Anterior blepharitis diagnosis! Itchy red eyelids frequently, what can i do to stop it?!

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I recently went to an ophthalmologist for the millionth time, who told me that my dry eyes looked a lot better which is likely down to the hylo forte drops that he had previously prescribed, my eyes do feel a lot better in terms of dryness.They are rarely puffy, and they dont feel as sore, i used to get a lot of pain in my right eye like a burning sensation but now i rarely get that too. Thats all for the good points, i was told that i have anterior blepharitis, i knew i had bleph i had been told millions of times and was told millions of times to just wash it with baby shampoo and hope for the best, but now i actually have been told what type of it i have, I'm hoping someone can help me with any ideas to stop the symptoms i get frequently. I have red, itchy, bumpy dry eyelids, ALL THE TIME. I probably get about, 5 days to a week maximum before i have a flare up. It always begins in the very corner of my eye where your tear duct is and spreads out. Its so uncomfortable as it is so itchy, and it is really getting me down, it makes me feel ugly, i sometimes i get extra skin folds that look weird too in the crease of my eyelid, that just come out of nowhere. The doctor told me to keep using heated eye compresses even when itchy and clean as normal during a flare up, he also said to use aveeno creams to take down the 'rash' that forms. I wish this was effective, it just feels like it isn't, i have used tobradex before that gets rid of the eyelid inflammation rapidly but it is a mixture of steroid and antibiotic and I'm terrified of using it alot as ive already been told ive got a fair bit of pressure in my eyes. 

I'm just hoping for some advice on STOPPING how frequent the inflammation is, it is just bringing me so down that it is so often, i have lost all confidence in myself, ive gained weight ive isolated myself from my friends, because as a 21 year old girl, something like this separates you from people your age and leaves you feeling really alone, when you can't do your makeup like normal people and you can't be around people without feeling embarrassed or unsociable because your eyelid is red and itching like mad, my general routine is i wake up and wash my face with a facewash by neutrogena, use a heated eye mask, massage my eyes, wash them with ocusoft wash then wipe them with tea tree wipes, then depending on whether the lid is flared up or not, i use a simple eyelid cream for day to day normal eye use, and when itchy and red i use aveeno creams.  I repeat this again at night. I use eye drops throughout the day to combat my dry eye. 

if anyone has any tips, if anything has worked for you, please let me know. I just want to stop the frequency of it, it flares up without me even doing anything to provoke it and I'm so fed up. 



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31 Replies

  • Posted

    Let me try to clarify. I do not use lotions of any kind too close to my eyes because it makes them itch and get red etc.. 

    I use a cotton round to dip into the solution. I keep this solution on my counter top, ready for the next use.

    I wash my eyelids with this solution and I do not rinse. This has a calming effect. The itching stops and remains stopped for many hours. I wish it was a cure, but it is not.

    I never had the crusting, just the itching and occasionally a sty or two. 

    Since I began using this solution, I need few artificial tears. It just seems to help with that also.

    Have I missed anything? I want to answer all your questions.

    • Posted

      Hi lyse thank you so much for taking the time to explain, I have never had crusting either, only irritated eyelids that itch beyond belief so frequently. I've only had 2 styes in the course of all this and they were at the beginning. Now it's just inflamed eyelids all the time. How did you find this mixture, how do you know to use it? I'm mid flare up right now and my eyes are pretty bad,  I made a mixture of tea tree oil 100%, baby shampoo and pre boiled water in a mug last night and rubbed it on my  eyes with a cotton pad before bed, too soon to tell it it has done anything though

  • Posted

    Hello again Jade, the consultant I saw didn't really go into the blepharitis and chalazion problem I must admit, I was more worried about my eyesight at the time!

    Please try the Capasal, it won't harm you and who knows, it may work for you, I promise you  that in my case my eyes feel horrible in the morning until I have followed the shower routine, it is now 00:45 and they still feel fine but at 08:30ish later on they won't until after the washing procedure.  After getting the entire eye area lathered use a kind  of 'squeegee' action with your fingers in an outward direction (nose toward ear, if that makes sense) to cleanse the area, then rinse suds in a likewise manner.

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    When you use the mixture, it should be immediately southing. It should stop the itching immediately. That's how you will know that it is working for you. Make sure you shake it well.

    It is by trial and error that I came up with this mixture. Too much tea tree oil and it will burn ... too little and it will do nothing. 

    When going away from my home, I put this in a small bottle that I carry in my purse or pocket and I can do it anywhere anytime with no mess and as often as required.

    I really do hope that it will work out for you.

    • Posted

      Okay I just mixed it with a teaspoon in a mug, I put ten drops in may have put too much baby shampoo in it was hard to measure just from the bottle but mixed it while water was boiling so should be okay, I'll give it a trial run and see what happens thank you for your advice x 

  • Posted

    Hi Jade, my last reply is being moderated for some reason, maybe because I included a link.  Just search on Capasal, there are several sources at about £8 a bottle.  There are also sources of other coal-tar based shampoos.


    • Posted

      Hi David, yes probably the site gets weird with things like that, I'll have slooo online thank you x 

  • Posted

    Hi again Jade, have a look for 'weldricks', they sell Capasal.  There are warnings about not applying neat to the eyes but that is common sense for any soap product.  Wash hair first, then, using the suds, wash all around the eye area with eyes closed then rinse well, it's not done me any harm for many years now and doc is happy to continue prescribing.

    I see my link to you has been basically quashed by

    I found out just tonight that my father's right iris has been scarred by this awful condition, another reason to rid yourself of it.  x


    • Posted

      Oh dear bless him! Thats awful, it really is such a bad condition to have, i always feel like people dont really get it when you describe it to them. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction! My only concern is that the shampoo won't be suitable for my skin because my scalp isn't dry or itchy, is yours? Just dont want to experience any nasty side effects trying to sort my eyes out with it haha, if it was up to my doctors i would only be using baby shampoo and hot compresses and they've never been that useful just alone i have found, so I'm willing to try anything, its just so scary trying things on the eye as its so sensitive x

  • Posted

    Dear Jade,

    I had the terrible itching problem and managed to transfer it to the other eye too.

    I was able to kill the Blepharitis and it took over 3 months. I used Wet Ones from the US. It was the Red Box but now the formula seems to have changed so I used the Yellow Wet Ones on my lashes to make sure it was O K to use and no problem for me like the original ones.

    I did not rinse it off to test it too. You can after 10 minutes. It takes 10 minutes for the Benzethonium Chloride to work to kill the Staph.

    I used mascara while killing it too. That involves throw away wands 2 for each time you put on mascara. Let me know if you want that info too.

     Hope this is encouraging for you.



  • Posted

    I also have dry eyes and anterior blepharitis although that is mild.  When my eyelids start to itch, I use Avenova which I bought from my eye Dr. for $30.  I spray it on my eyelids at night before going to bed.  The Hylo Forte drops have helped me also.  It seems like what works for one person doesn't always work for someone else.  

    Good luck!



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