Anxiety and caffeine
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Hi girls just wanted to say I've had a set back this morning, I'm on sertraline for my anxiety that I got with the peri, I was feeling loads better after 2 weeks, I switched to decaf coffee at the same time as taking my tablets, bit this morning whilst I was dog sitting for a friend,I had 2 coffees that wasn't decaf, and an hour later had a massive anxiety attack, so fed up but now discovered caffeine definitely makes anxiety worse x
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lydia2311 haley30534
Yep, have noticed this myself. I can have only 1 coffee in the morning and that's it for the day - otherwise I'm bouncing off the walls in a really unpleasant way.
haley30534 lydia2311
samantha42264 haley30534
I've noticed the same thing. I can only drink a half of a coffee, if I go past the half I regret it and feel horrible.
One thing I've noticed that helps it to stop is to eat some proteins, I'll eat a couple of eggs and it settles down quicker.
I hope you feel better.
haley30534 samantha42264
Thanks Samantha I didn't know proteins help to stop it x
samantha42264 haley30534
Im not positive, but it helps me, it's worth a try.
It's an awlful feeling when you are on a caffine overload. It's like I need the half of cup to sort of get out of the peri brain fog, but if I indulge in a full cup I turn into a freak, I talk really fast and can't keep on topic, can't sit still and have no consintration...mind you I can clean my whole house in an hour but if someone disturbs me Im snappy.
Coffee is not worth the bad feelings
Shana_rifka haley30534
haley30534 Shana_rifka
I'm on the brandy now hoping it'll numb the pain x
t74985 haley30534
Hi, I’ve been having horrible anxiety & sore joints, muscles for about 6 weeks now. I believe I’m Menopausal at this point as my Estrogen is below 10. FSH is very high around 170-180.
I was given Divigel 1mg to apply on inside of thighs nightly and oral progesterone 100mg nightly. Also, xanax .25 up to 3 times daily as needed for Anxiety, 30 pills. I just got these 2 Days ago. I never thought I’d take HRT...but my life is out of control w these symptoms.
I have been fatigued, losing weight and the anxiety is making me feel like I’ve lost my mind.
Anyone else having severe anxiety while trying to figure out hormones?! I’m becoming increasingly anxious and not functioning. Caffeine has been cut out for over a month now. I’m just a wreck and not poor kids and husband.
haley30534 t74985
Aw Hun I really feel for you, maybe u should opt for the hrt it's gotta be better than all your symptoms xx
mauiblue t74985
Hi t7
I also feel for you as its as if im reading about myself.......
weight loss, anxiety, my son sad to me this morning :Mom why does your face look SO SAD!!" OMG mom whats wrong?
These kind of things are what really bring me down, and breaks my heart. and make me sadder than ever. No dad to fall back on, so yeah...its a party.
we havent lost our minds we are just passing through turbulence on a plane ride that has to go on as long as it chooses.
christine66659 t74985
Hi there..I have crippling anxiety at Meno nine years..bloody hate it...was ok going thru Meno didn't even notice went to drs after not having period for a year and Dr said you be been thru it..I think if your an anxious person anyway it triples during hormone fluctuations..I'm getting nite sweats now..never had them nine years ago or before that..strange...I don't do caffeine.just drink plenty of water..and keep in mind anxiety cannot kill fact it keeps us's the thoughts we attach to the feeling that is the problem..keep well
haley30534 christine66659
t74985 haley30534
I did start HRT. I’m hoping it kicks in soon. Does anyone know how long the HRT sure it’s diff for everyone. I’m also going tomorrow to a therapist who deals in anxiety and am hoping some talk therapy will help me muddle my my along. I’m not well.
metamorphed t74985
nancy0925 haley30534
I too stopped having anxiety after stopping caffeine. I switched back to organic de caffeinated green tea. It also ended the bad bloating and belching. I still have other peri symptoms but those were big ones that I was happy to say goodbye too!