amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Hi all

    I have been on amitriptyline since 1994. far too long. I was prescribed it when I had neck spasms, insomnia and inability to sleep. I now realise that my problems went back to childhood when I was prescribed anti-histamines to sleep. Anyway, I once tried to switch meds. 1997 - cold turkey as GP did not tell me to taper. Apart from the vomiting and the insomnia, I felt as if someone had turned a flame thrower on me. 

    I cannot function without it and am on a maintenance dose of 50-75 mg. It has turned my brain to mush and I wish I have never  been prescribed it. I will continue further but not tonight. Thank you.

    • Posted

      I feel your pain casilda I was on it 20 years.
    • Posted

      You can function without it, but you will need to taper very very slowly, others on here have been on high doses and on it for years and weaning off. It is hard and you will have bad times but if you want to be free you can. Do not go back up after a drop like i did it only makes weaning more difficult. Cut a small amount and stay there for 4 weeks to allow your brain chemicals to adjust and only drop again once your symptoms have gone, xx  
    • Posted

      Thank you. I aim to get there. I also take Sertraline due to depression. I only started it in June and it has helped me. I take heart from the fact that I was once on Mirtazapine for a year and came off it really easily and felt so much more energy when I came off it. Merry Christmas. x
    • Posted

      Hi Casilda

                       I've also been on Ami since 1994.  Most of the time I was on 50mg with a few months on 75mg.  I tapered off slowly in about 2008/2009 but ended up having to take seroquel, olanzapine, valium, tramadol and norspan patches to combat the withdrawal symptoms.  What a mess that was and getting off tramadol in particular was a nightmare.  I didn't know that Ami had withdrawal symptoms but if I had I would never have let the doctors put me on all of the other horrible stuff.  Anyway, I finally got rid of all of the other meds and went back to Ami because it seemed the lesser of the evils at that stage.

      Anyway, about 2 years ago I slowly reduced from 50mg to 25mg and stayed there for about a year.  Then a year ago I started cutting by 2.5mg every 6 weeks.  It seems to be working well doing it this slowly and any withdrawal symptoms have been very mild.  My main problem last time was not being able to sleep (even on anything less than 20mg) but this time the I am having very acceptable sleeps.  It does take a little longer to get to sleep and each time I cut it takes a few days to adjust but it's definitely all working well so far.

      Right now I am on day 5 of 2.5mg and doing ok.  I will stay at 2.5 for 4 weeks then go to 2.5 evey second night for 4 weeks then every 3rd night.  That's the plan anyway.  I have done a lot of detoxing and fasting over the last few months to help move stuff out of my system.  I take a multi vitamin, Vit B complex, Fish oil x3 and a probiotic.  So, for me the answer seems to be to taper very slowly and really focus on a healthy diet, lots of water and exercise.

      I wish you luck with getting off Ami.  It is most definitely possible and we are not stuck on it for life as I once thought.  Go for it.


    • Posted

      Hi everyone. I have been following this debate for a while now. I have been on ami 20mg for 3 years, for sleep problems, IBS& migraine. I too would love to come off the drug, but reading your comments is making me scared to try & come off. Im scared if my head will go like it did or if my IBS will flare again.

      I'll admit, it has helped me with the above conditions, but i don't want to rely on tablets forever.

    • Posted

      Dear Sheena

      Thank you for the detailed reply. I am finding that being gluten free is helping my energy - water and exercise (that was difficult due to pain). I have always been a worrier and i have literally worried myself into paralysis at times. Ami has made me passive. No too doubts  about it. I am concerned about my financial future as I have lost careers and two marriages to good men through my depression and fibro. 

      i manage to get by and indeed spend money on quality fish oils, magnesium and B supplements.  Feeling secure and being loved make me better, as they will turn down my sympathetic nervous system. Family are 450 miles away but I have friends. Have a good Xmas. 

    • Posted

      Hi Stephen, ultimately you will have to make the choice to stay on Amitriptyline or come off it. It is helping you and that is great, many people stay on it long term and again it is about quality of life.I decided to come off it as it was only to rest my nerves it helped so stopped then had to start and do a taper. You may struggle with sleep if you start to wean off like Sheena, your migraine and IBS will likely rear their heads again so, you must think about how you where before starting this drug. If you decide it is not for you please please please do a slow taper. x keep us informed x


    • Posted

      Hi  amanda & thank you for your reply. If im honest, i suppose 20mg ami is working for me. I am scared to come off incase my symptoms flare up again. I think because ive followed so many discussions on this forum of other peoples bad experiences, the wanting to come off ami has somewhat scared me.

      I think i will continue for now.

      Take care!!

    • Posted

      Hi Stephen

                        Please don't be put off by the withdrawal symptoms.  My own personal opinion is that I am sooo happy that I have made the effort to come off Ami.  In previous posts you will see that I had a disasterous attempt to come off several years ago.  This time I am more knowledgeable about the withdrawal symptoms and taking it much more slowly.  It's taken a couple of years but I am now happily on 2.5mg from 50mg.  I will continue to take it really slowly and hope to be Ami free in about 2 months.  My main reasons for coming off (after 23 years on 50mg) were sick of the unhealthy weight gain (and no amount of healthy eating and exercise would more it), and concern about the detrimental effects it was having on my kidneys, liver and brain which would only get worse as I get older.  

      I am so glad I made the effort and took it slow.  Every little bit less of this drug in our bodies the better off we'll be.  So, why don't you just try cutting by 2.5mg and take 17.5mg.  You could stay on that for 2 or 3 months if you like.  At least it would be a start and it would encourage you to go further.  You have nothing to lose.  Go for it.

    • Posted

      Hi Casilda

                       When you are feeling worried and anxious trying doing the 4-4-6 breathing technique which is designed to change the body from the sympatheric to the parasympathetic nervous system.  You breathe in slowly for a count of 4, hold for a count of 4 then slowly out for a count of 6.  Repeat this several times.  If the 4-4-6 doesn't suit you try 6-6-8.  The main thing is that the out breath is longer than the in.

      Have a lovely Christmas and a happy and healthy 2018

    • Posted

      Hi sheena. Well done to you on your ami withdrawal & i hope all goes well for you. Ive been on this drug 20mg for 3'years now. Ive never put on weight & i do exercise & eat well. The bit about the kidneys, liver & brain does worry me however.

      My tablets are in 10mg. Could you please tell me how i get a tablet to represent 7.5mg. I understand a pill cutter in half would make it 5mg. Do they do these tablets in 7.5mg form.

    • Posted

      Hi Stephen

      The tablets I have are the blue 10mg tabs and I've been using the pill cutter to cut them into halves or 1/4s depending on where I was at in the reduction. They are small but do cut into a 1/4 Ok. So what I'm taking right now is a tiny 1/4 of the 10mg and I will still take it slow from there.

      Good luck and Merry Christmas

    • Posted

      Sorry to jump in Stephen. I'm on mirtazapine 15 mg. I gave just started tapering. So I can get the exact right amount I need I make my own liquid. I crush my pill Up and go from there so then I know I will have the exact 14.2 mg needed as that's the 5% recommended decrease.

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