amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Hi all, i am now down to 0.5 mg, nausea has subsided and so has the belching. i am currently in a pickle as i have pulled my lower back so i am taking lots of  pain killers. I am going to stay here another couple of days then drop again. I was thinking of stopping but, feel a little anxious about it so will drop to 0.25 mg next xxx
  • Posted

    Oh no! That's no good.  I hope you can get your back sorted soon, you don't need that as well.  Apart from that I am happy to hear that your other symptoms have lessened and that you are down so low.  You will be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel very soon.  After 5 weeks on 5mg I dropped down to 2.5mg two nights ago.  The sleep has been not as good but acceptable and that's ok by me at this stage.  I will probably stay on 2.5 for 4 weeks then start 2.5 every 2nd night for 4 weeks then every 3rd night (I've got enough tablets left to do that for about 2 weeks and hopefully that should be enough).

    Good luck with your back and take it easy

    • Posted

      I know Sheena i could really do without my back being a problem at the minute.  2.5 mg Sheena it makes me smile to think where we were a few months ago. So near the end like Sammy, i anticipate  many bad days in the future once i have taken the last dose but, to be free from this drug will be a massive relief.  Such a struggle we have endured but, glad i have had you lovely people to help me through this. xxxx speak very soon xxxx
  • Posted

    I have been off Amitriptyline for over four weeks and I have the horrible anxiety and my sleep is terrible I’m lucky if I get three hours a night falling asleep at 12 and waking up at 3 then not being able to get back to sleep it’s awful and doesn’t look like it’s getting better any time soon every night is the same it’s like my brain doesn’t want to shut off and sleep properly Im so tired and sick of it all sad
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      I've been off it 16 weeks tesa a and am struggling really bad . I was swapped on to something else that's making things even worse. Takes me 3-4 hours to go to sleepthen. I'm wide awake 45 minutes later it's not right. By the sounds you feel wired and won't let you sleep I've Bern there plenty of times.

    • Posted

      Neilninja I was given Mirtazapine to help but it made me so restless and kept me awake so haven't carried on taking anxiety is awful and Its getting really difficult to go out now..I only took 10mg of Amitriptyline for about six weeks but am sensitive to meds so I'm not surprised that it's done this..are you suffering with anxiety too ? 


    • Posted

      Yes tessa mirtazapine is doing nothing for me only side affects. I'm on 15 mg mirtazapine and not once has it helped me sleep. I need to try and get off it sooner rather than later. Anxiety has Been worse in the last week. I just wish I new what was causing me the problems. I've got no faith in doctors it's because of them I'm in such a mess. Went to see on Thursday was a waste of time. They don't know how these drugs work or how safely to come off them.

    • Posted

      You're right..I've had withdrawals before that have lasted weeks and doctor has not believed that I've had them for that long !! I've also had akathesia from withdrawal from a neuroleptic drug which was awful and doctor didn't believe that I had that either 

      I know that withdrawal from Mirtazapine can also cause insomnia so be prepared for sleep to possibly get worse x all this insomnia and anxiety is totally crippling me I don't know what to do with myself anymore..

    • Posted

      I'm the same tessa don't know which way to turn at the end of my tether. Hard to believe how all this can make u feel so ill it's no life I'm just existing. I've probably been out only 3 times in a month and that was to the shop. Everything is getting worse and I can't see a light at the end of the tunnel. I know we have to keep plodding on but it's so hard day in day out.

    • Posted

      How long did you take Ami for Neil ? and @what mg ? did you taper off it ? I tapered off it but probably too quickly 

      Yes I feel pretty much the same as you and things don't seem to be getting any better can't help but feel like I'm loosing hope..I dread every day because I have no improvement I'm just struggling along..wouldn't mind if I could even sleep just to get away from it all for a bit but it's near impossible apart from the 3 hrs I get's like torture 

      I have pain in both my eyes and they are also light sensitive not sure if it's got anything to do with the lack of sleep but it's another thing that's getting me down 

    • Posted

      I took amitryptyline for 20 years tessa 100 mg for about 17 years and 50 mg for the last 3. It stopped working so I went to doctor who did a straight swap on to mirtazapine 4 months ago. She stopped something I'd been taking for 20 years in the space of 5 days and thought it would be OK very wrong. I'm going to start tapering off the mirtazapine in the next few days. I'm sick of it going round in my head what I's giving me the problems is it amitryptyline withdrawal still or anxiety or the mirtazapine. I could function just about on amitryptyline but I can't being like this I'm so angry all of the time it's not good.

    • Posted

      20 years is a very long time..don't think your doctor did you any favours just stopping you dead and giving you Mirtazapine..I would think it's a combination of everything..have a look @"post acute withdrawal syndrome" it could be that that you're suffering is different from just withdrawal and happens after long term use 

      yes I am on fb 


    • Posted

      Thanks tessa I will have a look. I know the doctor did Me no favours I would go back on it but it's to late after 16 weeks. They offered to put me back on it but told them to late. There is a amitryptyline group on f/book if you're not already in it it might be of some help to you. The problem is we're all different and react differently and sometimes I wish we weren't so we would know what's what if that makes sense.

    • Posted

      Hi Tessa and Neilninja, i am with you both, Drs have no idea re  the coming off of  drugs that alter brain chemicals. They  just think you have anxiety problems or depression, it is very sad and makes me weep. You have to look after yourself and wean off this type of drug slowly, very slowly if you have been on it years. We are all different and drugs effect us very differently, touch wood i do not seem to have trouble with sleep but Sheena who is on here does it may be worth messaging her re this. Eventually you should  get better but it takes time. It is hard waiting for things to get better and anxiety kicks in making it even harder. There are  various herbal remedies and vitamins that have helped some people with sleep and mindful meditation is good, i try and practice mindfulness daily to help with anxiety. x
    • Posted

      I don’t blame ya for not going back on it also make sure that you taper really slowly off the Mirtazapine..

      I have found & joined the fb group you mentioned seems a lot of people have issues with the withdrawals I hope that things start to improve soon..did you manage to look up post withdrawal as not many people are that familiar with it x

    • Posted

      I will be making my own liquid tessa so I can get the exact 5% off I need to taper at. I've got everything ready to start. I did have a look yes very interesting I never new there was 2 parts I'm also in another group for mirtazapine on f/book which is very helpfull. We will get there it just seems a long road to walk when we're struggling so much x

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda we can only hope  that things get better soon.. I’ve had terrible anxiety all day but I’ve read that this can go on for weeks/months after stopping..I’m taking magnesium and vitamin b12 not sure if it’s helping me ? you are lucky that your sleep isn’t affected mine is awful and it’s so frustrating I never had any issues with sleep before taking this I took it for pain and now I feel totally messed up..I do hope that we all start to see some improvement soon but am struggling myself to see anything good @the moment x
    • Posted

      Hi tessai took 10mg for 4 weeks. I quit cold turkey and have been off them for 7 weeks now. Still get anxiety attacks and a lot of head pressure almost feels like sinus pressure but worse. he doctors are clueless and tell me it should be out of my systom by frustrating

    • Posted

      Hi andrew..the anxiety has got worse for me the last couple of weeks and yesterday was awful as it was there all day I can still feel it this morning too..yes doctors don't believe that you can still have these side effects weeks / months after you stop such a horrible thing to go sleep is awful too I'm barely getting 3 hours a night 

    • Posted

      Neil I wasn't aware either that post acute withdrawal syndrome existed..kinda makes sense

      when are you planning to start your withdrawal from Mirtazapine? sounds like you are getting properly prepared and good that you are in a group for guidance I think it helps to share with others..yesterday was awful my anxiety peaked and I suffered all day with it I also had nausea and seems it's still here this morning too I also only got the usual three hour sleep again just hard to believe that my sleep is going to get any better it's really annoying me and I am getting so angry with it all now sad. I can't even sleep in the day because it just doesn't happen my brain won't seem to shut down 

    • Posted

      The Drs have no idea how this drug affects some people, they hand it out so easily and say yes just stop at 10 mg it is a small dose. It may be small but very very powerful.I get sinus issues too coming off this drug.x
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      Same here I got Sinus as part of my withdrawal from amitriptyline. I am still fighting again the sinus, it comes and goes lol. But my daily headaches is going away slowly. There are days now that I will completely forget the trauma of amitriptyline. Thanks, wishing everyone recovery.

    • Posted

      I was at the drs several times  re my sinus he said it was fine, i could not even do some yoga moves when it was bad as unable to breath with my head low and i would have forehead and under eye pain too. It is better at the moment but often feel nasally and have sinus pain. sad x
    • Posted

      Hi amanda i have been off ami 10mg for 8 weeks have awful head pressure in sinus area went to ent doc he said my sinuses are completely clear i get pressure on bridge of nose and forehead also getting headaches did you experience these symtoms even aftet 8 weeks off this drug?
    • Posted

      Hello Andrew,

      I have the same sinus pressure and headache all the time. That is the only thing I am having now due to ami withdrawal. I stopped ami cold Turkey on the 9 Febuary 2016 after been on 10mg for three months. But the pressure is reducing very slowly.

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