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What have you taken for anxiety other then anti depressants?? I will be going to the doctor begin of Novembe. I am currently not on any medication. Has a hormone cream worked for anybody? 

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29 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi teresa, I take magnesium for anxiety. It helps calm me down. I was taking St. John's Wort, but it gave me headaches. I stopped taking St. John's Wort. I also read that L-theanine supplement helps with depression, and anxiety.

    There are quite of few of supplements that help. You can look them up online. Hope that helps.

    • Posted

      Thank you! I am not really depressed just anxiety. Which can be crazy sometimes. No panic attacks yet and hopefully never. Lol. I have a few different symptoms with this perimenopause. No fun. I will try that magnesium.
    • Posted

      Maria, how many mgs in total a day do you take Magnesium and do u take it at night or when is best?
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      I don't know about it being good for the uterus, but it definitely helps with my anxiety.

    • Posted

      I take 250mg Magnesium every evening and think it's helps my anxiety as well. Might be coincidence but when I'm out of them and don't take for a while, I notice I feel worse

  • Posted

    Hi Teresa many years ago I took something called Herbal Nerve which did help me for while ..I am post meno now and still dealing with the health anxiety this is the only anxiety that I have now but it's brutal at times so I am going to try St. Johns Wort I have heard great things about it ...also I have heard that magnesium works for some people as well

    • Posted

      Thank you! I am going to look into the magnesium. And I wish you luck. This women stuff stinks. Ugg.
    • Posted

      magnesium is really great.  I started taking a teasp of powdered magnesium at night and it really works for anxiety which I would get late at night before bed.  Calms the whole system down so  try that first before anything else.
    • Posted

      Thank you. I notice I get my anxiety mainly at night too. Every once in awhile during the day. Like if my husband is driving. Lol
    • Posted

      yes, nightime is worse for me.  Since all this really kicked in, I found I got more uptight going to bed! which was weird for me because I always loved my bed and sleep.  But I've had so many weird feelings during the night that I started to dread it, anxiety kicking in at bedtime is just ridiculous as you are trying to relax for sleep.  But magnesium powder in water was suggested to me and it has worked like a dream.  How your life changes after you fall off the menopause cliff still shocks me!

    • Posted

      Yes it crazy. I do not know what women did years ago! Ugg. And I am not medicine kind of person. So I rarely take anything unless needed of course.
    • Posted

      Epsom salt baths at night really help me relax, it is also magnesium sulfate
  • Posted

    I take an Effexor for anxiety , also helps me with hot flashes.... But I also take magnesium , it's great for a lot of things! I have heard people taking htp but I have no experience with it. I use essential oils for many symptoms and love them, Clary Calm, lavender , and many others have helped.

    • Posted

      You did? How is that working for you? Does it help with a lot of symptoms ? I am thinking of this route but worried about cancer.
    • Posted

      I thought about using the oils. I have friends that use them. Not for perimenopause . I am not fimilar with Effexor? Is this over the counter?
    • Posted

      I also worry about cancer risks and hormones.

      My doctor told me about the cream and said it has to be the natural bio identical cream and not the synthetic. She told me to only use Emerita Progest Cream . She said the others are synthetic and could carry more risks than benefits. Now my anxiety has me researching more about progesterone and cancer!! It was my understanding that estrogen caused more risks with cancer. I use a small amount twice a day and then stop for at least five days around my period. It seems to help somewhat but I'm not really sure anymore what helps and what doesn't during all this perimenopause stuff lol.

    • Posted

      I'm fairly new to the essential oils use so am learning still wink

      However, I have been using Clary Calm for pms and it does seem to help. Lavender always helps my anxiety calm down smile

      Effexor is an antidepressant, SSNRI.... I've been on several different ones over the years for anxiety and panic attacks. I'm on a very low daily dose. The help with hot flashes is just an added bonus from it wink

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