Another tale of Perimenopause ! In a panic help

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Hi again ladies, trying not to cry while I am writing this..I am 50 years old and every month during my mid cycle, ovulation time I am a panicky nervous wreck.  Filled with dread and anxiety galore. I am also completely exhausted.  I have two children who need me and I am so scared that I am sick.  Is this really hormones? I just need some help right now...feeling alone and desperate..crysad

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23 Replies

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    yes...hormones it is!! I get the same way and can track the days due to when I ovulate. I do not know exactly why..I would imagine because they are having the last dance with us before sitting down. hahaha! I even sometimes get nervous if I have something to do those days because I know my heart starts and then the anxiety starts. ugh. ohhh and I get legs and back during also. Then it goes away.
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    Hi Jennifer know how you feel same here. have children demanding all the time feeling tired keep crying its horrible thats the way I felt. But since coming on to this site it has helped me to know am not alone which was the way I felt. but reading other ladies coments on how they felt am not going crazy this is normal of menopause just try and keep saying to yourself it wont last forever sending a big hug.
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      Hi Susan, thank u so much! all the women on here are so awesome. It helps to get that reassurance that I'm not alone or going crazy. I just need that and it helps so much!! thank u! sending hugs back

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    Hi Jennifer!

    So sorry you going through this but know you are not alone!!

    Just had the same thing a few days ago!! Even in my sleep had horrible nightmares!!

    I'm 51 years old and the last 6 months got a bid better I still get the anxiety but I learn to control it when starts...keeping busy, reading and walk outside!! the body aches is the biggest problem for me right now, feels lm 90 years oldsmile everytime it got so bad I will get on this site reading the comments everyone will post and i was feeling bettersmile the past 5 years were hell, weight gain dry eyes, itching, hives, stomach problems, not able to sleep, crying, feeling scared, horrible headaches, mood swings, nausea, dizziness !!!! I had all !! It will get easier, I'm not sure is it because my body start adjusting to the changes or I'm used to the craziness Im learning to except itsmile

    Hope you feel better soon xxxxx

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer! Sorry to hear that you're having a tough day. I completely sympathize with you. I started this roller coaster ride almost 17 years ago when I had to have one of my ovaries removed. It threw me straight into early menopause symptoms. I was only 26 at the time and had not had kids yet. I first started getting the heat flashes and the cycle changes. Then as time went on, I got married and had my first born at age 35. After that my symptoms got stronger. I didn't know that it was menopause related at first. I just thought that I was having more intense PMS symptoms. Then I had my second child at age 39. I went full on into peri symptoms. I get anxiety/panic attacks, easily stressed, heart palps, digestive problems, insomnia, chest pains, heat flashes, blood pressure changes, weight loss, depression, mood swings, thoughts of doom and death. I wrestle with the fear of having a heart attack or stroke or getting cancer. It's maddening! But to answer your question, yes these symptoms can all be hormonally triggered. Every time I go to the doctor they never find anything and all my tests come back normal. If you've had a complete physical and gotten the all clear than it is a good indication that it's hormones at play and they don't play nice, unfortunately. This is truly a rough ride out of our reproductive years that no one on earth could have prepared me for. All I ever heard about were the heat flashes and weepiness that sometimes happens. But there is a plethora of other symptoms that come along with this and it can be overwhelming at times. Google the "66 menopause symptoms" and the "Over 100 anxiety symptoms". This helped me a lot to know what I was feeling was just my hormones. Hope this helps and feel better soon.

    Take care!

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      Thank u for your reply, I feel like I am reading about myself. Wow!! I don't remember my mom having all this. But back then women suffered in silence. What keeps me sane at times is this forum and knowing it will end. Stay well and thank u again

  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer ditto I'm 49 and have exactly the same I have been given hrt to try but noIt started yet, your not alone and it's so good this site is here for us all because you feel like your alone I just want the old me back but I'm sure it will happen one day😬😬 never knew it would be like this and I'm still peri as I still have periods God know what the actual menopause will be 😀😀

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      Thank you so much for all these responses. My husband tries to understand but it's hard for him. He does his best to sympathize. I just feel like I never feel good. I hope this ride goes quick! Thank u

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    As you can see by the responses, you are not alone Jennifer. I hope that makes you feel better. I know when o am having a rough day, this is where I come to for support. Like one of the other ladies said, I was not prepared for this...and never heard about all of these symptoms. I thought my 40s were supposed to be some of the best years. I'm still waiting! ((Hugs))

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      I know I didn't realize that this was going to be this bad and go on for so long. Some days just want to lay in bed and eat potato chips. lol.. thank u for making me feel better. Take good care

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      Yep I've been there. It was really bad when my teen son said "mom you never feel good"... and I didn't. I was so tired all the time or nauseated..I'm doing better now with that part. I've had all kinds of crazy scary symptoms and I am so thankful I found this forum. I really think I am starting to get used to all this crazy😬

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      Wow! I feel like I never feel well. It can be embarrassing. But, this is a reality and it will end eventually. We just have to keep reading and writing on this forum. God Bless
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    Jennifer it is hormones! My panic and anxiety attacks are so bad and get so bad my family thinks I'm crazy don't understand don't support me and that's even scarier because you think somebody's got to help you get through this but my psychologist said when the attacks come put up this big red mental stop sign and say stop and then tell yourself this will not kill me and it will pass then focus on something else now it's hard at first but trust me keep Trying cause it really does work when you catch on how to do it ! Download the app if you're a believer called Abide I downloaded it it's free It will help you relax and just focus on that or anything the more you keep yourself on high alert 🚨 You will constantly be jumping out of your skin so do not pay attention to every single symptom that hits the body because with me premenopausal there's more than we can count think or imagine don't let it freak you out I used to get so bad it control my life I would shake so bad being nervous felt doom and gloom and death so afraid I had to learn to do these things I'm telling you or I would of ended in some nut house running my finger up and down my lips in some corner! I have them so bad I could actually write a book I have them driving whoever was in car with me I say to them in a very panic voice and say talk or read do anything to get my mind I had to pull off the road so much more so yes it's your hormones no there's nothing wrong with you you just have to learn how to deal with them panic and anxiety like I said earlier is a huge part of our journey mine lasted for years I still have them but I fiight them i've had to leave the store so many times for a long time I couldn't even go to the store I still can't drive anywhere by myself I haven't got that Concord yet ! I've had serval panic and Anxiety attacks this last week I had to really fight him because I have to take two different anabiotic's that I've never taken before that is nasty anabiotic's but I have to take them I was just diagnosed with a CAT scan with dye diverticulitis with me bleeding The pain was so bad I had to taken to ER needless to say I had tons of test I was so panic so I'll be only in the one anabiotic for three days right now tomorrow I have to start another one take the two together and it has me full-blown panic I start a new one @8:30 in the morning ! Today I want to Gastro appointment I have so many panic attacks in that lobby I almost left I'm how many times but I knew it could cause of the inflamed infection of the diverticulitis I prayed and asked the Lord to help me get through the appointment he did otherwise that door I kept looking at I've been through it so no you're not alone have someone that you can text right away when you have attack my cell number is 270-319-1167 anytime you want to text day or night I know the torment of fear all too well !

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      I forgot to say I have to take those two anabiotic's for 14 days !!!!

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      Hi!!! I went on to download Abide there are several, I wasn't sure which one? Like you my family thinks I'm a nutsmile my husband is trying to keep the peace and my children don't want to hear it anymore!!! Thank god for this sitesmile

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      It's the one with the white background with a blue A  on it  the A doesn't have the line across it 🙅???🤗

    • Posted

      Thank you! I just downloaded it too. It seems like it will be a blessing. Thanks for sharing.

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