amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    I am a 20yo Type 1 Diabetic and developed excruciating nerve pain about 5 months ago when my wisdom teeth were becoming impacted, one was also infected. After they were removed my pain became worse and I was told to take 50mg of Amitriptyline at night after being told for weeks that I couldn't possibly have nerve damage at my age. I have been on amitriptyline for about 3 months and my nerve pain is now on both sides of my face rather than just the left side, it hasn't gotten better but I am learning to cope with the pain. About a week into taking it I became constipated, couldn't urinate properly, developed severe neck, back, and chest pain, suffered from vertigo, tremors, strange sensations in my limbs, and I haven't been able to get more than 4 hours of sleep a night for months now. I have been on every pain killer and nothing helps with the side effects or nerve pain, they even tried something stronger than morphine. I refuse to take sleeping pills and have decided I need to stop taking amitriptyline because I can't live like this but I'm really scared now after reading this forum. I'm going to see my doctor in a couple of days but didn't take my dose last night. I am sitting here after being awake since 12am (it is now 5am) and have had 3 showers/baths since midnight to temporarily relieve me of my body aches. The doctors don't even think what I have is trigeminal neuralgia (a typical condition which affects the facial nerves) because I don't just have pain on one side of my face, and it only ever occurs when I'm eating, drinking, or opening my mouth too wide (seems to relate to when I salivate) but they keep referring me to more maxillofacial surgeons who all say they don't know what is wrong with me and have refused me an MRI due to my age and exposure to radiation. I have every symptom associated with 'First Bite Syndrome' but the condition is extremely unknown to most doctors and they won't listen to me. I feel absolutely drained and am having multiple breakdowns a week because I can barely move my body some days. I am hoping I can get through the withdrawal symptoms because my side effects are so severe anyway and I seem to be surviving now (just).

    • Posted

      Hi Mikayrawr, dont worry too much about coming off the drug many have  few withdrawal symptoms. A friend of mine had been on 30mg for 3 years and went down to 10mg then the following week had5mg then none and all ok. However, cut down slowly to help eliminate withdrawal symptoms. x
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      Phew, that makes me feel a bit better. Thank you, I'll let you know how I go :-)

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      Hi Mikayrawr

      Everyone is different on amitrytyline and coming off amitrytyline. You definitely sound like you're getting no benefit at all so I'd be getting rid of it as quickly and painlessly as possible.

      Good luck with everything

    • Posted

      Hey everyone, just thought I would give a quick update. I ran out of my ami pills so I bit the bullet and went cold turkey, hoping that because I'd only taken them for a few months my withdrawal symptoms wouldn't last too long. Had nausea and loss of appetite for a few days, body aches are subsiding now, I'm still constipated because I was taking codeine to help me sleep with the body aches, my bladder is slowly returning to normal function, my nerves definitely got the shock of their life and I get tingles/chills sometimes but it's bearable. Sleeping seems to be getting easier slowly and surprisingly my facial nerve damage (which I was on ami for) is actually better than when I was taking it... I wish doctors would look into things a little more before they prescribed medication because I could have avoided months of pain, would have helped if they did an MRI which they still refuse to do. Anyway I'm feeling a lot better! Hope everyone else is doing well.

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      Hi Mikayrawr, I have 2 friends who have stopped amitriptyline and no symptoms, one was on 10 mg for a few months, the other 30 mg for a couple of years. Try not to worry about it as this causes more anxiety and your body becomes more tense, easier said than done though. i am currently suffering with  an upper gum problem. my dentist thinks it is nerve damage from a sinus infection which, started when i commenced my 3rd failed attempt to cut from 5 mg to 2.5 mg. It has been 9 weeks and gum still feels raw and sore with no visible  ulcers or anything. She asked me to go back in a few weeks and she will refer me to hospital if no improvement.  I am olso experiencing a burning throat. I have had a sore neck and shoulders muscle aches since march this year. i do not know if this is the amitriptyline or anxiety. I neveer ever suffered with anxiety before starting amitriptyline. Keep on at the Drs re your aches and mouth pain we should not just have to live with it xx keep us posted.  
    • Posted

      Hi Mikayrawr. I have been on Amitriptline for 8 years for a neck injury that could not be rehabilitated    I was hospitalised 3 years ago with numbness down the left side of my body including the face, heart palpitations, pressure on the chest , stiff neck and jaw.  It was also painful and scary.  Heart tests revealed no abnormality, yet I had a reaction to the dye used in the angiogram .   I had multiple MRIs which led the doctors to believe. It may be the onset of multiple sclerosis they also thought it could be trigeminal neuralgia.  I endured 18 months of tests  with no further deterioration in the brains white matter and nothing conclusive of what it could be.  All of my doctors knew I was on Amitriptline and one of them even upped the dosage to 50mg to help with symptoms.  Since then I have developed a thing called restless legs a very unpleasant symptom which is worse than the withdrawal from Amitriptline     I've done it several times when I have not been able to get to the doctors and also to give my body a break from constant medication.   The point of all this that I have been able to pin point the restless legs with the taking of this drug, this is one of the serious side affects along with stiff legs, arms, heart palpitations.  Etc.  Not everyone is as sensitive to the drug, but the side effects are prevalent enough to have been documented.   I would say to all of you if you are experiencing stiff legs etc it may not be withdrawal.  It took years for me to develop the symptoms that hospitalised me for 2 weeks and it's took 18 months after the drug was increased to start experiencing the restless legs.  Please go see your Dr the things you are experiencing could be the drug it works on the central nervous system. If you want more details please let me know and I will supply .   None of my doctors even thought of the side effects that this drug can cause and they are listed as serious


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    I have a disease called HAE.  My doctor, twice, told me that I could stop taking the Amitriptyline.   I was taking 75 mg a day, went down to 50 and was doing ok except for dry mouth.   I then stopped and I had a bad HAE attack in my stomach (swelling and severe pain).  I then took my Amiltriptyline last night and my stomach feels much better.   I am going to try to go back to 50 mg per night and see how this does.  I can't find anything in the literature about Amiltripyline regarding help with stomach swelling but that seems to be the case.  I hate the dry mouth I have been feeling but I can't handle the severe pain in my stomach.  

    • Posted

      Hi Momio

      If you really want to go back onto Amitrytyline why don't you try a smaller dose to start with and then only go back up to 50mg if you really need to. After over 20 years on amitrytyline my thinking is that the less of this medication you can get by on the better.

      I'm currently doing a very slow taper down from 50-75 and I'm currently doing ok on day 17 at 15mg. Planning to get off it completely but it will be a few months yet.

      All the best😊

    • Posted

      Hi Everyone, we are suffering. I was on amitriptiline for only 3months due to a panic attack I had related to my job,  which I could control but the doctor prescribed this medication. Without any knowledge of medications I took it, know it is affecting my life. I stopped taking the medication after 3months on it,  I had anxiety, insomnia, shakiness,  palpitation, and so many, etc, I never had all these before in my life. 5 months now after stopping the medication, my sleep in back but not yet perfect,  I am still having something like headache each day (I call it headache but it is not, seem like my brain in sometime is strong, smile ), lack of concentration etc and they are running my life. Will I ever be 100% me again? Sometimes I would sleep then suddenly the next day I won't.   Please is there anyway I could get myself over this? I have always been healthy in my life, I don't take any  illegal drug. 

      Before I noticed that all these are withdrawal from amitriptiline a psychiatrist diagnose me with social anxiety. Again before all these happen I have never had anxiety if it is not just stress for exams etc.

      Some people said they felt better after 1 year or 2. But they were on amitritiline for more than 10 years. 

      Any help will be so much apreciated. 

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      I was just on 10mg at bet time, andI stopped taking it without tapering. 
    • Posted

      You are bound to feel better eventually (hopefully sooner rather than later) just keep looking after yourself in the meantime. It effects us all differently. Sorry I can't suggest any solid remedies for you.

      I'm still doing a very slow taper down from 50-75mg after being on 50mg for over 20 years. This is my second attempt. The last one was about 7 years ago and it was a disaster. I'm taking it VERY slowly and doing ok so far. I've been on 15mg for about 4 weeks now and will try to go down to 12.5mg in a couple of weeks.

      Hang in there. Try not to worry about the brain sensations l just try to think of it as the brain rewiring itself back to normal.

    • Posted

      Hi everyone just an update, i have been away this week so not been on my laptop. Just an update, i am still taking the 5mg of ami but have a headache all the time. i say headache its not a head ache as such  more a heavyness which, paracetamol does not seem to touch so it cannot be a pain thing. i have been on 5mg for several weeks now but do not want to reduce further yet as hoping this thick head feeling will subside. I worry it will not pass though! I have been having some anxiety issues and a constant sore neck so need to sort this out before i start another reduction i think. How are you all? Sheena have you dropped to 12.5mg?
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      Sorry to hear that you are still having the wierd headaches and other problems. It's most likely due to ami withdrawal but who knows!

      I'm still on 15mg and as long as everything is going ok (no stress or any other problems) mt sleep is good. It's been 4 weeks so I'm due to cut to 12 5mg on 10th July. I will still be travelling and at that stage will be sharunf a room so will see how l go. For some reason I think that I'll start having sleep probs once I go lower than 15mg but we'll see.

      Have you seen anyone re you neck and headache ?

    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, glad all going ok. To answer your question no i have not seen anyone re my headaches and neck but may look into this if it continues. I do hope you do not start having trouble sleeping when you cut down to 12.5mg xx
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      I don't know how useful it would be to see a doctor (given that they got us here in the first place). They would most likely say that they weren't ami w/d symptoms anyway. You would know best instinctively what is causing these symptoms. I hope they go soon.

      How long have you been on 5mg now? Maybe you could try going down to 4mg (after about 6 weeks on 5mg) and see how you go. You might still have the same symptoms but at least you will be one step closer to your goal. If the symptoms do get worse then maybe go back to 5mg for an extra long time xox

    • Posted

      Hey Amanda

      Sorry to hear that you are having head and neck issues, who knows if this is ami withdrawal or not, but definitely could be I am at week 19 since last cut and whilst some head issues are dissipating others are coming to the fore, at the moment I have tinnitus that sounds like I am in the middle of a shipping channel with 200 fog horns. Maybe wait a bit longer to see if they rectify on their own. I do know that when you get down to lower amounts the percentage of the cut is greater. Who really knows with these drugs? Xxx

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      Hi Sheena i have been on 5mg for 5 weeks and 1 day.  today is a little better  no head pain but still neck ache. i will wait another week and reduce to 4mg.
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      Hi sammy my ears are muffled at times and i have has 2 episodes of tinnitus but, this was when i cut from 20mg to 10mg. i spoke to the dr re this and he dismissed this saying ami does not cause tinnitus, i loose hope as the liturature supplied with ami states it can cause tinnitus sad. xx
    • Posted

      Hi Sheena , just an update. My headache/ thick head has gone and so  i have started to reduce further, currently i am on day 2 of only taking 4mg  liquid ami. I do hope i dont waken in the morning with headache lol. So i hope this is my final  month/6 weeks on this drug. once opened the liquid only last a month so i plan to reduce  1mg per week but, if i  start to have bad withdrawal i will have to  ask for another bottle. I plan on using it if i go past the month and am only on 1mg  as i think it will not hurt. I hope you are well and will keep regular updates over the next 4 weeks or so x   
    • Posted

      Hi amanda59745 and all,

      I am happy to hear that you are recovering. I noticed a huge change since last week, my headaches have decreased in amplitude and the brain fog is going away, and I am sleeping very good so far. I hope it will get better and better. I am having sinus which is making things worst again, but I kept remining myself that my headache now is sinus related. 

      We can get better from the withdrawal, everything will be fine after all. If I can sleep well today then any other things will just go away too. Two months ago I could not imagine myself sleeping naturally, this drug traumatised me. Please do not rush for you tapering, take it very slowly. 

      I am praying for all of you overthere suffering from this med. I travelled to South Africa 10 days ago for a conference and I find this diet call "vitaforce". It is a life server for me, since I started taking it, all these problems are going away and I am coming to normal. Please look at this where ever you are, it is very good than the other diets etc.

      Let us know your progress.

      God bless you all

    • Posted

      the diet name is: "Vitaforce Nutri B". It helps a lot and it is just a supplement not a pharmaceutical med. It seems like it is a vitamin? I really do not know, all I want is cure from my withdrawal. Let me know if you find it where ever you are, or arrangement can be make from my side. It is not expensive, if I can spend just some few 10 to 12euro to safe like then why not safe many life?

    • Posted

      Hi Amanda,

      How's the 4mg going?

      I'm due to drop down to 12.5mg today but I'm sleeping pretty badly at the moment so I'll be staying on 15mg for a bit longer. I did have a 2-3 weeks of ok sleeps when I first went down from 17.5 to 15mg but l don't think I've had one night for 3 weeks now. I'm hoping it's just circumstances and not the lower dose of Ami. Im still travelling and have been sick for a few days, sharing rooms/houses with others and, for the last 2 nights, I've been kept awake by insanely itchy mosquito bites.

      So, l won't be reducing again anytime soon until I start having some better sleeps. It's 4.30am now and the mossie bites are driving me crazy 😦

    • Posted

      Hi Sheena,

      Bad to hear that, but keep it on, everything will be fine at the end. I too, since 1 week today everything is like fine and I am seeing a future and total recovering from ami. Sleep will come back but just take it very easy with the tapering. Please stay on the 12.5mg until you fell better, do not rush. Good bless you

    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, things are going fairly well i have actually dropped to 3mg on monday, it is now thursday and no withdrawal symptoms. I do feel anxious though but this will pass. Poor you not sleeping well, it is best not to drop yet. Wait until you feel better. x
    • Posted

      Hi Amanda

      I'm still on the 15mg as it's definitely not the right time

      to be cutting down. I'm sleeping pretty badly but there is a lot

      going on and I'm sure I'll be ok on 15mg when things are quieter.

      I even very reluctantly took 20mg one night last week DESPERATE

      for a good sleep but that didn't work 😣.

      So, it's been almost 9 weeks on 15mg and until l can get some

      regular good sleeps l won't be cutting down again any time soon.

      I'm glad you're doing well and the moment and know that I'll get

      back on track again soon. It's a long, slow process but will be worth

      it in the end.

    • Posted

      I agree Sheena you must stay at that level it will get better when your brain regulates itself. We have to listen to our bodies re withrawing from such medications. Take it easy and try not to stress re the sleep as this makes it worse well, it does for me. It will definately be worth it xxx 
    • Posted

      Hi Sheena just an update not feeling too well for the past couple of days, i am currently experiencing a very dry mouth and burning in my throat.  I am not sure if a dry mouth is a withdrawal symptom, i know it is a side effect when you start amitriptyline. When i first started on ami, i did get a slight dry mouth and  a couple of mouth ulcers. What i am experiencing at present is far worse, I keep getting tiny ulcers on my tongue and am sipping water all the time as my mouth is just so dry. I have developed a tickly cough as my vocal cords seem irritated from being so dry. All this started when i started to reduce from 5mg but, i had a cold and cough at the time so put it down to a viral infection however, i am sure it cannot be as i have had it almost 3 weeks. i am becoming  so anxious and worried. I am so anxious about this and do not seem to be thinking properly my head  feels dizzy and heavy , i keep crying. the past two nights i have had trouble falling asleep but, did eventually. Do you know of anyone having a  dry mouth problems as  a result of withdrawal?
    • Posted

      Hi Sheena, Another update, i am currently experiencing cramp pains this evening, i have increased my amitriptyline to 2.5mg as feel i have reduced a little too quick. i have felt very light headed / dizzy today also. I will stick at 2.5mg  and hope these symptoms pass soon x  
    • Posted

      Hi Armandolev, i too never had anxiety issues before amitriptyline and fear i will never be me again. I cry lots because i'm sad that i am lost. My Dr also said i have health anxiety and advised me to seek  a mental health professional. i did and they said i'm not depressed or have health anxiety but, said i am on a drug i want to come off which , has  horrible side effects and i'm not being supported by my Gp. Can i ask  do you feel lightheaded/ spaced out at all or dizzy? Did you have any hearing issues when you stopped? I'm on 5 mg and and struggling to get  down further. x 

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      hi amanda i will tellyouabout myself , i had bowel cancer in 2013 had operation and all was well, i have regullar scans and bloods done, my 5 years is up next april , in the meantime my partner was diagnosed with lung cancer last dec we had a terrible 10 months of tests and radio therapy , doc said i got health anxiety as every symptom i get so worried what is wrong with me, he put me on various anti depresents and had to come of them i am now on amitriptyline 10mg ,i am getting tingling around my mouth and top of my arms doc said it could be the anxiety or the amitriptyline as both can cause tinging he told me to take a tablet every other day for a week and then stop to see if it is the tablets ,i only take 10 mg does anybody think i will get withdrawals after only 6 weeks of taking them thank you for any information
    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer I just saw your post but thought I would answer here instead. Why were you on amitriptyline? 

      Going cold turkey from 50mg is quite a jump I went from 25 for 5 years down to 0 but I tapered slowly over a couple of years, the last 2 being the worst, I started having the same problems as you when I was down to about 12mg, I have been off for 5 months and still having issues with ears ringing constantly, ear fullness and balance/spacey feeling. Everyone on here has different experiences with this medication. Have you had any advice given by drs or did you make the decision to go cold turkey?


    • Posted

      Hi Sammy 

      My Dr said this is not due to withdrawal, So was of no help. The reason I came off so quickly was due to my ears ringing so loudly along with other major issues like I couldn’t walk balance was so bad. I was even hospitalized for it. I tried going up to 75 mg and that caused jerking like convulsions so I just stopped it. Been suffering tremendously the past 5 -6 weeks or so. sad are you able to function aside from the ear balance issues 

    • Posted

      Did you have any withdrawal symptoms? I took 10mg for 3 weeks and I have been suffering from this headache since stopping on May 3rd, 2018.

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