Ankylosing Spondylitis, How is it diagnosed?

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Hi there

I have had severe hip pain etc and I have had xrays on my spine and hips, my spine xray shows I have degenerative discs and I have lost the curvature of my spine and since having being put on new medication meloxicam, which can be used for this complaint, my pain is very minimal and life seems to be more bearable..........

Since seeing a Rhuematologist and she didn't care to look at my medical file or x-rays, she said I had mechanical back strain (yes right in my hands and feet????)She just predicted things by the day in general I saw her......

She said

I have superficial tenderness over the lumbar and thoracic spine and all the soft tissues over the thorax and trunk.Lumbar felxion is somewhat limited, although the schoebers measurement was reasonable at 4.5cm. She says I am uncomfortable on side flexion, and I have a normal lumbar lordosis. Straight leg raising produced some discomfort in the hamstrings, but she says nothing in my back. Fermoral nerve stretch was normal. There was no focal CNS signs, and my hip movements were normal. in the peripheral joints I am hyper mobile at the MCPJ's and the IPJ's of the thumbs, she says I had no other abnormal features.............She should have looked at my xrays!!!!! I don't understand the terminology of this all, has anyone got an idea of this too? I just feel like the Rhuemotologist just couldn't be bothered!!!!!! Probably as the appointment was on the NHS, who knows?????

I have read on the internet that I more than likely have Ankylosing Spondylitis, as apparently a doctor can diagnosis this due to the loss of curvature????

What I am wondering is this correct??? and if it is correct do I just put this finding to my GP??? Or can a Rhuematologist only diagnosis this???

Thanks for reading this.



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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Whats this topic got to do with Tramadol??? :lol:

    Though i guess you might take Tramadol for a bad case of Ankylosing Spondylitis :D


  • Posted

    Yes I take Tramadol too but I didnt mention that!!
  • Posted

    OK :D

    Its upto the individual consultant how they diagnose Ankylosing Spondylitis. I dont think a GP can smile

  • Posted

    HI there

    That is the point she didn't want to listen as she didn't bother to look at my xrays etc so I just have to put up with my misdiagnosed symptoms.

    Thanks for replying



  • Posted

    Nobody has to put up with anything, tell your GP her examination / diagnosis was / is seriously flawed and that you simply want another opinion smile
  • Posted

    Hi there

    Mechanical back strain is what she said I have, and yet I get it in my hands and feet????(as well as everywhere else) and I have started with this ailment(s) since nov 06????? She thinks as I haven't had physio that is the problem, but how is it these new tablets are working?????I feel all most normal again???? Surely the Doctor knew what he was doing when he prescribed me these too?????? (with these tablets being only for three types of arthritis) I feel like screaming, I told the rhuemotologist about my x-rays and my lost curvature but she obviously didnt take notice, and as I have said previously this is a classic sign of AS!!!!! the Orthopedic pointed this to me too as he told me the detail of my x-rays.

    I just don't know what to do? I have had many it could be this or that but no diagnosis, and yet I am no doctor but my findings seem linked???? but I am no doctor and I cant diagnose myself so I will just suffer I think until someone thinks they have solved my ailments????

    thanks for reading


    SES :oops:

  • Posted

    You're supposed to be pleased its only a mechanical back strain! :D

    [quote:e79e3be98d]but how is it these new tablets are working?????I feel all most normal again???? Surely the Doctor knew what he was doing when he prescribed me these too?????? (with these tablets being only for three types of arthritis) I feel like [/quote:e79e3be98d]

    Which, the Tramadol? Theyre working because theyre pretty strong painkillers (with a small antidepressant action). I dunno if theyre safe for you to take but some Ibuprofen would go nice with um smile

  • Posted

    Thanks for your reply Spock

    I would be happy that it was just mechanical back strain but I have had x-rays to prove its not just that, and the Rhumotologist didn't care to look just took her assumptions on her clinical knowledge if thats what you call it for the day!!!!!!! I have a straight spine, loosing the curvature and degenerative discs along with spacing narrowed in my hip joints, so no I am not happy as such as this professional women didn't care to look at my clinical x-ray's.......I have had pain for almost a year (dec 06 it started) and as I have taken anti inflammatories before they only blocked \"some\" pain not \"all\" and so the Meloxicam and tramadol work well together as at the moment they take away the pain totally, along with the severe headaches I have had for months, I have dry eyes too and I was diagnosed with this from my optician! (having to put drops in my eyes) So you can see I know that the so called diagnosis has it question of doubt?


    SES :roll:

  • Posted

    Yeah its true, your symptoms have gone on a very long time for a plain old mechanical strain, its almost a year when it should only be a couple of months (at the extreme) if it is just a strain smile
  • Posted

    hi ses the way you get tested for as is with a expensive blood test forget what its called now but i remember years ago my ortho doc said he thought i had that but wanted to rule anything else out first i didnt have to have the blood test cos it turned out i had very large lipomas down my back that were pressing on nerves so had them taken out very straight forward op and hey presto was good as new .
  • Posted

    Thanks Gail

    I am seeing my Gp after the 29th as he is on hols (lucky for him!!) I am not sure whether he will look into this test? I know the HLA-B27 has something to do with this? but as I have an appointment with the nurse on Tuesday I am going to get a list of the bloods/results I have had previously, then I can ask him if further tests can be done if need be?

    I hope you are coping, I ask Mandy all the time how you are, as I have seen you on here, and my thoughts are with you, thanks so much for your reply xx

    Kind regards

    Sara smile

  • Posted

    [quote:158cec670a=\"gail\"],,, taken out very straight forward op and hey presto was good as new .[/quote:158cec670a]

    Gosh a good backpain outcome :shock: :lol: I was gonna say get used to it because things only get worse :lol:

  • Posted

    hi spock

    only to that !! since then i,ve prolapsed discs in my neck now thats a real diffrant situation(see prolapsed discs)

  • Posted

    Hi there

    I do hope you are ok? I can imagine the pain your having, as I have had neuropathic pain, probably nowhere near to the pain I have with my ddd in the lumbar region and I can imagine its not very nice, as I think anything nearer to your head is worse pain (toothache I can't stand I would rather have a c-section any day!!!!!!!!!)!!!!!! As my mobility is effected and I have a young son (of nearly 2) I find it hard to do \"normal\" things and so my heart goes out for all fellow sufferers xxx

    take care xx


  • Posted

    hey my two fav patient buddies! :lol::cheerup:

    sara said~As my mobility is effected and I have a young son (of nearly 2) I find it hard to do \"normal\" things and so my heart goes out for all fellow sufferers xxx

    and a very cute son at that! :wink:

    still can't see how you cope hun, but you do, cos you have too!!! i salute you, :ok: soooo glad my kids are big! lol,

    take care see you on the other side, :hug:xx

    :rose: mandy :rose:

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