An unpleasant taste in my mouth!
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Hi to all you wonderfully ladies just wondering if anyone could help me with advice?. Iam 45and for a few months I just haven't felt my normal self, somedays I feel ok bit like a lot of others like today I DON'T feel quite depressed! Just want to b on my own and not wanting to talk to anyone. And a horrid taste in my mouth now for over a week and not wanting to eat foods I like as it seems to leave a horrid taste in my mouth . Today I have a horrid taste aginn as I had liver last night .i think in on the change? Should I goto the doctors or am I been silly? Does anyone else feel like this? Just feel so bloody low like the whole world is against me, I even take offence to the slightest littlest thing!. Why am I like this ?
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natalie86711 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 natalie86711
NonnieDD Shelly0069
I hope you feel better to and it helps to know that you are not alone.
mel64317 Shelly0069
Certainly sounds like peri menopause.....often catches us ladies in our 40s.
I would try the natural route first at this stage, maybe be St Johns Wort and other health shop preparations for " mood lifting"
It may be worth checking with your Doctor if there IS anything going on in your tummy ? We make less or sometimes more stomach acid often at this stage of our lives.....easily remedied once identified. And a test for a yeast infection in your gut can also be the problem...?
I always say, start to keep a diary of foods, feelings and symptoms. You can buy a cheap,this year, A4 size diary ( which people don't want any more) from Amazon for about £1...! Truly, just bought one for a buddy ! This you can show to your partner, a doctor and whoever has a vested interest. It can also show you patterns of behaviour and food tolerances...really useful.
And honey, need to take care of yourself better than you ever have. It can be a challenging time for us all.......
Take care and good luck 💕
buddah_girl Shelly0069
jennifer01077 Shelly0069
This is part of perimenopause. Your hormones are dropping, and it really affects your mood (my mood, all our moods). Other things, taste, anything that comes from your nervous system. But honey, you don't have to, thank the sweet heavens and stars above, suffer it too much.
I think keeping a diary is excellent, and learning about surges and ebbs of the monthly hormones is really a good idea. You can see if it is ovulation (when your estrogen is high) or pre menstrual time (again, an estrogen surge) that is when the bad mood strikes.
The fact that your period hasn't changed doesn't mean much. Mine is still regular as clockwork, and I have been suffering peri symptoms for maybe 8 years (I am 51).
The things to do about mood: exercise. It really helps, and you just have to go for a 40 minute walk three times a week. Buy good running shoes, if you can afford them. If you go out when you are in a bad mood, you will notice the mood change by about the 30 minute mark. It is kinda magic.
Natural remedies. They can be expensive, though. st. john's wort. a lot of people here recommend menopace.
Make sure you get a lot of rest and down time, if possible. Do meditation, try yoga. See what you like. Really I changed my whole life because of this perimenopause. But it has been good in the end.
You can take anti-depressants as well. I do (well, I have always suffered from depression, so of course I do). It's a controversial subject, but you can also go on progesterone, or use progesterone cream before your periods or when you ovulate, whenever the estrogen is high. To be honest, that is the thing that helps me the most. You can buy the cream on amazon.
But you are totally not being silly, michelle. Suffering depression is really hard, I oughtta know! Whether it's hormonal, or because of your brain, in my case, it is an awful thing. So please do take steps, try this and that, and don't suffer. I feel pretty good now, a lot better than I did five years ago. I am still in perimenopause, but I know all the ins and outs and have solutions for things. Good luck to you, Michelle.
Shelly0069 jennifer01077
jennifer01077 Shelly0069
Michelle, to be honest, if I had 3 kids, I would be really aggressive about treating my moods. I wouldn't worry about what gender the doctor is, it is all a bit of a crapshoot with them generally. I would describe the problems exactly to the doctor, maybe write it down beforehand so it is clear and you don't forget anything. They might recommend the Pill, I don't know if you are on it now.
I want to ask you if your periods are regular, or spaced close together? And do you have broken veins in your legs? Periods spaced close together and broken leg veins indicate lack of progesterone, which has been a really issue for me. Progesterone cream has worked really well to help deal with pms for me. However there are a lot of mixed reports about hormone therapy, about its dangers. I have looked into it a bit, and it seems pretty ambiguous to me. Even hrt, which got such a bad rap from one study, had a contradictory study from Denmark, and using progesterone only had a pretty good report from a Canadian study, in terms of the increased danger of cancer. I mean, the Canadian study indicated that the risks of cancer were associated more with estrogen usage than progesterone.
I am sorry if I am overloading you.
Maybe you are thinking about anti-depressants? If I were you, I would try the progesterone cream first.
Of course I use anti-depressants, I really do have a mental illness. But when I started the peri symptoms, I increased my dose to try to help me deal with them, but it didn't help. The progesterone helped. I decreased the dose of anti-depressants again. I don't know if this information is useful.
Between exercise, progesterone cream, and an herbal supplement (along with the Pill and iron supplements, because I have really heavy periods, it's not your problem at all), I feel pretty good now.
I wouldn't worry about your customers, how they experience you is pretty momentary. But your kids . . anyway, you've got the right attitude, you are concerned and aware.
I have really learned, by fits and starts, to put myself and my health foremost. I really hate to parcel out that advice haphazardly, because it is not always possible, and I haven't always done it. We all have to sort out our own priorities and what we can live with.
Oh I hope this helps. But something will help. You just keep trying this and that.
Shelly0069 jennifer01077
amanda57592 jennifer01077
jennifer01077 Shelly0069
Yaaah, I am sorry about your bad experience with your periods. To be honest, I have had bad periods since they started in my teens, with horrendous pain,vomitting, diarrhoea, flooding, clotting - that's why I stay on the Pill. The periods are still heavy but no cramps now. I guess from my perspective, you are kind of used to good health, aside from the migraines, and I am kind of used to bad health.
I said that kind of flippantly, I am so sorry. I only had one migraine in my life, and it was the only time I ever stayed home from work.So that is a lot to cope with. I just took a quick look at the Internet about migraines, and it seems they are associated with low estrogen. I don't have any experience with this. You could try estrogen creams, also available in stores or on Amazon. I really can't say.
About the anti-depressants, I guess you are thinking about trying them and are a little nervous? A lot of people use them around this time. I hardly know what to recommend, honey. They certainly help me, but my problem didn't start in perimenopause. I guess give them a try? And if they work, keep on them for a good long stretch, don't go on and off, unless they have side effects. I use a very simple old fashioned anti-depressant fluvoxetine, but your doctor can probably find you a better one. One good piece of news is that anti-depressant use is associated with a lower rate of Alzheimers. If the anti-depressant works well for you, I would stay on it for a good solid five years at least.
Certainly, if your life is so difficult, you should try anything that will make you feel better. I am struggling here to find the right thing to say. I guess I felt, when perimenopause hit, that I felt a change in attitude about life - that I have a limited amount of time to live, and I should do what I can to make those years good. And I think you should too. Certainly you should do whatever you can for your low mood, certainly you should take anti-depressants if they help, hormone creams if they help. Of course, exercise, limit the amount of sugar, carbs etc in your diet, all these good things. And I am sorry I don't have much experience with migraines to help you with any insight. Drink a lot of water? I know that helps.
And know you are not alone. There are a lot of even youtube videos from younger women with depression. They are not so ashamed of it, because slowly culture is changing. Big hugs to you, darling.
jennifer01077 amanda57592
I also take a herbal supplement, and I was using it before perimenopause, and it really helps as well. I have melancholic depression, the kind associated with bipolar. The supplement definitely boosts whatever is wrong in the brain. It even tipped me towards hypomania, which is something I don't really have to cope with normally. (With thanks to the universe, and also with great sympathy and respect for those who do have to cope with true bipolar). I just reduced the amount of dosage and I keep on the sane side of life. I live in Japan, and they have this supplement on their medical system. These herbal remedies have been developed over thousands of years in China, and then for a few hundred years in Japan, with modern scientific analysis. I am very lucky to have access to them. However, you might really look into taking supplements like the one often recommended on this website, menopace, or even visiting a Chinese herbal medicine shop, if you live in a big city. But that could get expensive. Honey, all the best to you.
jennifer01077 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 jennifer01077
manuela67667 Shelly0069
Started AD end of January and HRT mid February and upped the HRT 1.5 months ago. YET still not feeling all good. - The weird taste you describe, in fact had yesterday and the day before. Not just taste but it the taste buds seem to have gone funny on my tongue, can't really describe it. Today its fine again, so I wonder myself...
Shelly0069 manuela67667
I haven't been my normal self for the last 5 months, with quite a lot of changings to my body and mind yesterday I felt good, this morning I feel very down like I have had some extremely bad news?!!. Take for example the bad taste in my mouth there are now foods I cannot stand. I made a lasagne for tea NOW I LOVE THIS YUK no it just tasteded funny, everyone else enjoyed (my family). I am finding the mood swings terrible hard to control as I have 3 young children and it certainly is not fair on them with my mood swings as they are, I need something to help control this medication/ or something?. Anyway I have a doctors appointment today so just maybe I can move a little forward on getting something?.