Anxiety chest pains that won't go away?
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Last week I woke up with really bad chest pains in the left side of my chest. I was alarmed, but I ignored it and went back to sleep, hoping that it would go away when I woke back up. I woke up again and it didn't go away. The pain was still present. I continued feeling that way throughout the day until it became night time and I just couldn't take it anymore. I was frightened. I was so scared that something was wrong with my heart. I became so anxious that I started crying because of the pain and how scared I was. I went to the ER and they gave me an EKG. Fortunately, it came back normal and the doctor said my vitals were also fine. I also had a chest x-ray done and that was fine too. They said I may have pulled a muscle by lifting something heavy, but I can't remember doing that. I was told to take ibueprofen for the pain and the pain was supposed to go away in about a week. Even though they told me I was fine, I wasn't convinced. The pains started to go away but would come back every now and then. About three days later, I felt like I couldn't breathe well. I kept having to take deep breaths and I became even more scared. My father called 911 and an ambulance came to our house. They said my vitals were fine and my blood pressure was a little high but that was just because of how nervous I was. They asked if I wanted to go to the hosptial and I said yes, because I was truly scared. They gave me an EKG and it was normal, my oxygen levels were fine too. Everything was okay. But I was still scared.
When arriving to the hospital, I was given another EKG and had bloodwork done, along with a urine test. They asked me if I had a history with anxiety and I do. But at the time, I didn't understand how anxiety could affect me in this way. So, I didn't believe that my anxiety was the reason for it either, because it has never been this bad. They montiored my heart and oxygen, and blood pressure. Then the doctor told me my heart was fine, and my bloodwork was fine. Everything was fine, my EKG, everything. She said she thinks it may have been some anxiety creeping up on me, that's how she worded it. But at the moment, nothing in my life is causing me to feel anxious. The most that has been bothering me is my worries about my future, but I think that's normal. So, I was confused because the last time I was told it was a pulled muscle, and now I was told that it was my anxiety. But I wanted to believe what the professionals were saying, so I tried to accept it.
About two days later, I didn't really have bad chest pains. But I had this feeling that there was like, a lump in my throat. I googled different things and I became anxious because the feeling wasn't going away. I initially thought it might have been strep throat but my symptoms didn't match up. My throat wasn't sore, it just felt like something was in it? I felt at times like i was going to choke, or smother, the feeling just wouldn't go away. So I googled, "lump in throat feeling" and found, Globus Sensation. When I saw that it's something that people with anxiety disorders commonly feel, I felt like that had to have been it. I read through people's posts and they were describing exactly what I was feeling. I watched a video of some exercises to do for it, and I did them for myself. Just to give it a try, because if anxiety was the cause for my pains recently, it made sense, right? A short while later, the lump feeling in my throat went away. I was relieved that it worked. Do any of you know the feeling? Is it common? Will that feeling come back?
Now today marked one week since I first started feeling the chest pains and I started feeling pain in the middle of my chest this time, kind of like a sharp pain. I tried to calm myself down and tell myself it's okay, even though I was freaking out because the pain was in a different are of my chest this time. I was out in public at the time and I had to sit down because it was hurting me that bad. After sitting down for a few minutes and taking deep breaths, along with trying to remain calm, it slowly faded away. I took a long nap after arriving at home, and when I woke up the pain wasn't there, but it slowly came back. Right now, the pain isn't that bad, but I feel like it's still there.
My question is, is it normal for me to feel these pains for this long? And are the pains really because of anxiety? I was told something completely different the first time and now I'm supposedly feeling this way because of my anxiety. I'm just confused and not sure what to believe. I know I need to calm myself down and stop googling things, because it's just making me worry more. But if I really stop and convience myself that it will be okay, will I really stop being in pain? Will it be okay? I have a follow up appointment with my primary doctor in a day, and I have many questions to ask. I'm 20 years old and have a history of depression and anxiety. I currently take no medications (though I have in the past) and I just want answers, or reassurance. I'm still scared. Scared that the pains will come back because it's scary when I have them. I've never had this kind of experience before, it came out of nowhere.
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kim27383 brite
I have a lot of the same symptoms as all of you. Well first I had dizziness for three weeks and that finally subsided. Then I started having chest pains on the right side of my chest. I Went to the ER EKG, chest x-ray, blood work all fine. Thought I had costochindritis and acid reflux. Ok. Went to my doc the next day and was given medication for the reflux and told to take Ibuprofen for the pain. I still have the same symptoms. I went to the ER again with chest pain but this time in the middle of my chest. They did blood work, chest x-ray with contrast and an EKG all fine. I was set up for a stress test with a cardiologist and that was fine as well. I've had ultrasounds of my organs, multiple EKGs, I now have a flashing light in my left eye that shows sometimes and every little thing I think I'm having a heart attack. Chest pain, no chest pain. Stomach upset or not. I have neck pain, clavicle pain, and I feel like staying in bed most days but I have a full time job and four children. I've had panic attacks since I was a child. I wasn't on meds for it. Now they gave me one and it makes me more anxious and makes me feel sick. Of course I stopped taking it and just started back up again last night at the urgent of my doctor. Last week I had a headache that landed me in the hospital so that started me thinking I have a brain tumor. I can't stop googling my symptoms and it's making me worse. The other night my chest hurt and it was in the left and the pain was very frequent. I convinced myself to calm down and not go to the ER. I went to the doctor the next day and she said it was stress. Worrying about my health is making me sick. she gave me pills to take u til the other ones sick in. I still have things going on with my body but I'm taking everything one step at a time and still trying to enjoy doing things in between. My anxiety is a lot worse at night.
Dbmetsfan kim27383
kim27383 Dbmetsfan
The chest pains are the ones that really worry me but I can recreate them by pressing on the chest so I guess that's a comfort. I stopped having the panic attacks and I'm working on ways to destress and calm myself down. I'm also wondering if I have fibromyalgia my family has it and it gives you pain almost everywhere. I'm trying to Google less and worry less. How about you?
Dbmetsfan kim27383
kim27383 Dbmetsfan
The pain for me comes and goes and I affected by the way I sit. Sometimes its a straight panic attack and I can feel that too. I'm trying to make it through the day I've been completely stressed and worried. Good luck on your home and getting married.
Dbmetsfan kim27383
kim27383 Dbmetsfan
ben41166 kim27383
I know this is years later, but you just described exactly, exactly, what I've had going on for over two weeks now. Constant tightness in chest, dizziness, weakness, flash of light in left eye. Same thing, docs say I check out fine. Came out of nowhere for me. Fine one day, thought I had a heart attack the next. I'm in my 30s so naturally terrified thinking the worst.
I hope you've made progress in recovering. take care!
angela09899 brite
Omg you sound just like me I'm having the pains all the time I've also been to a&e numorus times ecgs xrays and blood test have all come back normal I just keep trying to tell myself I'm fine but sometimes panic does take over
kim27383 angela09899
And I do the same thing...I also still worry it's my heart even tho everything says it isn't.
ciara16629 brite
kim27383 ciara16629
It sounds similar to what I've been going through. I was diagnosed with GERD, costochondritis, and then told I have musculoskeletal issues and possibly an ulcer. My ribs and sternum hurt to touch around them and I have had pain for a couple of months. I have a lot of collarbone and upper back pain I still wonder if I was diagnosed correctly. I've worried about it constantly.
Southport ciara16629
dochack22722 kim27383
I have the same symptoms as everyone here. I was also diagnosed with GERD. I'm still trying to figure out how to fix it after suffering from it for a year. kim, have you been able to control your symptom's?
elliot04371 brite