amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Hi Sammy, Sheena, Edie, Amanda and everyone else.

    I did It!!!😁 I took my last dose of .2mg last night. It took me 50 days of tapering but it's done. Now to heal?

    As I have gotten lower in my dose I have experience headaches, odd tummy pains , crying and nausea that is really weird tends to be bad one day and okay the next. It seems to come and go throughout the day - has anyone experienced this??? On my first attempt to get off this drug when I dropped 10 to 7.5mg the nausea was HORRID and was always there. So this time around is more manageable but weird. I also have burping now and lots of crying and moments of such a treat to be around lately 😂 I'm hoping all this is normal and will assuming I still have a couple weeks ahead of me of withdrawals.

    I saw a doctor at the walk in for my head last week...i was told that there are no withdrawals ( another one of them 😠wink and amitriptyline was probably masking something else or triggered something so he offered me a refill of this if I wanted...i nearly launched off the table and strangled him. Obviously I did not take the refill but I left with a million thoughts in my I'm hoping my experiences right now are normal and not something else 😐

    Thanks everyone I hope you are all doing well ??

    • Posted

      Hi Tiffany

      Well done and congrats, you did it girlfriend 🎉 🎉. I am so happy that you managed to get off this crap, another success woohoo. The effects you are feeling I am going through as well although I have vertigo as well, hopefully yours won't stick around for too long, The body is amazing and if we feed it and treat it right it can and will heal just takes time. 

      Wow gotta love them drs NOT. WHy don't they just learn to listen to their patients and not some leaflet written by pharmaceutical company when it comes to effects of this medication, makes me furious. I once said to my dr "have you been dependent on this drug? Then you have no experience with what I am going through" I don't care what the literature says this is real and this is my experience. Anyway rant over 😂 just super pleased to see someone else on the   I Kicked It To The Kerb List.. 

      take care xxxx

    • Posted

      Hi Sammy😊

      I am so happy to be off this minus the crappy feelings. I have been having headaches everyday not severe though, some last 20 mins other longer. The nausea comes and goes throughout the day. On bad days it must come and go a million times 😔😔 the burping is gone . My only issues are the weird headaches, anxiety & crying and of course the nausea...luckily the nausea did not get bad until around the 2mg mark...even then still not as bad as December, thank goodness. I'm relieved to hear my symptoms are normal.. I think i know that deep down, but hearing a medical professional say "its something else wrong not withdrawals" scares you especially when you anxiety is already high from this med. I think too i secretly hoped by go .2mg I'd be able to bypass the withdrawals. But look at Amanda she tapered over a year and still had to face some withdrawals at the end...i came off this is 50 days which is faster so I just need to accept these and know they will pass😔😔😢 but it's hard on the bad days.

    • Posted

      Hi Tiffany yes it is hard on the bad days, I have been at this taper for 2 years and still ended up with horrible side effects, who knows why some of us have an easy time and others have a hard time we are all so individual.

      Just happy that things are looking up for you, I usually have more good days than bad, and eventually it will be just a distant memory. 

      Lesson 1 I have learned to never take a second medication to help get off the first, lol where is the logic in that?

      Lesson 2 always do my research before another medication is ever taken.

      Lesson 3 question everything drs say and always if unsure get 2nd/3rd opinions. 

      Hopefully this thread will be helpful to others going through the same things as all of us, and hopefully it will give them the encouragement they need to also rid themselves of this evil little pill.

      Onwards and Upwards xxxx

  • Posted

    How are you doing now Amanda? 
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      Hey Amanda 😊 how long did you have withdrawals for once you were off these?

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      hi tiffany, it was about 4 weeks but it was not constant, the first week or so i had some symptons daily the odd days. 
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      Thank you for getting back to me 😊 I was able to taper off these horrible pills within 50 days. Dropping . 2mg a night. The good news is I am no longer dizzy or fainting 😄 my naturopath thinks that i was having a bad reaction that was causing my blood pressure to drop dangerously low. So I'm glad that part is over, it was quite scary!

      Since I have got down to around 2mg to now I have started having headaches, bad nausea spells, random muscle pains and like acid reflux (which i have never experienced) all these things seem to come and go. Somedays are better than others.

      I'm glad to hear that you experienced this too (not glad you had to go through it) I was thinking now something else is wrong! I have only been off this drug now for 7 days and being that it was a pretty quick taper I'm sure I have a few nasty weeks ahead. 😔

      Thank you for messaging me back, it made me feel better 😊I'm so happy to hear you are doing well!

    • Posted

      your welcome Tiffany, i hope you have very few symptoms over the next few weeks xx
  • Posted

    Hey everyone

    Day 12 today....yesterday was pretty good. No bad nausea, no crying, no anxiety, etc..

    Today however has been rough. I had a nasty nausea spell that lasted close to 2 hrs and lots of crying. I'm feeling so hopeless today 😔😔 I am worried I'll be sick like this forever which I know is partially the anxiety. I can't find any other explanation for nausea that comes and goes it must be withdrawals right?? Like I said it's just a bad day and I have to keep reminding myself it's only day 12...not even 2 weeks yet. Sorry for the long post I'm just feeling so down, alone and scared. Thanks for reading ?

    • Posted

      Hey could well be anxiety that you are experiencing it can cause nausea, anxiety and stomach upset I’m the same and it seems to be @its worst in the mornings for me and makes me feel awful..btw I’ve seen your posts on the Amitriptyline fb page and spoken to you about the withdrawals..I do hope we start to feel better soon I’m also feeling really down and scared myself Xx
    • Posted

      Hey Tessa smile

      Generally the nausea comes on first then my anxiety goes into overdrive. I have read a ton of posts on this group and the forums, I know that others are experiencing or have experienced the same as me, but in those bad moments it feels like I will never get better sad I had such a bad reaction on this pill and now withdrawals coming off....i'm just sick of the whole thing. I can be feeling pretty good and then out of nowhere like a light switch i'm nauseous then it goes away again. I cannot believe a tiny little 10mg pill can have such an seems impossible!

      I Just want to fast forward a couple weeks and feel better...but don't we all! I hope you feel better soon too and thanks for messaging me, I really appreciate it smile

    • Posted

      How long have you been off amitriptyline TessaTruck?
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      I think it’s nearly 5 months now and took it for about three well as the anxiety I’ve also got sleep issues which is the most annoying as I never had this before taking it Xx
    • Posted

      You are still having issues after 5 months! That's horrible have you tried supplements to rebuild your seretonin levels? Did you experience other withdrawals besides insomnia and anxiety??

      I'm sure the lack of sleep is only making the anxiety worse. Perhaps a naturopath could help you with some seretonin rebuilding supplements rather than another med??? I hope this corrects itself soon?

    • Posted

      Yes still having first I had depersonalisation, nausea, fatigue and couldn’t function properly..the insomnia was terrible @first I couldn’t sleep at all for over a week then I’d sleep for a couple of hours @a time and not be able to go back to it’s 4-5hrs which still isn’t enough sleep for me..I had diazepam from doctor but even with that my sleep was the same..not really taken any supplements but have been taking cbd oil which helps with  the anxiety..just so sick of it all and how it’s effecting my life X

    • Posted

      Oh Tessa that sucks! All from 10mg such a horrible drug isn't it. How did you taper? Reasonably slow? How long did the nausea and other withdrawals last?

      I'll look at the stuff my naturopath gave me to help sleep. I started taking it when I was tapering to try to balance my brain chemistry. Perhaps something similar would help You? I read that some people who have issues making seretonin have an awful time after this drug messes it all up.

      Glad to hear the other withdrawals have passed.

    • Posted

      Looking back I tapered far too fast..I had nausea on and off for a few weeks..its all a bit of a blur because I felt mentally effected by the drug anyways it made me feel like I was in a fog and effected my cognitive skills which then became worse upon withdrawal..I don't have any of that now but am stuck with random anxiety which is horrible and very poor sleep..

      hope you are doing better Tiff Xx

    • Posted

      How fast did you taper? I taperd mine over 45 days .2mg every night and I still ended up with nasty withdrawals. I was so hopeful i might escape them or only have them for a week.I cannot imagine how horrible it is for those that go cold turkey off of a higher dose.

      I sure hope the nausea goes away soon. It's been 2 weeks now😔 I hope your sleep improves soon and the anxiety settles down for you as well ?

    • Posted

      Hi Tessa....I also am having a terrible time with anxiety which amplifies every other withdrawal symptom. May I ask which company you purchase your cbd oil from? I need help and don't want to do tranquilizers. X

    • Posted

      Hi Nancy..

      I was using the canavape additive version because I vape..

      I have also used the oral Simply cbd too they have a website and a Facebook page called Simply Cbd Users which is very helpful..

      they are reasonably priced compared to some other cbd products and have lab reports on all their products x

    • Posted

      Hi Tessa,

      I'm sorry you've had such a rough go with your withdrawal. I hope it hasn't gotten much better. Curious if your sleep has improved by this point? Also suffering from terrible insomnia that just doesn't seem to want to improve. Thank you!

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