amitriptyline withdrawal

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Hi all, i have tried unsuccessfully to withdrawal from amitriptyline twice.  every time i get down to 5mg i start with awful symptoms, bad headaches, nausea, belching, abdominal cramps, back ache and  my bowels get so upset they feel like they are swollen i get bloated have wind and abdomen feels bruised. has anyone experienced this also?   

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    Yes, I have experienced this when I came down to 5 mg from 25mg in 6 months gradually. I am on 25mg again. Do anybody know or have been trying or was pregnant while taking this medicine? please share your experiences. i am trying to wean off for getting pregnant but don't know if my pregnancy will have no issues even when i am taking it at 25mg or less.

  • Posted

    I have found the withdrawal symptoms horrendous and it’s only been 3 weeks since i stopped taking amitriptyline.

  • Posted

    Hi, so it's been about 36 hours since I last had 20mg of Amitryptyline and I've got similar symptoms. how soon did your side effects start?

  • Posted

    Hi Amanda, I have just registered, as I have been reading all about the amitriptline withdrawal symptoms. I am 78 years old, and 8 years ago was given this drug 10mg. for IBS. it had been working fine. But Jan this I decided I would cut it down by half 5mg.

    All was ok the suddenly after two weeks, I got IBS symptoms back and started feeling not good. Ended up in Hosp. for ct scan and was told nothing shown probably ibs. I never even thought it was because of the cutting down of the ami drug. So stupidly two weeks ago I cut it out completly. I started getting bad headaches, sore stomach, dizziness, terrible feelings when walking.

    WEnt to DR. and said about the headaches, and he did tests and said to go to a and e hospital to be checked. Then it dawned on me, was it the stopping the AMitriptyline. I didnt go to Hospital, and last two days taken the 10mg of Amitriptyline, to try to feel better. I have never in my life felt so bad. I cant eat, I feel so sick and dizzy headaches etc etc. Do you or anyone know is there anything to make me feel better, I JUST did not know about cutting down slowly, which I will do now. But I at the moment I feel so bad. I helps to read all these people who are suffering also, as I dont feel so alone. xx

    • Posted

      hello! i wanted to reply because i am currently going cold turkey from amitriptyline and feel so awful. i have looked through many posts and lots of people have suggested various supplements to help combat the withdrawal symptoms. fish oil, magnesium, and 5-HTP. i plan to talk with my doctor about whether they think taking these will be okay. i truly hope you find some relief from this soon ❤️

    • Posted

      The anticholinergic effects of this drug are very strong for some people. It made me so poorly cutting from 10 mg to 5 mg. I got it in liquid form and stepped down 1 mg at a time over a few months. Take care

  • Edited

    This reply thread has been so helpful. if anyone who replied and shared their experience sees this - thank you! i got covid last year and after all symptoms were gone i had long haul effects in the form of a constant headache and complete fatigue. finally became unbearable so the doctor put me on ami. and it worked for a bit, but my neurologist decided to add another headache medicine into the mix. that combo seemed to work, and now that i got the vaccine i think my headaches are gone (maybe??) and to find out my doctor said i could go off the ami. laugghhhhh outttt loudddd what a nightmare that has been. i was taking 10mg of amitrip. for around 10 months, sometimes 20mg on bad headache days. And stopped cold turkey about a week and a half ago and i feel WORSE now than i did at the very beginning of my long haul covid symptoms. wow this drug is a nightmare. i have constant headaches again, im so nauseous, im always hungry (but actually not??) and thirsty, i can barely move around because i get exhausted from littlest amount of physical activity. And the cramping???

    im not saying it makes me happy to read everyone's terrible experience, because it really doesnt 😦 im so sorry you are all dealing with this sh* t too, but it feels nice to be alone in dealing with this i really thought i was borderline dying before i found this forum.

    i have no advice for making this easier for anyone, just wanted to add my experience of how awful this is. im hoping i can stay strong and not start taking it again, but we'll see. may have to do the tapering, etc, to relieve some of this pain and discomfort ☹☹☹

    • Posted

      Hi Ash, it is truly horrific isn't it. The cramps, massive headache even my eye muscles were sore, nausea, so tired yet I could hardly sleep. Ami withdrawal was one of the worst things I have experienced. Like you I was on 10 mg occasionally 20 mg. It took me months to get off it. Had it in liquid form and reduced 1 mg at a time. I feel fine know apart from anxiety xx take it slow you can do it xx

  • Posted

    I'm so glad that I found this forum as I would have had no idea otherwise that my symptons were almost certainly a result of coming off amitriptyline I had been on amitriptyline for about 13 years but as I hadn't had any migraines for a few years I decided with support from my GP to stop taking them. That was about three weeks ago. I was only on 20mg a night so I cut down to 10mg and then to 5mg. About a week later I started getting very bad indigestion and flatulence with pain just under my breast bone. I took antacids and then gaviscon to no effect. It was particularly bad around 4am and I couldn't sleep. I thought that it might be a recurrence of a duodenal ulcer I had 30 years ago. i began to wonder if I had developed a food allergy. Then I saw this forum and other people's experiences which seemed very familiar. I phoned my GP but he was away so I had a telephone appointment with a locum. He asked to see me face to face and I told him about the withdrawal side effects I had read about online. So he suggested that the first thing to try was to go back on to 10mg of the amitriptyline. That was on Tuesday and since Wednesday I've been almost back to normal - sleeping well, no more stomach discomfort and only a little indigestion/wind. It was such a relief as I was worried that it might be something serious like an ulcer or even cancer. i have a telephone appointment with my own GP on Monday. Now I suppose I will have to decide whether to come off it again and take my GP's advice. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

    • Posted

      Hi lesley, I had bad withdrawal cutting from 10 mg to 5 mg. Stomach pain, nausea, pain in all my muscles, headache, twitching, you name it I had it. My gp too suggested going back on 10 mg I did and a couple of days later I was fine again. My gp suggested cutting back again a couple of weeks later. I did and same thing happened I then researched amitriptyline! It affects everyone differently and I know people who have had no problems getting off it. I got the drug in liquid form and reduced 1 mg every few weeks. I had some symptoms at times even on the liquid form but, much less aggressive. X

  • Posted

    so glad i found this thread just hope someone will reply ? having a terrible time gp told me to come off 50mg amitriptyline and it has been the scariest thing i have done , the hot and cold sweats being sick no appetite , but its the constant upset stomach , ive had to come back on it to lower the dosage but how long do these symptoms last ? i cant handle the upset stomach constantly running to the loo 20 times a day

  • Posted

    Hi Natalie, can I ask if you have just stopped the 50 mg or are you cutting down slowly? You should cut tabs in half and come off of this drug very slowly. It can take years to come off of it if you have been on it years. I was on 10 mg and cut to 5 mg but, had awful withdrawal symptoms had to go back on 10 mg. I then got the drug in liquid form and reduced 1 mg every few weeks. I was on amitriptyline around 18 months and it took nearly a year to get off it as I recall. It was a few years ago now. X

    • Posted

      hi yes my GP told me to stop taking the tablets which was 50mg i was cold turkey for 5 days until the withdrawal hit me . im currently back on them but taking 25mg but i have been non stop going to the toilet my stomach is so sore with the pains its unreal . i didnt realise it could affect someone so much its actually scary . just pray the stomach eases up as im back in work x

    • Posted

      I cannot believe your gp said to stop 50 mg! Your probably having the awful tummy pains and frequency because you have halved your dose. I think if you went up more things would settle. You could then start a proper weaning regime. X

    • Posted

      my gp is new so im not sure they have any idea what they are doing 😦

      been having a shocking time such a horrible experience can you remember how long your stomach pains lasted for ? feel like i cant take much more been close to phoning 111 for some advice or just straight to the hospital but i know on the way there the pains would kick in xx

    • Posted

      Natalie, im having the exact same issue as you. did you up your dosage again to 50? how long did the stomach pain last ?

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