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Hi Ladies I posted 2 discussions last week the 1st was because I had a really bad panick attack the day after my period started nothing like i had ever experienced before so scary after wondering why it came out the blue posted that I had been taking vitamni B tablets and read that this can cause anxiety and panick this happend last friday but still feel quite panicky and anxious just want to know how long it takes to get over such a scary experience xx
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michelle50768 donna27148
Sending hugs. I ended up in a&e two days ago with severe palpitations which led to panic. I feel so ill every day. Ive been in peri 8 years and it just seems to get worse. I have gerd now as well. Its causing some of my breathlessness im sure. I am on an AD mirtazapine 15mg but just dont seem to be working
Im still feeling panicky today.
Sorry I cant offer any help but im sure some other lovely ladies will be able to offer more help than me. I just wish this breathlessness would go. I feel like im dying most days but had numerous bloods ecg heart monitor all came back normal. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Im now 48 and just praying for this all to end.
God bless xx
susan21149 michelle50768
Sorry you are feeing so bad. I am in menopause myself and have been having palpitations and anxieties with this. Yes this is scary I was just on a heart monitor for two weeks because the 24 hour one did not pick up anything i will know the results on the 30th of this month. i also have gerd myself i am not taking anything for it right now but I am going to ask my doctor for famotidine 20mg to help with my gerd symptoms.
Do you have any coping skills that can get your mind off you anxieties.
I think the problem is that we are all worring about our health which cause more anxieties in us. Yes our hormones are up and down and its like a roller coaster for us ladies but we are letting our emotions control us and we have to learn to control our emotions easy said than done
i am 46 going to be 47 in August i know myself that strong emotions in menopause can affect us with anxieties, panic attacks and palpittions and mood swings like crying, getting angry we need to learn not to let these emotions get the best of us.
You are not dying its just your anxieties right now. My ECG came back normal last week when I was in the E.R. thats the only way they can tell if you are having heart problems even my ecocardoigram came back normal it showed normal movement with the heart and no extra beats and the pictures say that the heart looks good and i just have to tell myself it just my anxieties and my hormones going up and down.
Menopause symptoms in ladies it depends on the ladies but it will go away we just do not know when maybe in a year or five years or longer it just depends on that person.
Hang in there you will be fine sending you some hugs XXX and a smile
Just do some coling skills write read, walk yoga, relaxation deep breathing take time for your self these won't last long and hang in there you will be fine God is with us ladies
michelle50768 susan21149
The fatigue and breathlessness is really getting me down. Slso talen a dip with my depression. I do pray and read. Im due another endoscopy the end of the month. I do feel the gerd is making me breathless.
God bless
michelle50768 donna27148
Keep me updated on your progress with this doctor
TeresaJS donna27148
B vitamins are excellent for the nervous system.... If on occasion they interfere with and adrenaline discharge (that's what a panik attack is) is because they're trying to regulate the system.
I wouldn't stop them... I have several complications and I have adrenal exhaustion...
I'm taking 1100 mg vit.B5 pantotenic acid/day (2 caps 550mg) and vitc.C 2000mg day. I always take them morning and lunch time otherwise they interfere with sleep.
I know it sounds a lot but it's the only way of tackle this with nutrients. You would also benefit from checking if your sugar levels vary a lot because if they go down abruptly during the day you may also experience panicky feelings.
I'm sorry, Donna... Let's us know how you're doing.
X Teresa.
TeresaJS donna27148
susan21149 donna27148
I had a bad panic attack back in December because of Vitamin B that I took, ended up in the E.R. for it. Yes it is scary even anxieties are scary and i admit i have a lot of them.
I go to a mental facility where they have groups and i learned and i have to put it to use are coping skills.
Walking is suppose to help when you feel anxious or panicky but if you do not feel like walking, write down your feelings, do some relaxation, pray to God about how you feel about your panic attack, yoga exercises and deep breathing is a great source of getting rid of your anxieties. The feeling will subside it won't last long just hang in there and do not think back to your panic attack or you will make yourself anxious more because you may think that you might have another one.
Lay off the vitamin b and just do some coping skills and your anxieties will go down sending you hugs and a smile
margaret04348 donna27148
ope...I think!!!!!!LOL Take care.XXXX
michelle50768 margaret04348
I will defo try deep breathing
TeresaJS donna27148
michelle50768 TeresaJS
sorry what pm?
Got my wires crossed