Anal skin tag removal after haemorrhoid surgery (halo or banding). Is it worth it?
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I have large anal skin tags left over from healed hemorrhoids/piles. The skin tags are bothering me by rubbing and itching. Did you get them removed? Was it worth it?
(I've had both banding and halo surgery done in the past)
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Zekearoo AnnieJ44
Hi Annie, yes it is very much worth it. I had a hemorrhoidectomy done, where they removed three large hemorrhoids... I was left with a large skin tag that would bleed and made it difficult to clean the area.
I had the skin tag removed, which the healing pain lasted a few days, without pain medication, and took about ten days to heal..... however I am quite thankful I had it removed.
Overall the healing is about a month to two months.... as I had a few bumps over that time period.... but are all gone and it looks and feels quite normal now.
Sorry for the lengthy response, but I wanted to share my experience and of course say yes, it's definitely worth it.
Hope that helps
AnnieJ44 Zekearoo
Thanks Z for your reply it is helpful 👍
My skin tag bleed today, spotting blood on paper. This thing has to go. Thanks again for your reply.
Carrington769 AnnieJ44
Well I'm glad I'm not the only one going through this!
I had hemorroidectomy surgery 2 weeks ago today - I had 2 hemorroids and 1 skin tag removed. Right after my surgery, I was of course in a lot of pain but never had any swelling. Then, after my first BM I had a large skin tag appear that has just got bigger. It makes it hard to sit down, clean myself and also bleeds with every BM - this is not what I expected after surgery. I went to see my GP and he said it should go down but its only got bigger!
Zekearoo how long after your surgery did you get your skin tag removed and what procedure did you have to get this removed?
I am so scared of having to to through this surgery again but I'm also feeling so down about this horrible skin tag!
Zekearoo Carrington769
I can relate,i was super scared to find out i had skin tags.... especially after going through such a horrific healing period.
I'm still nervous about them returning, and I had my initial surgery in July.... but I guess that's part of the post traumatic stress....
As for my skin tag removal... I had mine done about three months afterwards.... I guess they want to give everything a chance to heal and shrink naturally.
It wasn't too bad... it was painful.... but nowhere near as bad as the hemorrhoidectomy. I was back to work about 14 days later.
My only advice.... hydration, avoid strain and any unnecessary stress to the area.... and at all cost, avoid constipation and diarrhea.... keep regular and I'm pretty sure you'll be good to go.
Oh and try to find out if you have any food allergies, even mild, you don't want unnecessary flare ups...
I think you be ok.... as long as you stick to a fairly clean diet as well.
Good luck to all of the survivors... stay strong and stay heathy ☺️
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Thanks so much for your reply - I've never felt so down and alone about this!
I'm exactly the same, every time I go to toilet I'm worried about a new skin tag appearing, it's awful...
Did your skin tag ever shrink on its own? Mine is just getting in the way now and its so uncomfortable to touch and sit down! Was yours ever there before surgery? Mine is completely new so I just dont understand why its even there!
What procedure did you have to have the skin tag removed? Was it banding or the same surgery as hemorrhoidectomy?
I've been trying to avoid constipation and straining at all costs but the past two BM's have been quite constipated and I've no idea why because I've been drinking a ridiculous amount of water and eating a high in fibre diet with plenty of fruit and veg.... Feels like I can't win.
I'm back at the doctors on tuesday so I'm hoping he can reassure me and give me some options to get rid of this.
When was you able to return to work after your hemorrhoidectomy surgery? I've had 2 weeks off now and due to go back in tomorrow but I don't feel like I can be away feom my toilet and bath for 10 hours 😦
Zekearoo Carrington769
How old are you, and are you male or female. I'm a 48 year old man, in very good shape... and attribute mine to poor eating, dehydration and both constipation and diarrhea (poor eating habits).
My initial surgery (hemorrhoidectomy) was the removal of Grade 4 hemorrhoids, both internal and external.... I'm very positive the skin tags were a result of the over swelling and stitching after surgery.
I tried banding for two years, prior to my hemorrhoidectomy... but it never did get to the root of the problem. In my case, the last banding made it worse, because it was performed wrong and caused an infection... which eventually lead me to the necessary hemorrhoidectomy. Which, although the worst experience of my entire life, was a Godsend. I will forever be grateful for the surgery.
As for the skin tags, I had two large ones and a small one. I had the two large ones removed, but left the small one. It's not a hindrance, so I figured leave it.
Essentially, it was a fairly quick and basic surgical procedure. My doctor froze the area (yes painful because of the needle going right into the skin tag) then they simply cut it off and stitched me up.
It wasn't fun, by any means, and the pain (during healing) was no where near the same as the hemorrhoidectomy. The pain had subsided within a few days to a week... and I was back to work in two weeks.
I am very afraid of these things returning, so I've taken it very slow with my workouts and jogs.... I'm doing very well at this signs of returning..and I'm lifting weights, doing exercises etc.
I'm not sure what your day to day routines are, or what your daily diet is.... but I still say to everybody... no matter how young or old a person is, or what gender they are.... we're all at risk if we aren't careful of our stress levels, tension/pressure and dietary habits.
Looking healthy and being healthy are two different things...
I hope I've answered your questions... however, if you are experiencing bleeding or discomfort... it may still be a result of stitching... and may go down with time.
When did you have your hemorrhoidectomy, how bad were they and do you know how you got them?
Carrington769 Zekearoo
I'm 22 year old female. I'm in good shape and have always ate fairly healthy. I got my first hemorrhoid when I was 16 due to constipation and straining... my 2nd I got when I was on holiday in Disneyland Florida so I was eating bad food for 2 weeks which I think was a big change to my usual diet and as a result I got a hemorrhoid. They really wasn't that bad, they had shrunk but I just felt so self conscious about them especially with my boyfriend, so decided to go ahead with hemorrhoidectomy. I regret this so much as it looks worse now than it ever did beforehand with this huge skin tag. It's external and so big 😦 it's not shrinking at all no matter what I try and sorry for the horrible detail but also has a yellow head, don't know if this is normal? It can't be an infection as I have had a course of antibiotics but I've been torturing myself googling things (as you do) and it looks like it could be an anal abcess. I'm really not sure but my anxiety is through the rough.
Are you from the UK? That procedure sounds a lot less painful than hemorroidectomy, so that's reassuring thank you!
As you said about the skin tag being a result of over swelling and stitching after surgery, mine is actually attached to one of the hemorroids that the surgeon has stitched and is just getting bigger... Is this what you mean?
I went for a walk for the first time since my surgery on wednesday and I was very uncomfortable with random muscle spasms in the area and pain so I'm gonna be very scared to do any exercise for a while.
Before my surgery I hadn't exercised in a while due to starting a new job and working long hours. I actually joined a gym membership before my surgery thinking i'd be ok to go after but I'm too scared...
I had the hemorrhoidectomy surgery exactly 2 weeks ago yesterday so 15 days ago now and its just got bigger. I do still have some bleeding when I go to the toilet which is worrying me.
I'm glad the surgery was a success for you however as it is does give me some hope.
Zekearoo Carrington769
You'll be ok, I assure you. You are in the infantile stages... believe me things will improve over the next few days.
Yes the random anal spasms really suck, shooting knife pains our of nowhere... but those, too, will pass. Probably I'm the next few days.
You'll still experience tightness, and pain... and the swelling can take a few weeks to a month to go down. It will definitely look worse than it did before... but it will feel much better over time.
Keep your stools soft, don't touch it and or scratch it.... which you'll want to... but just leave it to heal.
The area is sensitive enough as it is... and will take time to heal. Ya gotta think about how much trauma you've been through.... and the fact that you use the toilet everyday and of course flatulate daily... it's gonna take time.... but you'll get there.
Think about a laceration anywhere on your body... that requires stitches.... that alone can take two plus weeks to heal and look better. Or a broken bone... usually a good six to eight weeks before that heals... and the same healing period will apply to that area.
Discuss with your doctor about the removal of the tags... Im pretty sure they will tell you to hold off for a month or two.
If you are bleeding from that area, it's normal.... you'll likely experience bleeding and yellow puss (anal leakage) for about four to six weeks.... so keep those pads close by... or wear it in between your butt cheeks for a little while.
I understand the panic and anxiety, however I assure you... you'll soon get through all of this... and your life will resume as normal as it ever was.
Just be patient, take the pain pills when you need to, use Restoralax or any other stool softener... stay away from Metamucil.. it's too intense. Use the gauze pads until the leaking stops. Increase your water intake. Stay away from nuts, potato chips or anything that would take a long time to break down in your system. You want to avoid aggravating the area or scraping it with nuts etc.
And not that it is any of my business... but stay away from anal sex (if you aren't already). For that too can be a big factor in aggravating the area. My philosophy is 'exit only' 😁
I'm in Canada actually, Toronto... but I'll support you if you have questions....for I know how isolating it can make you feel... I went through it alone.... hence the reason I am all for helping and supporting...
Oh and I know it all sounds a lot easier said than done.... but I promise it will improve and all be a thing of the past.
Hang in there.... you'll be ok 👍
Carrington769 Zekearoo
I can't wait to see an improvement, things are just quite unbearable at the moment...
Glad you understand my pain with the muscle spasms, it's the weirdest thing I've ever experienced!
That's a good way to look at it actually, I noticed yesterday how the bruise on my hand from the needle has only just faded away so that says a lot - especially because of how sensitive the anus is anyway like you said.
Really hoping the swelling will go down on its own but I just can't see that happening right now. Every time I go to the toilet it looks worse, its horrible!! Think I'll definitely have to get this removed in a month or 2.
I know I just feel so down about this now and can't wait for it to be over...
I'm stocked up on Lactulose and pads 😃
Yes I definitely agree in regards to the exit only rule haha!
Thanks so much Z, you've made me feel miles better 😃
Zekearoo Carrington769
Don't worry, the worst of it is over really. Think about it this way, this will all soon be a distant memory... and ok, you may not have a modelesque looking hoop.... however at least the pain, the bleeding, the muscle spasms etc will all be over with.
Sure, you might have to get the skin tags removed... but even that will heal in time and all to soon enough your hoop will be much better.... 😁
The swelling will take awhile to go down, and your doctor will likely suggest you wait two months or so, just to be certain.... but even then you'll be returning to a normal life soon enough.
One other thing, be sure to take as many sitz baths, with epsom salts, as possible... three to four a day. That will help with the itching and hopefully reduce the swelling...... and use an ice as well, that too will help to reduce the swelling.
Everything will be ok.... but stop looking at it will ya... it's like staring at the kettle waiting for it to boil.... lol.... it will take time.... 👍😁
Hopefully everything goes well with your appointment.... which I'm sure it will.... hang in there... you'll be right as rain in no time 😁
Carrington769 Zekearoo
This sure is a long process... I'm feeling much better in myself but I DREAD going to the toilet and find myself trying to avoid it when I know I shouldn't but it makes me cry like a b***h (excuse the language) lol. But yeah my only issues now are that its still painful to go to the toilet and this skin tag has not gone 😦
How many weeks after your surgery could you go to the toilet without any pain? Feels like I will never know what it feels like to have a normal BM again!
I take 1-2 epsom salt baths daily, but as for the ice packs I tried this and it didn't seem to take any of the swelling down... Might try it again this week.
You are so right haha... Like watching paint dry 😃 I just can't help myself. I keep waking up and rushing to look at it hoping it will have magically disappeared, only to be disappointed each morning! I'll take your advice on that one and TRY to stop looking haha.
Some good news however... Went to see my doctor this morning and he wasn't happy with what the surgeon has done at all. He's provided me with some Anusol ointment and suppositories to try and shrink the skin tag but he said it is likely that he will have to refer me back to the hospital to get it removed. Although this seems like a long way away, at least I know now that I won't be stuck with this forever and has definitely reassured me... For now... 😃 although he said it would have to be the same hemorrhoidectomy surgery procedure as it is external and large and I do dread having to go through this pain all over again...
Did you use any ointments or suppositories to try and shrink yours?
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hello again young lady. No need to say you're crying like a little b***h... trust me, I cried many times... and I'm a full grown man.
I've broken my ribs, kneecap, ankle, collarbone and hand... sustained many lacerations requiring stitches etc... but this, this was unlike anything I've ever experienced I'm my life.
It was very tight, for a good four weeks... but as time went on it loosened up... however I was quite aware of what I ate, drank... etc... and I still use stool softener and or eat a fibre bar everyday.
They say it can be tight, and even continue to bleed (even lightly) for up to a year... mine stopped after two months. However, I still experience the odd hard or large stool that causes a little spotting... however it doesn't concern me anymore. I may always experience a little bit of spotting from time to time.... but it certainly beats the alternative.
I was never given any ointments, as most of them are useless anyway... but certainly worth a try.... however, I think at this point... it can only shrink naturally... and you'll be in for a little surgery in a couple of months.... but I wouldn't worry too much... they'll fix you up and you'll be right as rain in the next six to eight months.
You'll just have to take it easy for the next six months or so... don't do anything too strenuous or rigorous... the last thing you want is for it to return.
Question for you... what is your daily diet like? Are you taking pain pills?
Oh and sorry if my responses are delayed.... gotta do that work thing.. lol
Now stop looking at it.... lol.... although I do have one more question.... are all your stitches dissolved?
Until next time ☺️
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Haha it really does make you cry and scream...
Wow you sure have broken a lot of bones! That really does put this pain into perspective haha. After my first BM I told my mum that I imagine that's what giving birth feels like and she doesn't believe me but I'm convinced!
The bleeding has actually seemed to stop for me for the past 2 days, but the tightness is awful and for some reason (sorry for the detail) each time I go to the toilet I'm very constipated at first then after a few minutes of sitting there and squatting it gets a lot softer. I really don't know what could be causing this....
I've been eating high in fibre cereals for breakfast, soup for lunch with 1 or 2 pieces of brown/wholemeal bread or a tuna and sweetcorn sandwich on wholemeal bread then for my dinner I've been having chicken/pork/lamb with plenty of veg and potatoes. Then for snacks I've just been having fruit.
I'm wondering if I'm actually eating too much meat? Or maybe too much fibre as I've heard that that can sometimes cause constipation?
I've stopped taking an pain pills as they made me extremely constipated and I'd rather put up with the pain than have to push stones out lol.
I don't mind the spotting at all and I wouldn't even mind the tightness, I just want this skin tag GONE 😃 to think im worse off now than I ever was before is the hardest part for me - looking back I really didnt need the surgery 😦 I feel so sorry for my boyfriend as well bless him, I've told him we won't be having sex till this has gone so god knows how long that's gonna be... bit of a strain on the relationship really.
Yeah I'm just going to try this ointment and suppositories for a week or so and then get myself back to the doctors for a referral to remove it.
Do you ever get to eat anything fun like a chinese takeout anymore or does that cause you to bleed/get constipated?
Yeah I did want to get back in the gym and gain some muscle but I think thAT'll have to wait till next year now...
No don't be sorry, I'm sorry for mithering you! I should really get back to work myself...
My stitches dont seem to have dissolved yet... The skin tag is actually connected to one of the skin tags that he has cut off and stitched up so I honestly have no idea whats going on there lol.
Speak soon 😃
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hey there young lady, yes, I've read woman say, the healing from this type of surgery is worse than an episiotomy... so ya, it's painful... lol
Yes, definitely put aside the meat and potatoes for a little bit longer. Stick with foods that break down much easier in the system.... heck I don't think I even ate solid foods like that for at least a month. I was too afraid, and because everything was so tight... it hurt just to flatulate (yes tmi, but it's the truth). So I stuck with very light foods and lots of fluids.
Sadly, your boyfriend is gonna have to wait... and if he likes/loves you... he'll understand.
Yes, you'll be able to eat fun foods again... just take it slow.... give it a month or two before trying. Last thing you want to do is aggravate it.
Pretty sure the area that was stitched is the biggest and ugliest.... but like I mentioned, it will go down... the swelling will go down... it may take a couple of months.
If I were you, I'd just wait two months.... and then go back and see the surgeon. I'm almost positive it will both look and feel a lot better by then.... but do be patient.... the worst of it is literally behind you now.... so hang in there.
Did they cut off the remaining stitches yet? Are you icing and continuing the sitz baths?
How's the pain and random sphincter spasms? Must be very much improved by now.
I'll still help where I can.... or at least answer as many questions as possible.
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Hey Z, I have read that as well, so its good to know I wasn't being dramatic 😃
Really? Ok I'm gonna cut down on that then... I read somewhere that potato skin is high in fibre so I thought I'd be fine. Think I'll stick to soups. Did you eat anything specific which helped you go to the toilet easier?
I know, he is being very understanding which I'm surprised about I thought he'd be a bit grossed out... I never told him what I'd had done at first, until last week because I was too embarrassed but he has been lovely about it.
Yeah definitely won't be having any fun foods for a while but good to hear that I will be able to enjoy it again some day haha...
I'm trying my hardest to be patient but some days I think it's shrunk then the next its huge again which just makes me think its here to stay. But yeah I'm trying to stay positive, the best thing would be is that it shrinks on its own and I don't have to go back for more surgery but that feels very unlikely. Even the skin tag and hemorrhoids that I had before the surgery were never this big 😦
Also I know this is very weird but I feel like the actual shape of my hole has changed, it's looks a bit longer than usual... Did you have this problem at all? Not sure if it's just because the surgeon had to open it and therefore stretched it a little and then it will return back to normal size eventually or not?
Was your large skin tag, a new skin or did you have it before surgery?
The stitches are dissolvable, it looks like a few fell out so they may have dissolved but I can't really see myself. Yeah I'm icing twice a day now and also doing epsom salt baths twice a day... Do you think I should do these more than twice a day?
The muscle spasms have definitely improved which is great because that was a weird one. I don't have much pain unless I'm going to the toilet of course and after that... Just itchiness and uncomfortable because I can feel the skin tag when I walk/sit etc. which is a lovely reminder. Sometimes I'll be doing something which is completely taking my mind off it for a bit then I'll sit down and feel it... Soul destroying lol. I really like the moments where I forget about it and feel normal for a sec.
Thanks Z, you really are helping me get through this 😃
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hey there young lady. So how are you feeling now?
Yes, everything looked and felt different... after all, it is quite an extensive and invasive procedure.
For the most part, the skin tag is due to stitching etc, I never had any skin tags before... I still have a little one, not so sure if I care to have it removed... if it gets worse or bigger I will... but I'm not gonna be modelling my hoop any time soon... and I am straight, so it's an exit only... lol... but overall it doesn't really bother me.... so I'm just leaving it alone.
As for foods.. I stuck with a lot of fluids soups and if I did eat solids, I literally ate like a mouse and chewed it to mush before even swallowing... I did, and still have do for the most part, stay away from red and hot sauces, stayed away from carbonated drinks, chocolate and alcohol.... for all of the above will aggravate our digestive system etc.
For the most part, chew the hell out of your foods.... it will most definitely help with digestion... and be a lot easier to excrete later.
As for now, you should be in the healing phase and be through the worst of it.... now it will be itchy and uncomfortable.... and yes, you'll have a tight feeling for many months to come... I still do and my surgery was seven months ago. It could be like this for a lifetime... so all I've done is increase fibre, fluids and try to keep as regular as possible. If need be, continue to use a stool softener.... I don't know what you have over there.... but I used Restoralax... check with your pharmacist and ask what they have. However stay away from Metamucil... (if they have it).... it's too intense on the system and may create other issues.
Other than that, try to get out for walks stay away from straining while going to the bathroom... if you find yourself pushing, don't... just come back later. Stay away from pressure on the area, such as heavy lifting.... but if you do get back to lifting weights etc... be sure to breathe properly.... in while lifting up, out while releasing downward.... you'd be amazed at how many men you see st the gym suffering from this condition.... and have no clue how they got it.... just take a look around and see who isn't breathing while lifting.... you can almost bet your life that they have or will have hemorrhoids. Long distance running doesn't help either... adds a lot of pressure on the pelvis. Moderation and proper breathing will definitely help.
Anyway I've rambled on long enough... hope you are doing better... and if you still need my support, write any time... but I'm pretty sure you've got this by now ☺️
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Hey Z, sorry for the slow reply... I finally got myself back in work and am feeling a little better.
Although, every time I realise the skin tag is still there and still very large I get upset. Going to the toilet is still painful but I've got into a routine of going before I leave for work and also have an epsom salt bath which sets me up right for the day.
I went to see the doctor last week and he told me they won't perform anymore surgery to remove my skin tag... Since then I've just felt so low. I just can't settle with the fact that I never had this before my surgery and how I'm worse off now than I ever was.
Feeling really down but the pain isn't so bad anymore. I've also been able to sit down for 9 hours straight in work without much pain or discomfort.
Like you said, a small skin tag wouldn't bother me much... Here's to hoping that it'll shrink naturally 😦
I'll be avoiding weights, bad food etc. for the rest of my life I think haha!
Hope you're well Z, I'll let you know how I get on...
Carrington769 Zekearoo
I've just remembered... I forgot to ask you. Was your skin tag external? Did it go smaller and larger throughout the day? And also how long did it take for your stitches to dissolve? Mine haven't dissolved yet... It's so weird because the stitches are actually in the side of the skin tag with a large growth on it.
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hi Jess,
I'm sorry you are going through that. Did your doctor say they wouldn't do it at all, or did they suggest waiting?
When I had my follow up I was told to wait two months, however even at time it was discussed the skin tags would be removed, regardless of size. After all it is 'our body', so we should be in charge of how we feel and what we live with.
I would suggest going back to your doctor and having the stitches removed... they really shouldn't be there any longer than two to three weeks. I believe mine dissolved around 14 days later. Once the stitches dissolve, only then will the skin tag begin to shrink.
All the same, if your doctor refuses to perform the surgery, I suggest you demand he/she refer you to someone who is willing to perform the removal. After all, it is YOUR body... and although it may never be the perfect modelesque hoop.. lol... at least it will help and not be such an interference.
To answer your question, yes, mine were external... typically due to the stitching.... I had two, one was rather large and unsightly... the other was a smaller one.... I had the larger one removed and left the smaller one. I am not overly concerned with the little one. It was the big one that had to go.
As for bigger and smaller, yes they will changed based on the amount of pressure down there.... or the amount of activity (to put it politely) going on.
Again, I would demand a referral though.... but do wait a couple of months. Trust me right now it would be way too sensitive to have any form of surgery. So I'd wait about two months, give the area time to heal... and then seek another surgeon who would be willing to remove it or them.
Oh yes and be sure to keep an eye on the stitches.... actually I am surprised you have returned to work so quickly.... I think I was off for about six weeks.
What kind of job do you have? Do you have to sit all day? Can you get up and walk around once in awhile?
Anyway, sorry you are experiencing this... but do get the stitches taken out sooner than later.... you don't need an infection... and do request a referral.
I hope you are feeling better soon
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Hi again Z,
He pretty much said they wouldn't do it at all, he told me I may have a fissure and that the skin tag will 'shrink'. I honestly feel like he didn't know what he was talking about, he was quite a young doctor. I got upset when he told me they won't perform anymore surgery so he said he can see it's bothering me so he will refer me but it won't be an urgent referral because he thinks I'm just bothered about it for cosmetic reasons. Which yes is one of the reasons as it is huge and it was never like this before, but also because of the fact I don't feel clean and it's so uncomfortable. I can feel it when I walk! He also said 'I will refer you but I'm just preparing you for what they will say as they will not perform anymore surgery on this' ... what a thing to say to a crying patient whos left worse off than she ever was.
Trust me, I will not be settling with this I'm going to do everything I can to get this removed - if it means I have to pay private then I will. But surely this is not what the outcome of a hemorrhoidectomy should be! Just cant understand how I'm worse off now. It's not fair. When I went for my consultation with the surgeon who did the surgery he said I would just be left with 2 scars where he was going to remove 2, so I was never made aware of the risk of a large skin tag!
I'm draining everyone around me with this crying all the time. I know it may seem so trivial so some people but it's so hard to go theough the pain of the surgery to be left off worse. I just want the normal hole that I was promised. My anxiety is the worst its ever been.
I'm going to see my actual doctor in 2 weeks whos much nicer and wiser.. it will have been 6 weeks since my surgery then so I'll ask about the stitches then... It is worrying me that they're still there and where they're positioned. But yeah I'm still checking it every day lol.
I wish I could be off for 6 weeks! I've not told my boss what procedure I've had, I just said it was a womens surgery lol and I think he was getting a bit arsey with me with having 3 weeks off so I'm back in. I can get up and walk around to go to the loo, get food, drinks etc. but it's a very sit down staring at the computer admin job. Which is obviously doing me no good but I just keep taking a lot of toilet breaks lol. I don't think I'd be able to go in if it wasn't for getting into the routine of going to the loo before I leave my house...
How big would you say your skin tag was?
Sorry to be graphic but mine is actually very bumpy and has different textures... the bottom and back of it feels quite hard whilsts the top just feels like skin... It's so gross and weird!!
Jess 😃
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hey there young lady,
My only advice is stay strong and keep seeking a referral until you are heard.
Keep in mind it may not take place for a couple of months... as you will need time for the initial wounds to heal. I had to wait about three months before they would remove the skin tag. I still have one small one but it doesn't bother me, so I will wait to have it removed in the future.
Unfortunately your body may never look or feel the same... as I know mine doesn't.... but mine was absolutely necessary.... because I had suffered for over six years with bleeding and discomfort. I had four large ones removed, both internal and external.
My body won't be the same, but sure feels much better, after the initial hemorrhoidectomy and skin tag removal... again because I do have a small tag remaining... but I am in much better shape than I had been over the course of the last six years.
Anyway, like I said, stay strong and don't give up until you get the answers you need.
Again they may have to wait until the initial wounds are healed.... but if I were you I'd keep close attention to the stitches.... especially if they haven't dissolved by now. As a matter of fact, the large lump could be a result of the undissolved stitches. If I were you I'd seek another physician... because it doesn't seem like yours cares too much. A lump of undissolved stitches is one thing... but if it's infected.... that's going to raise a whole other concern.
Don't worry about bugging me... I just hope you get the answers you are looking for.
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Hi Z,
Thanks for the advice. I'm still feeling so down about this. Going to go back to the doctors last week and demand something be done about this.
I don't mind waiting but I just need some sort of reassurance that they will be able to remove it eventually. I can't live like this, it's so tender to touch, uncomfortable and not shrinking at all 😦
It definitely doesnt feel the same. I had a very fast metabolism before this and never suffered from constipated but now I feel like my metabolism has slowed down as I'm putting weight on and also constipated so easily. I had a drink of alcohol last night and was very constipted this morning. Feel like I will never be able to have a normal life again. When did you start drinking again?
Also when did your leakage stop? After I've been to the toilet no matter how much I clean a little comes out a bit after... it's so gross.
I don't think it's infected as I've had antibiotics to fight infection. It's just swollen and horrible!
Honestly feel like I'm depressed over this now. I dont think I'll ever want to have sex with my botfriend again and I'm so worried he's gonnanleave me.
next week*
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hi Jess,
I'm sorry you are going through this, you really should consider discussing short term disability with your employer. When I had my surgery, I was off for 6 weeks... which I had discussed with my employer long before surgery. I knew how extensive and painful it was going to be, so I took all the measures I had to in order to take the time I needed to heal properly.
I was in bed for two weeks before I even started to walk around... on top of that I was taking 3-4 sitz baths a day for about 4-5 weeks. I didn't even get up and start walking around until week three.... took me four weeks before I even went outside.
As for leaking, it didn't stop until about the fifth week.... try being a single guy trying to date women with this issue... not exactly the coolest or most endearing thing a man could go through.. lol
All the same I did go through the first surgery, and two months later went through the skin tag removal... which took about three more weeks of healing.... and three more weeks off of work.
My first surgery took place in July, second took place in October.... I only just recently started to lift weights and jog again. I didn't want to rush into anything... and you shouldn't either. The last thing you want is for them to return.
You're literally gonna have to be patient, eat fiber and drink lots of water. Right now the inside of you is still swollen and may be for up to 8 weeks... so be careful what you eat and drink.
For now you'll need to avoid red meats, solid foods that take long periods of time to break down and yes, booze. Alcohol is a natural diuretic (meaning it will dehydrate you). So if you are gonna drink alcohol... you're gonna need to increase your fluid and fiber intake.
As for your metabolism, I can almost guarantee all your worrying has increased your cortisol levels and is now slowing down your metabolism. You honestly need to worry less and just be patient.
Think about how long a broken bone takes to heal, or a deep laceration that required stitches... and multiply it by 100...and you'll come to realize this is an area that will take time to heal. After all you sit on it, it irritates when you walk and of course use the facilities... unfortunately patience is a virtue in this case.
I know it's not gonna be easy, believe me.... I went through it. However, time is the only cure...that and not worrying so much.
Stay strong and hang in there... you'll be ok...
valerie38106 Zekearoo
How long does the swelling last I had anal skin tags removed yesterday along with s small thrombosed external hemrroid! HAVE LOTS of external swelling ouch Different from having to the hemrroidectomy the swelling was on the inside more! I’m doing ibuprofen and ice pack is there any thing else helping us out for soaking that would help with the swelling
Zekearoo valerie38106
Hello Valerie,
Be patient, the healing time is much faster. I had a hemorrhoidectomy done last year, around this time... internal and external. Which caused skin tags... that I had removed in October.
The healing time is much faster... there will be swelling for the first few days... however, within a week it should go down, significantly.
Do give it a good three to four weeks... just be careful when wiping, don't strain at all... and avoid sitting on the toilet too long.
Hopefully you are eating like a rabbit... and drinking lots of fluids.... after all, the last thing you want to do is aggravate the area..
I used a stool softener for the first few days... along with a pain killer. Avoid using anything that would thin the blood, you want it to heal faster..
Hope this answers your question
Zekearoo 😊
Carrington769 valerie38106
Hi Valerie,
Where is your swelling? Do you have any lumps? How many skin tags have you had removed and what procedure have you had?
I had hemorroidectomy 4 months ago now to remove 1 hemorrhoid and skin tags.. I had 2 swollen lumps for around 2-4 weeks. I used Epsom salt and witch hazel in every bath I had, also bought a sitz bath which helped clean myself properly after going to the loo. Ibuprofen and ice packs will help take the swelling down a little but for me, it just took a while. I know it’s so frustrating but just give it time it will go down. Are you in more pain than when you had the hemorroidectomy? One thing I would say is tried to avoid taking a lot of pain killers as they will constipate tou and could prolong your recovery... I learnt that the hard way as im now left wirh a fissure and larger skin tag. Avoid cocodomal and coedine at all ccosts! ibuprofen and paracetomal will do the job. Make sure you have stool softner too and drink plentyy of water
I was left with a larger skin tag after my surgery so hoping to get this removed soon. Please keep me updated with your progress as I’m so anxious about mine and cant wait to get it removed.
Carrington769 Zekearoo
Hi Zekearoo,
Nice to hear feom you again! I'm still in the same rut i was in 3 months ago. I now have a fissure and the large skin tag is still there.
Doctor has given me laxatives and cream to encourage the fissure to heal before I can have surgery again.
When you had your skin tag removed, did they cut it or freeze it off? and has it completely gone now or do you have any left over skin? My doctor said he will only cut the head off. Still so anxious and just want it removing
Zekearoo Carrington769
Hi Jess,
Sorry you are still experiencing difficulty. I had my skin tag cut and stitched. It did take awhile to heal.... after all it's an area that is constantly aggravated... from sitting to walking... to using the bathroom.
I'm healed now, but I am still very cautious and aware of reoccurring possibilities. So I still take every precaution possible.
However, I am back to jogging 10 km, and working out... it's been a hell of a journey, I'm not gonna lie.... but I'm glad I survived it all.
As for you, I'd seek additional care... ask to see another specialist... there is no way you should have to live like that
As always, I'm here if you have additional
questions. I really hope you get the answers you are looking for.
Zekearoo 😊
valerie38106 Zekearoo
i was just surprised about how much swelling i had from it i believe they removed 2 anal skin tags and 1 thrombosd little external hemrroid! IM wondering if the swelli g is more because they also cauterized them i dont know but i had yo ride 4 hrs home yesterday it was a long day! i dont have much pain dont even need tylenol today but will use ibupropen for sweeling im using sitz baths applying ice packs! eating cautiously using stool softeners and of coure i drink lots of water anyway! With what I had done I was told not to sit at all maybe because they burned it after cutting off and t hat would aggravate it more! anyway they said not sit directly until 10 days whatsoever
valerie38106 Carrington769
THE swelling is where they did the surgery big clumps of skin left hanging i had 2 or 3 skin tags removed snd a smalll thomhosed hemmie! if i werent so swollen its not bad so far not much pain ar alli did use 2 hydros yesterday but i will not use them again Unless I’m dying how are use ibuprofen and the Tylenol for the pain and swelling but today I’ve had no pain just extremely tender from the spelling you told me sits bath and I said he but I don’t heater unless I’m dying how are use ibuprofen and the Tylenol for the pain and swelling but today I’ve had no pain just extremely tender from the spelling you told me sitz bath and I said he but I don’t heater area that is already swollen! I wonder if that’s because I had a long ride home yesterday maybe I would’ve been so swollen up I won’t have maybe 30 minutes ! i’m gonna call Monday and see if this is normal course of the weekend and the following was so different when I had the hemorrhoidectomy with more inside this is just outside that I can tell! i’m not supposed to sit at all for at least 10 days on my bottom I believe they also cauterized d the areas that they excised! My skin appears to maybe be burnt a little which I’m only 16 hours postop. Hoping in the next couple days the swelling starts going down and start looking normal again down below just pray that this is nothing like the him without me I had a November the recovery was so slow
Sorry if it doesn’t make sense to use this auto text! Were you told to use a heating pad and if so does it not cause more swelling
Carrington769 valerie38106
hi sorry for the late reply
the long ride home sat on your bum could have made the swelling a little worse butjust try not to sit on your bum at all now for a couple of weeks id say. how are you now? has the swelling gone down at all?
hope youre ok!
valerie38106 Carrington769
Hi CARRIE, YES the swelling has went down a little my skin where they put the numbing medicine is burnt looking raw so bad its been bleeding a little soaking hurts so steering away ftom that except in a.m.! NURSE told me to use desitin on the the irritated skin and to use neosporin on the wound site but that burn a little! STARTING day 9 so ready for this swelling yo totally go away plus the irritated skin to heal! I was told not to sit for at least 10 days flat so I got two more days and I can do that I’m so tired of laying or sitting on the hip ! Do tell me two weeks should be better? did you did you use any numbing medicine to help with that horrible pain when we went to the bathroom ?
Carrington769 valerie38106
Hi Valerie,
Glad the swelling is going down, should hopefully be completely gone in the next few weeks. Patience is so important.
That sounds really painful! Did they burn the hemorroid or the skin tags or both?? I would do what the nurse says, may help the wound heal. Have you had any stitching?
I understand your pain! It was so awful not being able to sit... then even when I could finally sit that was a weird feeling too. 2 weeks was when i started to feel better but I had to use stool softner for a good month to help when going to the loo.
I never got anything to help numb the area but i bet you could buy something. Have you asked the nurse?
I cant wait to get mine removed. My skin tags are effecting my confidence/relationship.
valerie38106 Carrington769
I believe they cut and then they burned or carterized whatever you call it ! I think the burning is one of the worst things irritation will drive you crazy ! I have no stiches just the burned areas!
Carrington769 valerie38106
hi valerie, hows your recovery going? hope you are healing well!
valerie38106 Carrington769
BEEN slow the soaking caused a delay in healing im on 2 strong antibiotics that kick my butt! been fighting a horrible rash area where surgery was done is slowly healing ready for a complete recovery! i go back Thursday for my last post op hoping shes says IM good! how are you doing?
ng06982 Zekearoo
hi dear! how long did it take you for the wound to heal and the swelling to wear off, i am week 7 its better but im still sore and i cant walk much or sit too long! please give me hope and tell me its normal
valerie38106 ng06982
Im doing a little better it will be week 4 on FRIDAY! wound is healing slowing im using aquaphor on it, its not tendar to touch just not healed totally yet! my problem was how procedure was done my skin just irritated and gauled get yeast infection from soaking yo much and not drying completely! my nurse told me by next week it should be totally healed fingers crossed! i was supposed to use neosporin but it burned to bad! i think everyone is different my first surgery was more in deptht with both internal and external removed this was anal skin tags and 1 small external thtombosed removed, i was told recovery 2 weeks ha we all know better! BEST OF LUCK I WILL UPDATE WHEN ITS ALL HEALED! until then IVE been told patience and thats hard I KNOW hopefully it will be totally worth it in the end LORD willing
Zekearoo ng06982
Hi NG,
May I first ask what it was you had done? How severe yours were?
Everybody heals at their own pace... depends on your age, weight and health... diet is huge. What are you currently eating and drinking? What type of work do you do? Are you exercising or lifting heavy items etc?
I've discovered there are a ton of variables involved.
However, there is hope.... you will get through it. It won't last forever... even though there are days you'll feel otherwise.
I will do my best to help... just need the above information.
ng06982 Zekearoo
thank you for your answer:)!
i got aa big anal fissure after giving birth last year, after a few month I did the LIS surgery, but the surgeon wouldnt remove my huge skin tag. the surgery resulted in an anal fistula and i had to do another surgery so i wnt to another colorectal surgeon who layed open my fistula, removed my huge skin tag and added botox in case the fissure was not gone... that was 7 weeks ago. the skin tag left a huge wound on the opening of the bum right there which makes it so hard to heal everytime i use the bathroom... plus im facing some level of incontinence and stuck stool which is so hard to clean. anyways im eating a high fiber diet, and protein for lunch w salad and taking movicol twice a day. 4 sitz baths a day...
ng06982 valerie38106
good luck with your healing i hope it happens super soon! its super tough really i feel u!
Zekearoo ng06982
Hi NG,
If you can, try to find a stool softener, like Restoralax or Laxaday. As well, increase your fluid intake (water), warm or room temperature, stay away from ice or extremely cold, as it solidifies the foods in the stomach.
Be careful with the protein, as it can also create constipation. For now, eat less breads and solid foods... eat soups and greens... at least until the wound heals.
I think my skin tag removal took a couple of weeks to heal, but I was super careful with what I ate. Oh and stay away from pop or any fizzy type of drinks.
If nothing else, get a second opinion... as you should be healing at this stage.
But try what I recommended and go from there
ng06982 Zekearoo
i am taking stool softener movicol twice a day... and eating only once a day protein and drinkin 3 l of water... i lost soo much wieght because im so careful of my food but somehow things are still taking a lot of time... it shrank but its still red and there... do you know when urs was gone? i cant sit at all and i barely walk im even working from home now cause i also have a baby crawling so things are complicated for me right now...:( incontinence is probably one of the reasons delaying the healing process because of how tough it is to clean the area without hurting it... thank u so much for ur answer! i think i should get a second opinion like u said
Zekearoo ng06982
Hi NG,
Yes, definitely have a follow up, make sure it's not infected, and healing properly.
After 7 weeks, you should definitely be on the mend.
Sorry it's taking so long... hopefully the follow up or second opinion helps provide the answers you are looking for
Did they stitch it, or just use the bandages?
ng06982 Zekearoo
thank you zeke! no they did not stitch just used bandages for two days and then it was left alone to heal... my doctor says it takes 12 weeks but im starting to feel that it might be infected so will definitelt get a second opinion asap
rachel88659 Carrington769
Im closely following your thread as i have just had a small 1 cm anal skin tag removed and i am 5 days post surgery i havent had much pain but my bum hole looks worse than before it does not look like the skin tag has reduced in size and there is more loose skin around it. im so scared that im worse off and this is not just swelling as clearly this op does not have a 100% success rate. i would like to know where you are at now and did you have another op, did it shrink?
looking forward to an update.
jessica54577 rachel88659
hello, how is your bum doing now?
phoebe47676 Zekearoo
Hi there, glad all went well for you. I was wondering if you could answer a few of my own questions.
After my removal of an external one that was done in November i am currently left with a bit of a scar/loose skin tag. It has affected my confidence in that area intimately. And to be honest after removing it, i was really hoping my confidence would be boosted but now i feel a bit deflated that it looks like it is still there??.
My overall question really is how neat is the end result? i have been told i can get it removed but i am just so worried i will be disappointed once more.
michelle24885 Zekearoo
where in toronto did you go for your surgeries?
Zekearoo michelle24885
Hi Michelle,
I went to Humber River, near Wilson and Keele.
My Doctor was Dr Hagen
Crazy,painful experience, but worth it
Zekearoo phoebe47676
Hi Phoebe,
My apologies for the late reply. I do hope you are doing much better.
As for my experience, I went the the initial hemorrhoidectomy, a few months later had a few tags removed.
In the beginning it was still quite hideous to look at, and did take a fair amount of time to heal. However it was definitely worth it.
The things I now tell or suggest to people who come to me about these issues... 1) change your diet/eating habits for the rest of your life... 2) increase your water intake and never drink pop, fizzy drinks or alcohol again 3) avoid ALL inflammatory foods like tomatoes and anything associated with tomatoes, avoid red meat altogether, avoid red and green peppers... try to avoid sugar and breads, as much as possible 4) if you exercise or lift weights, do it carefully and avoid heavy strain on the toilet 5) avoid stress as much as possible and definitely quit smoking and drugs.
Of course I'm not here to preach, just advise. However, I am discovering or at least believe these issues are caused by food allergies and or at least sensitivities. And although I believe the doctors know this, they'll never admit to it, because then they lose customers.
Anyway, back to your question... yes it would be worth it.... and yes it will be a painful process, healing and what not.... and yes it will take time to fully heal.... but it will eventually heal.... and your confidence will return to normal.
Yes it will always be on your mind, that is due to the traumatic stress you went through. And there is a possibility of it all coming back... so it's up to you how you treat your body moving forward.
That said, I suggest the removal... but again, strongly advise a huge lifestyle change. After all we only have one life, might as well try to be as healthy as possible.
I hope this answered your questions