Angelic not working for me, post-menopausal
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I am 56 and post-menopausal, I have had really bad symptoms for the last year but, have been experiencing them for at least the last 5-7. I had really bad acne and heavy periods so my doctor put me on Dianette, I have since found out I should only have been on it for 3 years max but, I was on it for 17! It was fab, no spots, great hair and periods were more contained. I started to get really bad migraine/ withdrawal symptoms when I took a break to try and come off and experienced clots, I bled for 2 weeks every month, flooded, it was difficult as still working. about a year ago my doc put me on the mini pill, he said I should not be on Dianette. no more periods but, on the downside my acne came back and my hair started fulling out. I have read forums on Dianette and this is ccommon, I have now controlled it by taking hair supplements and whilst it is thin, it is better to a degree. my main problem is that since I came off Dianette I stopped sleeping so I tried everything possible, herbal to start with, worked for a few days, then sleeping pills but, didn't make me feel great the next day, groggy, headaches, depression. I then tried Melotonin, didn't work at all. I walk 4kms every day by the sea and I workout regularly, I thought I was doing everything right. before I go on, I am going to tell you that I lost my mother to cancer 4 years ago, still find it hard to accept to be honest, she had breast cancer and then pancreatic cancer and Osteoporosis, I am sharing this so you get the full picture. So I am on the mini pill and trying different drops to make me sleep. Here the docs tried to put me on anti-depressants to help with the menopause but, I am not depressed, just tired and maybe a little down from not sleeping but, I am lucky enough to have the most amazing and supportive husband in the world. I decided to go to a GN and go on HRT, I went for all the tests and found I had Osteopina (just out of normal) and high chlorestorol. I have been taking Menopace night which stopped the hot flushes but, didn't help with the not sleeping. The GN gave me the full examination and told me my uterus had shrunk. I went on Angeluq just 10 days ago, I worry if all my medications mix. So I take an Omega 3 tablet, a hair vitamin tablet, a calcium tablet, a chlorestorol tablet, Angeliq, Menopace night and sleeping drops, sounds a lot but, the doc says ok as mainly vitamins. The symptoms I get hit a high yesterday, I woke up feeling like I wanted to be sick but, was ok once I had breakfast, I had a runny nose which I put down to an allergy as it came on so quickly but, this is a known side effect. I experienced bad abdominal pains straight away, after 3 days I got an infection and then a bladder infection along with a yeast infection, I have sore breasts, red eyes and generally feel unwell. I didn't take one yesterday. I have now decided to try some natural patches to see if they help but, have to order online from the UK so will take a couple of weeks to get. I tried not taking the drops but, just laid there, I don't think they suit me anymore, they were ok to start with so I am going to take Sleepeze for now but, if anyway can suggest a natural sleep agent that works that would be fab. Obviously my body is yearning progesterone and oestrogen, I am not sure whether I should try another HRT tablet but, in the back of mind, I feel uneasy because of my mother. she had an hysterectomy at 32 and went straight onto HRT it was the thing everyone did in those days, she got breast cancer late 60's and died 79 years. Any advise will be gratefully accepted, thanks 😓 Nobody discusses the menopause here, ladies fight their symptoms in private, I am open, in the south they are terrified of HRT and avoid it but, I want quality of life, in the north, they are more educated on the whole menopause thing so will talk about it and take HRT.
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terri52896 Beckyboop
Beckyboop terri52896
crenyyy Beckyboop
I hope you will feel better soon.
susan21149 Beckyboop
I am terified of a lot of medications myself, I am terrified of Progesterone pill after only taking for two nights.
On Tuesday night I took it the next day I was feeling weak, not myself, had a headach all day, felt anxiety ridden all day jumpy, then on Wednesday night when I took it i was jumpy felt like I couldn't breath, then at 2:30 in the morning woke up my legs felt weak heart was racing fast calmed down after a while then took my thyroid after 4 in the morning was lying down I became really dizzy it really scared me.
Before going on HRT read up on it because HRT can make you bleed, yes it can raise your heart rate yes it can make you anxious it can raise your blood pressure too, it can make you have acne, it can make your hair fall out and skin discoloration is a side effect.
Think about it before you go on HRTs if you already suffer from anxieties and depression I would not advise going on an HRT because it will make it worse. '
If you suffer from high blood pressure I do not advise you to be on HRT
If you have diabetes or a thyroid problem I would advise you do not use HRT.
If you had trouble with one HRT please do not go back on it this is what I advise talk to your doctor about SSRTs for your depression
Beckyboop susan21149
susan21149 Beckyboop
Beckyboop susan21149
susan21149 Beckyboop
shaznay96184 Beckyboop
I don't sleep well, haven't for ages. Generally because I'm up Peeing all bloody night - 4 times last night
!!! Also find I can't sleep when I have things on my mind/stressed = got that coming any day soon with legal work associated with property sales etc, etc. Ain't looking forward to that at all, but a necessary evil.
What I do and have found useful when I wake, fret, and can't get back to sleep, is keep a pen/notepad by the bed.
I write down what's bothering me (usually some ol' cr*p I look at in the morning and think "Christ! THAT kept me awake??!!"). I'd say most of the time it works, but not always. Might that help?
With regards the bellyache: I had some of that myself this week. All I could think of was "Chocolate would make this pain go away"(!) but I persevered and off it went. Could that and all your other symptoms relate to your bladder infection: sound classic UTI symptoms. I Pee that often (during the night mainly) that I don't think I'd know if I was going more often than usual. After reading lots of threads, the UTIs seem to come hand-in-glove with so many of our other symptoms, that I'm waiting for mine to come any time soon!
Sorry, only think I've had one UTI in my life, so my only suggestion, aside from the antibiotics you'll probably need, is good ol' cranberry juice - oh, and some live, natural yogurt works wonders when you put it inside your Do-Dah (on a tampon for ease) for your yeast infection.....which will probably get worse with the anti-Bs (maybe some acidophillus for that?)
Chin Up Kiddo. Hope you get a really helpful response to your woes.
Beckyboop shaznay96184
susan21149 Beckyboop
Beckyboop susan21149
trudy77450 Beckyboop
Beckyboop trudy77450
trudy77450 Beckyboop
Beckyboop trudy77450
susan21149 Beckyboop
susan21149 trudy77450
May I ask what is menopace and is that over the counter or through a priscription and what is black cohosh and what do they do for you may I ask.
Are they both through a prescription from a doctor
trudy77450 susan21149
The menopace is at supermarkets i bought my black cohosh from simply supplements, but you can get them in health food shops
susan21149 trudy77450
I need something to calm these palpitations but I am fed up with what to do
trudy77450 susan21149
The cohosh is for hot sweats,but when i get hot flush i also get palpatations.Also try cutting out caffine,sweets and refined sugar this all helps.
susan21149 trudy77450