xx Take Care of your body & mind the Doctors could not give a damn about the side affects.

    • Posted

      Hi Jacqueline

      I can totally relate to your experience with amitryptaline. I think many of us can!

      I tried to come off it very gradually but it was horrific. I was like some kind of junkie! It is the only drug to help me with my fibro so I am stuck with it. I seem to always suffer with any nasty side affects.

      I have great difficulty even walking which is not helped by a damaged left hip joint. It is no wonder I get so despondent.  They want to replace the hip joint but I couldnt get around on walking sticks. I have no balance. My balance wasnt good before but now its horrendous. Apparently another side affect of the drug.

      Take ami only when you have tried every single option out there.

    • Posted

      Jaqueline (and Sarah). what are the problems you are having when trying to get off it? What are the symptoms of withdrawal you are getting? What makes you feel its addictive? Rebecca
    • Posted

      I have been taking Ami since Christmas and put on 12lb and i have been dieting and could not understand why. I never realised till today that there was a side effect. I had read the package and there was no mention of it. I am only on ,20mg. I will be stopping and will monitor how bad my pain is. I have CFS and awful joint and arm pain. But i have a fat belly and tops of my thighs getting bigger.... It's not as bad as some as i have found out in time . Why don't they warn us

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