Ankylosing Spondylitis, How is it diagnosed?

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Hi there

I have had severe hip pain etc and I have had xrays on my spine and hips, my spine xray shows I have degenerative discs and I have lost the curvature of my spine and since having being put on new medication meloxicam, which can be used for this complaint, my pain is very minimal and life seems to be more bearable..........

Since seeing a Rhuematologist and she didn't care to look at my medical file or x-rays, she said I had mechanical back strain (yes right in my hands and feet????)She just predicted things by the day in general I saw her......

She said

I have superficial tenderness over the lumbar and thoracic spine and all the soft tissues over the thorax and trunk.Lumbar felxion is somewhat limited, although the schoebers measurement was reasonable at 4.5cm. She says I am uncomfortable on side flexion, and I have a normal lumbar lordosis. Straight leg raising produced some discomfort in the hamstrings, but she says nothing in my back. Fermoral nerve stretch was normal. There was no focal CNS signs, and my hip movements were normal. in the peripheral joints I am hyper mobile at the MCPJ's and the IPJ's of the thumbs, she says I had no other abnormal features.............She should have looked at my xrays!!!!! I don't understand the terminology of this all, has anyone got an idea of this too? I just feel like the Rhuemotologist just couldn't be bothered!!!!!! Probably as the appointment was on the NHS, who knows?????

I have read on the internet that I more than likely have Ankylosing Spondylitis, as apparently a doctor can diagnosis this due to the loss of curvature????

What I am wondering is this correct??? and if it is correct do I just put this finding to my GP??? Or can a Rhuematologist only diagnosis this???

Thanks for reading this.



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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there Got my blood test results

    FBC - HB 11.8 units g/dL range (12.0-15.0) Stat which is LO

    Haematocrit - 34.3% (36-46) LO

    Lymphocyte count 1.3 10*9/L (1.5-4.0) which is LO

    WBC 4.2 10*9/L (3.4-11) NORMAL

    other tests in this catergory were ok

    Erythrocyte sedementation count 32mm (1-12) which is HI

    Liver function test all came back normal apart from:-

    Serum Gamma 159iu/L (<42) HI

    As my thyroid function test had altered like I have said she wasn't interested due to the urine infection and my thyroid function test I had to decrease my medication as it had altered:

    Serum TSH 0.20mu/L (0.36-4.1)

    Serum T4 level 27.2 pmol/L (11.2-26.0)

    and as yo can see no Rhuematoid factor was taken or HLA-B27 so how can this so called Rhuematologist make a diagosis????

    Kind regards


  • Posted

    Why dont you write to / ask the Rheumatologist to explain how s/he came up with their diagnosis, or ask your GP to write / ask smile

    Tell your GP you think the diagnosis is boll**ks :D

  • Posted

    Hi there all

    The Rhuematologist said as I was over weight that would help my back pain get better and as I hadnt seen a physio she wasnt interested....(due to the waiting lists) and as I was Hypermobile in my hands (as previously stated etc in my first post),by her visual findings that is how she made her diagnosis, I think the majority of these professionals cant be bothered I would really like to say I have lost my trust in them but as it is the NHS we are talking about they don't seem to care???? Or maybe its just my experience.?......

    I find that after talking to a number of friends like Daisymoo :P they have to make excuses as my friend was not taken seriously at first because she was a lone parent but I bet if she paid for the service there would be a better relationship with doctor and patient????? and as I am not very mobile most of the days I cant loose weight as easily and my thyroid problem makes it harder but as it is again with me I have been given excuses also \"I need to loose weight\" I could have told them that, I can diagnose that myself!!!!!!!! but again if I went private I think they would take me seriously and treat me better also.......My doctor however listens to me so I suppose that is something????? :roll:



  • Posted

    Hi there all

    I haver been to Physio and he say I have arthritis in my hip, so finally someone is listening to me!!!!!!!



  • Posted

    The Conclusion to this all that I changed doctors as I was sick of not being listened to by the previous doctor/surgery, and after doing so I have met a wonderful doctor, whom was concerned straight away about my high liver function tests for over 18 months and so after seeing many specialists whom most didn't want to listen, and so 2 years ago I was dx Fibromyalgia........... but since seeing my new GP he thought Auto-immune hepatitis and seeing the top Rheumtologist Consultant at the hospital he said I have Auto-immune Polyarthritis.......... and so in June of this year I will get the full account and overall diagnosis as the auto-immune side of my disorder is being looked at???? I have had blood tests, ultrasounds done and then I am going for a biopsy I think????? on my liver, so finally I am being listened too!!!!

    Thanks for reading, and if your having problems getting a dx, change doctors if need be, if you are not satisfied, as after all..... we know our own bodies and it is us that puts up with the pain day in day out!!!!

    Take care x

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