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Do anyone wake up with anxiety every morning and it's uncontrollable? It lingers on for a while until I take something. What causes this?
Some mornings are worse then others, is it because of the previous day of stress or what?
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pjapip mary27278
mary27278 pjapip
pjapip mary27278
You are not alone in feeling anxious but the trouble with taking meds to control it Mary is that you will get into a vicious circle if you're not careful. That's because the daily anxiety may not actually be real anxiety but rather withdrawal from the pills. Try your best to do without if you can, much better to treat the cause than the symptoms ie natural hormones (phyto oestrogens/progesterone patches) or something X
mary27278 pjapip
Do you know if certain foods will trigger it? The thing is it last for hours ...
mary27278 pjapip
I do have both cream bit don't really know how to use the phytoestrogen, I've only been using the progesteron.
pjapip mary27278
You can get phytoestrogen pills, am guessing you're in the US we get then from the health food store here or you can buy them on the internet. You can also get them from changing your diet if you Google it, beans are very good for example, as is soya etc X
mary27278 pjapip
I already have the estroven pills, I am going off my period right now. Do I take them now or when period is over. And how do i supplement the progesterone cream with it?
Does it help you?
annieschaefer mary27278
mary27278 annieschaefer
mary27278 annieschaefer
Struggling50 annieschaefer
Do you remember how long it took you for the anxiety to go away? Do you remember what you did to get through the anxiety?
I must be moving out of perimenopause and into menopause. I am having bad anxiety and crying off and on, sadness and sometimes irritability. These are the symptoms that are causing me the most problems. The anxiety is BAD!
Thank you.
mary27278 Struggling50
Hi are you still having your periods? My peri started full blast with severe symptons starting with digestion issues .
I want to cry sometimes but it like the anxiety is so bad where I can't even cry anymore.
Struggling50 mary27278
I am having PMS symptoms after my period instead of before my period.
I can cry sometimes but it is because I am SO sad. At least when I cry I know am still capable of feeling.
Indifferent Struggling50
You are exactly where I am right now with the PMS after rather than before your period...what a switch up huh? The first time this happened I was SO ECSTATIC that I didn't have pms...and then it hit bigtie the week! I to am still having my periods, about the same as you, all over the place but really every month.
THe anxiety I have learned to control with a bottle of drops called "Bachs Rescue Remedy" It has been working wonders for me. 2-3 drops and all is well. I had to take it three times today...but some days now I don't need it. It might help you more than you think
Struggling50 Indifferent
I will look for that Bach's. Thank you,;-) Oh the joy of being a woman!
annieschaefer Struggling50
annieschaefer mary27278
Hi Mary,
Peri started when I was 47 and I got some odd night sweats. Then for a few years nothing noticable until about 53 when the periods went crazy, the emotions were all over the map. I know the real telltale sign of impending menopause was also I used to have an issue with PMS but would feel great once my period would start. The last 1 or 1 1/2 yrs I noticed that even when I got my period, my mood would not lift and I seemed to stay down and very anxious. That started the journey of many types of doctor visits and help. I wish I could say something worked better than others but wow, the one thing I didn't really persue and wonder know if it would have help better was HRT. I did use a patch for a week but got a breast cyst and nixed that idea altogether instead of trying something different. I even tried ADs, for both hot flashes and emotions...mixed results but not enought to stick with. Like I told Sparky, the going into last phase of peri seemed to be the absolute worst, which lasted a year going in and then the first 1 1/2 for me of no periods was also rough as the symptoms really intesified a bit. Now I have leveled off considerably with the emotional part. Now to get the physical part back to a more doable level. It will seem like eternity while you are in the height of this but I promise it will pass, it's just the body adjusting to doing without the hormones. For some people it's a breeze and then there's the 10% that are like us.
You will get through this.