amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Hi Amanda, Sheena, Edie, Sammy and everyone else smile

    As you guys know I have been reducing my dose by .2 per night. For new ppl in this forum I started 10mg in November to help me sleep after another doc took my off of an acid blocker cold turkey. Best part was they put me on it thinking i might have H.pylori (which i didn't have), but rather than test first they just put me on 40mg of pantoprazole. The I saw a locum who said that i should never have been on it and to just stop..BIG MISTAKE every doctor i have talked to since then could not believe it, you can't just stop a proton pump inhibitor. So being that I was so sick, felt like my tummy was on fire and could not sleep they put me on amitriptyline 10mg and here I am trying to get off of this one.

    Aside from some insomnia I have been okay. The last couple days I have felt nauseas, headache, and dizzy just when I thought "Hey this isn't as bad as I thought it would be" sad. Luckily with the help of my amazing naturopath and suggestions from all of you i have been managing, good thing too because the fabulous hospital is on diversion again!mad.  My naturopath has provided me with lots of food suggestions depending on how sick i feel and sleep aids (which are working thank goodness). I will be down to 5mg tomorrow night and only 25 sleeps until im at 0!!!!

    Im feeling a little down today as no one likes to be sick but at least im headed in the right direction. I would love to hear how all of you are doing, it lifts my spirits to read that it will eventually get better. 

    Take care everyone and thank you for your continuous support and kindess

    • Posted

      Hey Tiffany 

      so excited for you, so glad to hear that everything is looking up. I know the nausea is horrible I still get it on and off, but overall you are doing so well. 25 days will go fast believe me, I'm off about 19 weeks now and wonder where did that time go. 

      Feeling down and depressed also goes hand in hand with coming off this med so don't despair.

      What foods etc did your naturopath suggest I would be interested to know for myself, and it may help others as well.

      So happy that you are doing so well, talk soon xxxx

    • Posted

      Hey Sammy,

      The food she suggested was based on how bad the nausea is. So when the nausea is horrible that I can barely eat I have homemade bone broth, Pedialyte freezies,jello, and apple juice and a Vega meal replacement that you mix with water. ( as milk is a big no no when you feel like throwing up)

      Then for moderate nausea I have all those plus bananas, toast , rice, boiled potato, dry cheerios, crackers

      Mild to moderate: easy to digest foods and proteins. Berries, chicken, salmon, oatmeal, steamed veggies, scrambled eggs. Bland noodles Plus everything above.

      It just made me feel better that I had a plan. So we made up a chart so I can easily see what my options are and don't have to try to eat things I can't stomach at that time.

      She also had me pick out some books I want to read, an adult coloring book, pick a tv series etc just things to help the time pass and remain calm.

      How long do you think your withdrawals will last? Yours hit you later on right? I hope not to much longer or hopefully you are over the worst. I'm so proud of myself for getting down to 5mg this tapering method is so much easier than the big drops were for me. Im like a little kid counting down the days untim christmas every night i get to put an "x" on the calendar. I know I may feel worse as I get lower but at least it wasn't the whole time. I am still taking my omega 3 daily, live probiotics and my pm amino acids that rebuild seretonin and help me to sleep ( they really have worked) I'm wondering if my herbal remedies and probiotics have helped with these bad withdrawals. Once I'm off completely I go back to my naturopath and we will work on the healing part 😊 so leaky gut diet just to help heal any issues that remain from the amount of unnecessary meds they gave me, and also supplements etc to help my brain rewire itself. I cannot wait to be done.. hopefully I only have a nasty week or two of withdrawals once I'm off since I tapered off slowly and have not been on this for too long although 4 months is long enough for me.

    • Posted

      Hey Tiffany

      i am really pleased that the titration is working much better for you, I learnt it from another lady years ago for Valium withdrawal. It made so much sense to come down gradual like going down a ramp rather than bumping down stairs with big cuts. Naturopaths are a godsend, I too take supplements and watch what I eat to help ease the nausea and I am pleased to say that it has eased off a lot, if the anxiety is there I seem to have it more, but even that is wearing off thank goodness. I have been doing this for so long I can't wait to feel 100% although I am probably at 97% so for that I am grateful.

      I know what you mean with ticking the days of the calendar funny how you are just wishing time away so you can get to the finish line lol. You are nearly there so congratulate yourself. I must admit I didn't have any nasty surprise withdrawal symptoms when I titrated that last 5mg it was all pretty doable and anticlimactic which I thought was funny as I was waiting for a big fallout which never came 😬.

      talk soon xxxx


    • Posted

      Hey Sammy

      97% that's amazing! I'm so happy to hear that!!😄😄 I hope this last bit of tapering goes well! 4.6 tonight😊 I have a headache today but that could be the weather or the lack of sleep. I tossed and turned all night. I kept falling asleep but couldn't stay asleep and had to keep getting up to pee lol. I wonder if I will have bad withdrawals after my last dose of .2? I suppose though as you are dropping .2 a night your body must be constantly detoxing and adjusting since it is a constant declining slope. Oh well I suppose if I do have any symptoms it won't be like a 10 to 0 drop. I can't believe 4.6 tonight! I'm so happy I have not had any fainting issues as I have come off of this. I do still the odd dizzy spell but NOTHING like it was. 😊 22 sleeps left!!

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      Glad things are going in the right direction Tiffany. Feeling low is normal you will be ok xx
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      Thanks Amanda 😊 today has been a little rough. I'm feeling tired and quite emotional and depressed. I have had weird pains in my jaw today that come and go not sure if that is withdrawal? I saw in another post you are doing well and no more nausea that is wonderful😊😊 you have come so far from your first post.

    • Posted

      Hi, Tiffany!

      I am SO glad to hear how well you’re doing!!! I have a naturopath doctor also, from long before any of these crazy health issues happened. They can do amazing things with their “potions.”  🤓  I usually shoot an ounce of Aloe Vera juice every morning and when my husband and I were first dating, he used to tease me and say, “What VooDoo juice are you taking now?” And I’d say, “Coming from the man who lives on Sudefed, Claritin, Benadryl, nose spray and half a dozen other things?!!!” He had awful allergies. I finally dragged his butt to my naturopath and she cooked up a brew specific to him, and about 85% of his allergies are gone now. It took awhile to get in his system, about 6 weeks to start working where he actually noticed a difference, but he’s a believer now. Now his DAD teases the BOTH of us! Sheesh. People don’t give natural remedies enough of a chance. They take a little longer to get in your system to work, and most people want  that quick, easy, often ADDICTIVE fix from their M.D. I’m really glad to hear that you’re going the natural way and sticking to it. Plus, I’m glad and really amazed that you even have a naturopath in your small town! Your end game day is getting closer and closer and I hope that will finally be the end of this insane journey you’ve been on. I think of you, and everyone else here, every day - and hope and pray that everyone gets a happy ending. Much love!!!


    • Posted

      Hi Edie 😊

      The natural remedies are amazing I have to admit I was not a believer at first but after going through all of this has really opened my eyes. My fiance goes to see her now too as he has some digestive issues. Unfortunately it's a 2 hour drive to go see her but worth it!! I am feeling the withdrawals as I get lower a lot more nausea spells throughout the day and some muscle aches and pains and on some days a constant headache. But I'm getting there 😁😁😁 4.2 tonight and only 20 sleeps left until I'm off of this poison! I hope I don't experience horrible withdrawals when I finish for a few weeks😔 Although I would assume being that I drop .2 every night and it's taking 50 days to go from 10 - 0 My body must be constantly detoxing and adjusting so it shouldnt be too bad I hope. Maybe only a couple weeks after stopping I'll feel like I'm getting back to normal. Once I'm off though I go back to my naturopath to start healing my body since all the meds that I was on and off. Not to mention the cold turkey withdrawal they put me through in October which was so bad they put me on amitriptyline to help me with that....*shakes head* anyways I hope you are doing well 😊😊 I'll keep everyone updated throughout this. Having you all as support means so much. Even my naturopath said all the advice and support I have received from all of you is amazing ? and she wishes more doctors would check out these forums to educate themselves and not believe what is written by the drug companies!! Anyways take care Edie and please stay in touch 😊😊

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      Hey Edie hope you are doing ok, haven't heard from you in a

  • Posted

    Hey everyone,

    Is acid reflux or the feeling of acid reflux a withdrawal symptom? It's not a burning feeling but like there is something in my throat like mucus or phlegm. I'm assuming it has something to do with withdrawals like everything else. Oh and for people experiencing headaches I have found taking 200-300mg of magnesium helps. Also rubbing my temples with a magnesium salve (bought at a health/natural store). I was taking advil daily and being that it can cause stomach ulcers if over used (which is the last thing I need) I consulted my naturopath for other ideas. Also Feverfew is great for migraines but can take a month or so to work.😊

    • Posted

      Hi Tiffany,

      Soon after I dropped to 5mg (mid November) l started getting excess mucus and the feeling of phlegm or mucus just constantly stuck at the back of my throat. The excess mucus is not so my a problem now but I've still got the unshiftable phlegm at the back of my throat. I've assumed that it was part of the withdrawal.

      My sleep is still bad but more on that when I get to a computer. Typing on my phone is giving me RSI 😀

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      It could well be Tifffany, the drug dries up mucus membranes so  as you reduce the drug the mucus membrane starts to work again.x
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      Thanks Amanda😊 Hopefully it will pass eventually👍 Down to 2.8 tonight so I am almost there!!! Thank goodness, what a struggle this drug is. How have you been?

  • Posted

    Hi. I’ve been reading this thread as I’ve just stopped 50mg a night 5 days ago. I had an accident over a year ago that damaged my shoulder tendon and I was in extreme pain and unable to sleep. I’ve headaches and nausea but otherwise fine. My GP said I could stop when I felt ready and could stop in one go. Am surprised to read the comments on here. 
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      Hi Kaz wow 50mg I hope you continue to feel fine but if things head south you know where to come for support and advice. Xxxxx
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      Hi Kaz wow i am so glad you have had no problems, i do know others like you who have had no problems but, sadly i know more who do have problems. We are all very different, can i ask have you ever or are been on antidepressants? x 

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