Anxiety chest pains that won't go away?
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Last week I woke up with really bad chest pains in the left side of my chest. I was alarmed, but I ignored it and went back to sleep, hoping that it would go away when I woke back up. I woke up again and it didn't go away. The pain was still present. I continued feeling that way throughout the day until it became night time and I just couldn't take it anymore. I was frightened. I was so scared that something was wrong with my heart. I became so anxious that I started crying because of the pain and how scared I was. I went to the ER and they gave me an EKG. Fortunately, it came back normal and the doctor said my vitals were also fine. I also had a chest x-ray done and that was fine too. They said I may have pulled a muscle by lifting something heavy, but I can't remember doing that. I was told to take ibueprofen for the pain and the pain was supposed to go away in about a week. Even though they told me I was fine, I wasn't convinced. The pains started to go away but would come back every now and then. About three days later, I felt like I couldn't breathe well. I kept having to take deep breaths and I became even more scared. My father called 911 and an ambulance came to our house. They said my vitals were fine and my blood pressure was a little high but that was just because of how nervous I was. They asked if I wanted to go to the hosptial and I said yes, because I was truly scared. They gave me an EKG and it was normal, my oxygen levels were fine too. Everything was okay. But I was still scared.
When arriving to the hospital, I was given another EKG and had bloodwork done, along with a urine test. They asked me if I had a history with anxiety and I do. But at the time, I didn't understand how anxiety could affect me in this way. So, I didn't believe that my anxiety was the reason for it either, because it has never been this bad. They montiored my heart and oxygen, and blood pressure. Then the doctor told me my heart was fine, and my bloodwork was fine. Everything was fine, my EKG, everything. She said she thinks it may have been some anxiety creeping up on me, that's how she worded it. But at the moment, nothing in my life is causing me to feel anxious. The most that has been bothering me is my worries about my future, but I think that's normal. So, I was confused because the last time I was told it was a pulled muscle, and now I was told that it was my anxiety. But I wanted to believe what the professionals were saying, so I tried to accept it.
About two days later, I didn't really have bad chest pains. But I had this feeling that there was like, a lump in my throat. I googled different things and I became anxious because the feeling wasn't going away. I initially thought it might have been strep throat but my symptoms didn't match up. My throat wasn't sore, it just felt like something was in it? I felt at times like i was going to choke, or smother, the feeling just wouldn't go away. So I googled, "lump in throat feeling" and found, Globus Sensation. When I saw that it's something that people with anxiety disorders commonly feel, I felt like that had to have been it. I read through people's posts and they were describing exactly what I was feeling. I watched a video of some exercises to do for it, and I did them for myself. Just to give it a try, because if anxiety was the cause for my pains recently, it made sense, right? A short while later, the lump feeling in my throat went away. I was relieved that it worked. Do any of you know the feeling? Is it common? Will that feeling come back?
Now today marked one week since I first started feeling the chest pains and I started feeling pain in the middle of my chest this time, kind of like a sharp pain. I tried to calm myself down and tell myself it's okay, even though I was freaking out because the pain was in a different are of my chest this time. I was out in public at the time and I had to sit down because it was hurting me that bad. After sitting down for a few minutes and taking deep breaths, along with trying to remain calm, it slowly faded away. I took a long nap after arriving at home, and when I woke up the pain wasn't there, but it slowly came back. Right now, the pain isn't that bad, but I feel like it's still there.
My question is, is it normal for me to feel these pains for this long? And are the pains really because of anxiety? I was told something completely different the first time and now I'm supposedly feeling this way because of my anxiety. I'm just confused and not sure what to believe. I know I need to calm myself down and stop googling things, because it's just making me worry more. But if I really stop and convience myself that it will be okay, will I really stop being in pain? Will it be okay? I have a follow up appointment with my primary doctor in a day, and I have many questions to ask. I'm 20 years old and have a history of depression and anxiety. I currently take no medications (though I have in the past) and I just want answers, or reassurance. I'm still scared. Scared that the pains will come back because it's scary when I have them. I've never had this kind of experience before, it came out of nowhere.
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joseph76551 brite
I too have been experiencing all these symptoms and more because I was dumb and googled I now have twiches all over my body although its usually only both cable when I'm trying to sleep and just recently my neck has been in a lil pain although I think its because I can't seem to get sleep but that just adds to my worry I try to be calm whenever this happens I've also had a lot of panic attacks feel like i was dying I've been to the doctors they ran tests they told me ever thing was normal my blood work was fine urine fine heart was fine they told me i was healthy and that its just anxiety its just hard for me to get over this because I've never had anxiety before but reading these posts does help hopefully we all get better
megan04848 brite
joh666 brite
I'm not sure if you still read these Brite bo if so I hope you are doing well, I have read through everyones comments and would just like to add my current situation, last August I went to the doctors with fatigue and random chest pains, they did a routine ECG which on the day I was told was abnormal, this did not help and made me quite anxious, the blood tests came back ok, I was sent for a stress egg at the hospital a week or so later, when I got there the nurse did a normal ECG then wouldn't do the stress as that also was abnormal, she even uttered the words this is the pattern we would see on someone having a heart attack -she also asked me was I an anxious person - can this affect an ECG reading ??? - really not what I needed to hear at all, I am hoping she was mistaken as she was only young, I was sent away and had already been referred for a normal Echo and then a stress Echo, I went for the normal one and the results were sent to the Doctor and then I finally had the Stress one - the cardiologist was there int he room and I did the test lying down whilst cycling a bike wheel, he didn't seem too concerned with anything although I did hear him say to the nurse go over a certain area again when they were looking at the screen, anyway once again i was sent on my way, I went to the doctors a few weeks later and they only had the first echo results , he said all looked fine except I have a trivial thing with 2 of the flaps not closing fully once the blood has passed out - sorry cant remember the proper terms , he said this is nothing to worry about as he also has this issue, I have not yet heard about the Stress echo results but I guess this is good ? I still have the random pains in my upper body and this last week or so they are daily and also a pain in the middle of my upper back regularly , I am convinced there is something really wrong with me as before this I was at the gym every day, no pains etc so its completeley out of character - I am not sure what to do next - could it be anxiety ? I actually feel an ache where I assume my heart is sometimes and this is beyond unsettling I mean 2 abnormal ECGS is worrying enough but they said sometimes women have abnormal ones ? I am also approaching that age for a woman and have read all kinds about peri menopause so have wondered if thats anything to do with it, I think I would be fine if I had a certain answer but the not knowing is driving me nuts and probably not helping the situation if it was anxiety Anyway I wish you all the best and lets hope we all feel better sooner rather than later
thomas_11164 brite
Hi everyone! I'm insanely glad that I found this topic, and a lot of people dealing with the exact same issue as I do. I wont go through my 'diagnosis' because we all know what Im talking about. Except one thing, I sometimes feel this pain in my head, but yes, mostly the chest area. Doc told me, and actually prescribed me beta blockers. I was not happy that Im 21 and I will be on medications, so I started to google it. I found very quickly that beta blockers just help you blocking some adrenaline signals, although they are medium serious medications. Im always hesitant taking them, in fact I just take them at night when anxiety kicks in so highly. My blood pressure was and still is high or at least higher than normal. It was 150/100 sometimes, but it waa 100/60 a few times, but happily its around 120/80 in majority. I became a maniac by the way so I check my blood pressure 6 or 7 maybe 10times a day. If someone is in same shoes then i must say, from my own research, that blood pressure is always changing, so dont check it always, you will do more harm to your anxiety. Check it 2 times, and in the same day period always, so you can monitor it more clearly. So,I do not recommend beta blockers, although this is prescribed so now this is my only door to run at when I feel its over if I dont do something. I started running, during and after everything is fine, but at night..oh boy,all the same, anxiety kicks in. On beta blockers it is more complicated to exercise so dont go so hard. You will feel to be honest. Lastly,I know some people will judge me but Im deeply in spiritualism. I think this whole issue is energetic inbalance in the body, meditation always helps me. Try to meditate. But the thing thats really freaking me out, is that nothing seem to work. I dont want to die, especially by not knowing the reason. I dont want to scare anyone either. But Im sure all of you know what Im talking about. Love friends, and thanks if you read this!
nav00909 brite
Recently this Jan I suppose my anxiety had gotten to the point of having these slight attacks during the day randomly. All of a sudden my chest would tighten up, my head would go a bit queasy, my shoulder and/or arm and behind my shoulder blade would start throbbing and my energy level would then drop by 50% instantly for almost the rest of the day.
I started suspecting low blood pressure, sugar lows etc but my blood work came out perfect with the exception of super low vit D.
(Which I am now supplementing).
Not sure if anyone can relate but at night there are times I’m just on the verge of falling asleep and then all of a sudden my heart would start to race and I end up sucking in air right away as if I needed it badly. Last night when I pretty much had an insomnia night with this and couldn’t fall asleep. Are these mini panic attacks?
As it stands I’m seeing a Mental health expert now to try to cope with this all. My work life has suffered, I no longer have a passion for most things and I generally still have a fear of something cardiac related even though all the tests (including a stress echo) have come back completely normal. I even keep my phone on me at all times in case I’d have to call 911 quickly I’m trying to stay positive and I have started to meditate as well to calm my muscles and relax my mind. It seems to work well on occasion.
Also wondering if ibuprofen can actually trigger more anxiety? There is some interesting literature on this.
philip47005 nav00909
I have recently started experiencing massive drops in energy in the mornings after training, within minutes I feel like I need to have sugar - lots of it!
As for the chest pains, I live with them constantly/daily and they strike at any moment. Have had 3 full heart work ups (ECG/Stress tests/Echos with blood tests) and all come back negative. Chest pain is that bad currently, I am waking up everyday and thanking god I have another day. PAINKILLERS AND NSAIDS wont touch any of the pain.
I train in the gym twice a day which seems to help a little and my BP is normal (unless having an attack when it shoots up) but living with this is a nightmare.
I know what you are going through, keep strong, there are good days out there.
krystine93290 brite
mario33307 krystine93290
Same, but I didn't go to a doctor yet. I simply know it's stupid anxiety. Right now im in bed, 4.45am, can't sleep..I'm 23yo. Dealing with light backpain and chest discomfort, shortness of breath etc. Everything related to anxiety.. I even feel sharp (not too big) pain in my stomach, when I burp I feel better.. It's really annoying and lame.. I'm glad we can all share our experiences here.. I'm happy to find you all..
krystine93290 mario33307
mario33307 krystine93290
You see! Everything is fine with us, stupid anxiety is playing tricks with our minds. I have a tactic, I'm using it for few months already, It kinds works.. Accept it, love it.. Love your anxiety, be happy when it happens because when it fades away we should feel victorious, another battle won.. In the end we shall win the war against it. That's how it goes! You and I.. And everybody else, we can do it! It's hard to believe in this because when it happens it really feels like we're gonna die, but f*** it! I'm really starting to adapt that tactic, just try it out. Love you all. We are not alone! We're gonna win this war. <3
krystine93290 mario33307
mario33307 krystine93290
"Fortune favours the strong". When it comes, we shall not surrender, we shall fight until the end. If anxiety sticks with us until our last breath, just smile, don't be sad because we didn't have "normal" lives like other people, be happy because we stood our ground. No surrender. Adapt&Overcome. 💪😊
seabass379 brite
krystine93290 seabass379
Hi! Hearing things like this is so reassuring, because you learn your not the only one going through these things. Like this morning I had another panic attack and my heart rate was to rise 141 I was going crazy. But I’m ok now. Chest is still a big tight, but when isn’t it. Got my doctor to give me a note to take some time off so I’m going to spend the next just relaxing 😊
maria57591 brite
Wow, I woke up an hour ago at midnight with a similar thing, convinced I - at 28 - was having a heart attack and cried and cried from how scared I was (although did nothing proactive about it!). Never occurred to me it had to do with my Anxiety. I'm going to try and go back to sleep now but will update the page on how I get on with that. Thank you for reading/listening, this page is providing a lot of temporary relief!