Posted , 11 users are following.
I was wonderin how you all deal with the anxiety. Im ok when im at home but when im at work it goez into overdrive and i make myself ill . Thanks
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Posted , 11 users are following.
I was wonderin how you all deal with the anxiety. Im ok when im at home but when im at work it goez into overdrive and i make myself ill . Thanks
0 likes, 18 replies
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marlene21102 lol64
lol64 marlene21102
gill00147 lol64
lol64 gill00147
annieschaefer lol64
Funny, I'm complete opposite, I am better at work than home. Odd how this hits us so differently!
This was one of my first symptoms as well. I learned what it was and after seeing a counselor to learn a type of biofeedback to get these somewhat under control for the most part.
They feel crummy, but the less you let it overwhelm (easier said than done at times) you, the less it will affect you. I know that sounds nuts and I didn't believe it the first 100 times I heard it, but it turns out it is true.
There are rare times though, if I do get hit hard enough where I resort to using a light sedative to cut it out. And as I type this, I bet if someone actually switched the med out with a placebo at this point, I'd still be ok.
Hang in there, it does get better.
Annie xx
lol64 annieschaefer
buddah_girl lol64
joyyoga lol64
I have anxiety - it is quite strong at work I find myself counting the hours until I can leave and I love what I do! I find it helps a bit to focus on the task in front of me and breathe. I try and talk and smile even if I have to fake it. I am also using a bach remedy but have got one for my particular anxiety, have a look on google see if one matches what you feel. Sleep deprivation doesn't help I'm sure!
Fresh air if you can, sipping tea/water.
Good luck I feel for you
susan556 lol64
lol64 susan556
susan21149 lol64
I have a lot of anxieties myself when I am out of the house like today. You should learn some coping skills and deep breathing and mediation. When you feel yourself getting anxious at work ask to take a break to get away to do some relaxation and when you are feeling better come back to your work.
Talk to a therapist on how you feel maybe you need an antianxiety medication talk to your doctor about that. Think positive and tell yourself it will pass over
kim94523 lol64
shaznay96184 lol64
Went though a lot of that about 2yrs ago while negotiating business/ house sale. Don't want that again! Believe I was already well into Peri then too.
Recall lots of sleepless nights, confused, mixing words, fretting, sweating (but not flushing), bit of hyperventilating-type breathing, heavy bleeding.
Never considered taking anything for it really as I suppose I used my husband to talk a lot of things out.
Noticed I'd lost a few pounds down to good ol' stress. But once all over, it took me 6mths to 'come down', having the benefit of not having to work now. Also grateful that I could continue through Peri without an audience!! (But being less stressed has meant putting on 9lbs in 18mths - can't have it all, can we?! I'm also looking forward to some new work-related adventures during the next year or so. I'm easily bored if I'm not busy!)
Knew someone who's mum swore by Rescue Remedy Spray (as Marlene mentions). But hate to say she did come across as a 'professional hypochondriac', never worked since having kids. I put it down to boredom! (As a natural grafter, I'm not very sympathetic to 'weak' women. Sorry!)
RR -I might just get some in the event I have a real feeling of dread come over me that I can't talk/breath myself put of.
Have to say I'm feeling the benefits of taking Menopace Original: my whole mood has improved as has my joint pain by about 100%.
I've never taken myself too seriously, love a laugh daily, and am a total realist. I've always been a 'half empty'-type, so don't often get disappointed! But the love of a good man goes a long way to helping you when you're feeling like crap!!!! :-)
Chin Up Girls xx
marlene21102 shaznay96184
I've got balance trouble due to neck trouble ,so that's a big hinderance .which in turn don't give me a good day .
It is what it is I suppose grin and bear it. Just hope one of these fine days. Everyone's troubles will be well behind them for sure .
My take on those drs meds ,for some they can and do increase anxiety. Unless your one that they do suit , I went on one packet,for my tinnitus ,didn't have any anxiety prior. That one packet set my anxiety off. My biggest one regret.Wish I could turn the clock back .
shaznay96184 marlene21102
I don't know why I'm so opposed to taking medication, as I have seen the benefits its done for my family over the years for different ailments.
Probably lazy, couldn't be bothered to take things on a daily basis: probably why I opted for IUDs ha, ha!!
How I would get on taking HRT each day, I'll never know, but I think I should be bloody grateful that I don't have to take anything, as I know a lot of ladies on this forum have had lots of health issues to contend with.
Who'd be a woman aye??!!!!