Anti Depressants for Peri?
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I, like you all need a little help & support - I'm a mess with this peri-meno stuff & I have an appointment to see my GP today - I feel like I need anti-depressants - but is this the answer? Will they help? Appreciate any advice or words of wisdom.
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SoopyLoopy Hashtag6
Anti-depressants may help and I took them for about 2 years until I decided that they weren't really working for me. Since then I've started taking B6 (100mg) and Evening Primrose tablets and they seem to be working and I'm more comfortable taking them. Have a good chat with your Doc, mine even got me on a counselling list and that also helped - especially as the counseller had had similar issues! Makes you feel better. These threads have been a life line, knowing you aren't the only one who feels like they're loosing their marbles when you used to be so capable.
Have a hug and be kind to yourself! x
Hashtag6 SoopyLoopy
SoopyLoopy Hashtag6
My other half treats me like a lunatic and thinks I'm making it all up and can't understand why I've changed so much. Even the ladies I work with and have known for years don't recognise the menopause me. They're not far behind though.
My doc did say it was common for ladies of a certain age to need the pills as the changes are pretty traumatic.
In the end it's what works for you. I was on citalopram which seems OK and a couple of friends are / were also on it after taking other ones to start with which didn't agree with them. Don't dismiss anything and personally, if I could take HRT I probably would (family history means they won't prescribe it).
Good luck with the Doc.x
Hashtag6 SoopyLoopy
Didn't think they did HRT anymore! I should be OK - no family history etc - does that work better? Will take anything - all of it to feel better than this.
Thanks SoopyLoopy - you are right it does help to talk, never been on a forum before., but glad I decided to today. xx
nancy0925 Hashtag6
Hashtag6 nancy0925
Have to say though I find nothing 'normal' about this - its like Ive been taken over by aliens & they are being mean! When I read the posts that this will be around for years it fills me with real dread.
Will certainly try evening primrose though, thank you Nancy.
nancy0925 Hashtag6
Hashtag6 nancy0925
madcow1964 Hashtag6
I discovered this forum last year when I was in a state, too, and seeing so many fellow peri symptom sufferers has really helped.
I always got PMT about a week before my period - the worst being 1 day of either weepyness or rage. Last September I had been too busy to notice anything until the day my period started, the same day we came home from a busy working weekend. I woke up Monday morning and just burst into tears and that was me for the rest of the day (luckily I work from home). For no reason I could see I just kept on bursting into tears, often sobbing as if my heart would break! This lasted all week, though I somehow kept it hidden from my husband. A friend urged me to see a doc so I went along on Friday and, after a few questions about periods (regular as clockwork still at 49) he prescribed Fluoxetene to be taken before and during a period for about 10 days each time.
I made the mistake of reading everything about them and all the possible but rare side effects! Hadn't realised they were Prozac! I only took them for 3 days then stopped coz I felt better and my period had ended. I also felt a bit woozy on them. As soon as I felt depression coming on, for the next 2 periods, I started taking them again, but only for about 3 or 4 days at a time. They helped with the moods but not the brain fog and confusion / lack of concentration.
I haven't actually taken any of them this year as, with my brother getting married last weekend for one thing, there just seems to have been so much new stuff to occupy my poor addled brain! Maybe, now that's over, I will become aan emotional wreck again next month and will need the antedepressants again!
Everybody is different and will react differently to drugs, but it certainly sounds as if you are in desperate need of something now, if only just for a short while as your hormones have gone haywire. I'm lucky in the fact that I seem to be going through phases of things. Since my periods started coming either a few days early or a few days late recently, and lasting for about 10 days now (though only 2 / 3 days are bad ones with severe pain and flooding), I've noticed my PMT moods have stabilised. My short term memory is still shot to pieces though!
I'm sending you a big sympathetic hug with best wishes you get sorted and on an even keel soon x
Hashtag6 madcow1964
madcow1964 Hashtag6
However, reading through the peri forums the signs have been there for a while. For a couple of years, on and off, I seemed to be getting minor hot flushes. Haven't really had any since early last year but now getting the odd night sweat...waking in the night with very soggy boobs is most disconcerting, especially if I fall asleep til morning then wake up bone dry as if I dreamt it! The brain fog, confusion, memory loss, aching joints, fatigue and sudden grumpy episodes are still there, but it's as if my body is just giving me tasters of the more serious and alarming symptoms of peri now and then...
I fear that one of these days the whole range of symptoms is going to attack me in one go and I won't know what's hit me! I'll be left as a complete gibbering mess, once more unable to remeber my password for this site!
Hashtag6 madcow1964
madcow1964 Hashtag6
I do find that I am a lot more emotional than I ever used to be, and I also react much more strongly to unjust circumstances. If my husband is grumpy with me after a long and stressful day at work I take it as a personal affront and get snappy with him, ans yes, sometimes I am a complete bitch - generally around PMT time. As a child I was always the peacemaker and my brother and I never fell out . I hate disharmony and if I get bitchy I hate myself for it and try and keep myself in check until the next period...but the monster within is always lurking in the background.
Your description about the aliens taking over is so apt, but try not to be too hard on yourself. You'll see we are all at various different stages and all having similar but different symptoms. Look out for Jayneejay - she always has good advice and a sympathetic ear.
Good luck x
Hashtag6 madcow1964
Crosspatch Hashtag6
Sorry to hear you are feeling down. Don't rush for the quickest solution until you have had a good chat with your GP. and read some of the suggestions others here on the forum have written. I found them very helpful and knowing that I wasn't the only one makes a huge difference.
I hope you have a good GP. Best of luck.
Hashtag6 Crosspatch