Anxiety caused by perimenopause ???

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Hi this is my second post on here ! I just feel so un well all the time and don't know what to do ? I've started taking Magnesuium to help me sleep and it is quite good, I hear it was supposed to get rid of anxiety but after a promising start I now feel awful again 😢 uptight, feelings of dread, tearful just generally awful . . . Maybe I  should increas the dose or try something else ?  Anyone else have these horrible symptoms ?  

Many thanks

Deb x

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59 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello debbie. These are unfortunately symptoms of the menopause that a lot of us will identify with. I suffered the same and ended up in my GP surgery crying because I couldn't take any more. He prescribed HRT which I have taken since 1991. I really feel for you debbie and I know you'll get lots of helpful advice and support on this forum. I haven't taken supplements so can't help there.
    • Posted

      Hello Matron,

      Thank you for your reply,  I'm very grateful ! I'm happy HRT worked for you but I don't fancy it myself ? I'm 48 and still having periods, if you don't mind me asking how old are you ? Yes this a great forum for support.

    • Posted

      Hello debbie. I don't mind anyone asking how old I am. I'm 61 and started taking HRT in 1991 following a hysterectomy and oopherectomy. So I was quite young, certainly too young to start going through the menopause. Talk to your GP though about the different options.
  • Posted

    Hi Debbie you are not alone, lots of us have felt or still do feel how you do.

    Are you taking any B vits?  B6 is particularly good for anxiety.  I've also started doing Yin yoga and am finding it brilliant for helping to calm me.

    • Posted

      Hi Middlemuddle,

      Thank you for your reply ! Not I'm not currently taking them 😢 I have been trying to find a good liquid one ? If you know of one I would be grateful x

    • Posted

      I take a liquid B12 - shot-o-B12 - expensive, so about to try one my DH pickd up in the states much cheaper. Can't help with liquid Bs I'm afraid, I alternate between hemaplex (has iron which I often need) and a combined capsule but they taste vile so I'll look for something else once they are used up.
  • Posted

    Hi Debbie.

    I'm 46 and for years I have suffered with anxiety. I went, like you, to the doctors in tears saying I felt so ill. She doubled my hrt and I must say that I feel a lot better. I also take b6 and b12 and this has made a great difference to me too.

    I know you don't want to take hrt but it would be worth chatting to your doctor about your fears of taking it. Now I'm on the hrt it has made me realise just how much I was lacking oestrogen.

    Anxiety is horrible ( I still get waves of it occasionally) so I can sympathise with you greatly over it. Try to get rest/sleep when you can as I find its worse for me when I'm over tired! Be kind to yourself.

    This forum is brilliant. It's so reassuring to know that we are not on our own.

    Take care.

    Always happy to talk with you.

    Helen. x

    • Posted

      Hi there Debbiie I am 48.  I was throwing up so much I ended up in emergency unit.  Diagnosed with vertigo.  Had that for 6 months.  I take those B vitamins too and are great for well being.  Even good for the vertigo which went away when I started them.  I take vitamin A, B6, B12, Orange juice, D and vitamin E and a multi vitamin.  I drink an Ensure too each morning for energy too so feeling okay unless this is the calm before

      the storm.

      Storms do always pass dear.  You will start feeling better soon.  Books on perimenopause are great help too! xo. Take Care. 😃😃

    • Posted

      Hi Helen,

      Im so sorry to hear this, it's jsut the worst thing isn't it ? Do you put your down to Peri or other reasons ?  I'm in a difficult situation because I know this sounds silly to other people my anxiety goes into over drive if I have to attend an appoinment !! So I don't go to the Doctors unless it was absolutely necessary ! I thought if you took HRT you still had the symptoms after you stop taking it ? 

      Thank you for your kindnees and saying always happy to talk

      Debbie x

    • Posted

      Hi Helen 

      So sorry for all the spelling mistakes !  My IPad had a fit and I didn't check it before I sent it ! 😢🙊

    • Posted

      Hi Dottie,

      Sorry to hear this 😢 I hope your better now ! Sorry to ask but what is an Ensure ? I'm really looking for something to keep me calm, I've started Magnesium so fingers crossed.

      Many Thanks

      Debbie x

    • Posted

      Hiya Debbie.  Ensure is like an energy drink for maintaining good health.  Full of vitamins.  Gives me that extra boost to do housework haha. It's at the pharmacy comes in 3 different flavours.  They say exercise is the best for perimenopause.  I walk on a treadmill every morning too and I feel better after for sure.  Take Care!  xo. 😃😃😃
    • Posted

      I think my anxiety is a combination of things but I mainly have health anxieties. For years I've had peri symptoms and not knowing I think brought on the anxiety. Family history with illness has also contributed.

      I might get symptoms when I stop taking the hurt but I would rather have something to get me through now. I will deal with later later. Hope you get my meaning!

      Take care.

      Helen x

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie check out the advantages of B6 and B12.  Good for moods during this time.  I can handle my in laws better!  😃😀😃
    • Posted

      Hi Dottie,

      Thanks for your reply.  May I ask what it is called ?  Are you in the UK ?  I would love to get some.  Yes I had been going out on my Bike but it never stops raining now and it's so cold 💨😢 think I need a treadmill . . . .  Take Care x 😊 x

    • Posted

      Hi Helen

      yes I've had various symtoms for approx 8 years ! It started with dizziness and feeling faint ! Had loads of tests and happily found nothing, Now I worry about feeling dizzy and being in shops on my own !! Silly I know ! Now I have general anxiety which is made worse at the thought of an appointment ! I just hope one day it will go away 🙏

      Big hug Debbie x

    • Posted


      I completely understand about dizziness and feeling faint. I get this most days. Being tired doesn't help! I try to get a nap for an hour in the afternoon if I can.

      It will get better I'm sure. It's hard I know and its difficult to be patient when each day you feel the same.

      We are all in this together. ( sounds like high school musical!)

      Helen. x

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie yah excercise of any kind is good for my middle that's expanding waaaaa

      its called Ensure states High Protein on the bottle found it at the pharmacy.  They have others too to help energy.  We are atheletes eh at this time cuz we feel we just ran a marathon! Need to be pumped up with Lotsa energy.😃 


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      Dark chocolate helps me because of the chemicals in it. I have a couple of pieces a day. biggrin
    • Posted

      That's a good thing dear. 100 gram bar with 70-80% cocoa contains fibre, iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, potassium and more but most importantly satisfaction cause it's chocolate! 😃😃😃😃😃
    • Posted

      Ha just got back from Lidl with my supply of dark chocolate.
    • Posted

      Ensure is a drink usually give to patients who are unable to eat due to illness. It is as far as I'm aware high in calories as well as other nutrients.
    • Posted

      Mum was put on it as she refused to eat due to paranoia induced by althzeimers and we were told it has a high calorific value as well as a variety of nutrients.
    • Posted

      Hi Debbie,  there are a few types and there is one for gaining weight called Plus Calories.  I drink the High Protein kind.  I sure don't want to drink that one at this time! haha and surely stay away from that one! They are for Good health that's all. 😃☺️
    • Posted

      Hiya middlemuddle I am sooo jealous.  I have no chocolate.  I just texted my daughter to bring me some after work! haha 😪😪
    • Posted

      They say dark chocolate is good for lifting your mood as well, so if your feeling low then having a few pieces a day will certainly help. Doing exercise is only good if you enjoying doing it which will help with your happy hormones but if your clock watching and cant wait for it to end then it will have a knock on effect and not help with your mood. You have to do the things which you enjoy for it to work! They say powere walking is the most relaxing and enjoyable and beneficial. Joy xx

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