amitriptyline & weight gain

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Ive been taking amitriptyline for about a year for chronic tension headaches and i'm convinced they have made me gain weight. I've always kept an eye on my weight and i know how it can vary from day to day, but i always remained 2lb's either side of my ideal weight.

Since taking amitriptyline i've gained over half a stone, I even gained weight while trying to loose it! I've been eating around 1200 calories a day and still nothing!

I have asked several times at the doctors about this, and they all say that amitriptyline is not known for weight gain, but when looking on the internet it says that it is a well known fact, so i am quite confused.

Any help or advice would be great.

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129 Replies

  • Edited

    Don't know if anybody is still following this post but just incase, it is well known that amitriptyline can cause weight gain but it doesn't necessarily mean that you will. I experienced ridiculous amounts of weight gain when using mirtazapine but haven't had any problems using low dose amitriptyline. In fact i believe it has reduced mine. I spent a lot of time looking into why antidepressants can cause weight gain or weight loss and although it's not conclusive, as it is not known how these meds really work, the answer seems to lie in the fact that you have serotonin receptors in both your brain and your gut. I know the same is true for dopamine, but don't know off hand if the same is true for norepinephrine?? It is believed that the increase of serotonin in the receptors in your gut can stimulate apetite, but it can also reduce your apetite, depending on your own individual biochemistry and how your body responds to the drug you take. It's frustrating because so little is known about the specific actions these meds cause. In my opinion it is worth trying the medication and if apetite or weight gain do become unmanageable then you always have the option to stop taking it, but if you don't try it you will never know if a medication could have brought you significant relief and if it would have caused weight gain or loss in you. My symptoms of depression were and are so severe that for me anything is worth a try in the hope it will bring relief. Good luck if you are about to try this medication. I hope it brings relief, whatever you may be taking it for xx

    • Edited

      Hi yes iv been taking amitriptyline for over 8 years now iv put on 4 stone I eat less now than I did before I started them I had a breakdown that's the reason I'm on them ..iv tried loads of time to come off them but always finished up taking them again I must be hooked on them iv tried the other antidepressants ssri ones but make Mr feel realy sick I take 50mg at night they have not lifted my depression to be honest but do help with sleep iv not got over the feeling like a zombie in the mornings yet that's what the meds do to me ..just with there was something to lift the depression I could take

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    hi clowny1 I'm on them for restless feet they have to increase the dose every so often as they stop working. I need them increased again but they make me sleep all the time I've no life in like a zombie all the time. I wish they could take the feeling out of my foot so I could get some peace. I've walked the floor 3 nights this week with no sleep I wish someone could help. I wish you all the best.

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    I can’t believe how many other people have also had the weight freeze/gain as well. I am 24 stone and last October started walking 10 miles every day up hills and literally eating only chicken for like 3 months. I have huge issue with my weight and hate weighing myself as it deflates my motivation and causes depression. I was given amytricpline for nerve pain and help with sleep and the bonus of suffering with depression it also helps. Last 3 months I have eaten well compared to how I got this big and got weighed last week and I have gained half a stone. I used to be a fitness instructor and I know that this was not possible so today goggled this topic and everywhere people saying it freezes your weight no matter how much you try. It has souls destroyed me as I tried so hard and can’t believe me doctor did this to me! I was big when I was younger but lost the weight and was 15 to 17 stone tops up until 3 years ago when I started accepting I doctors advice and medication about my mental health and I ballooned to 24 stone and my weight is connected to my mental health and that’s it I believe the nhs are trying to kill us all off secretly. I will never take amytricpline again or any meds as I would rather be in pain and able to control my weight. Still baffled to why give someone who is fat and nerve pain gets worse with more weight and give them a pain relief to make them fatter and more in pain.. please if you read this stop them now as I feel heart broken but I am still gonna fight but without help .. doing it on your own seems to be the right way!! 
  • Posted

    Hi , I would love to know how you are doing now.

    I too was prescribed Amitriptyline 50mg , however I have noticed my massive weight gain . After reading your comment plus other comments I took the decision last week to stop taking Amitriptyline completely, I have what I consider mild withdrawal symptoms.

    I am wondering if you or anyone that was taking this drug come off it & if so how long it took to loose the extra weight gain.

    I would be grateful for any replies.

    I do hope you are doing better now.

    Thank you for your initial comments regarding this drug as I would never have known it causes weight gain if it weren't for you.



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