Anxiety, lightheaded, pass out feeling

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Okay so I don't really know how to explain how I feel. It's all just so odd. I'm going to try to explain it, and I'm hoping someone can verify anxiety makes them feel like this too!!

1) Tingles. All the time. In random places. I am starting to be able to reassure myself that it's anxiety related because I'm so used to it happening. I've been able to reassure myself when it does happen, because I've purposely put myself into uncomfortable situations and BOOM, it happens. It's not a numb, falling asleep feeling. It's literally just tingles. If I relax and calm myself down, it goes away. It still freaks me out though.

2) Ever since I had my c section, I've been TERRIFIED of passing out. I don't know why it started at that time, but it did. I think it's because I was in so much pain during recovery, (and I was so afraid of getting post partum preeclampsia and/or a blood clot from limited mobility) that I just honestly thought when I stood up, I was going to pass out. I was so afraid to shower and walk too far from the couch. I'm 100% over that part of it now, but that fear is still there. I'm also afraid to drive on the freeway now, just in case I pass out. If I'm on it, and there isn't an exit every mile, I will start to get really panicky and fidgety. I'll get tingly and my entire body feels really light. I have to turn the air on full blast and roll the windows down. I will have to immediately get off.

So I'm finding lately that I'm getting a very light, weird feeling when I walk around. I get an airy feeling in my chest, and sometimes I feel like I'm out of breath but I'm definitely not. It's just like an "Uhhh I feel weird want to sit back down" feeling. That's how everything is.

I should mention I have severe health anxiety. I've always been a hypochondriac, but it's gotten much worse ever since my pregnancy. I HATE IT. I've thought I've had a brain tumor, MS, Parkinson's, ovarian cancer (which I still think I have, due to this little twinge I have on my left side when I move certain ways), a tumor on my spine, a heart problem, etc. Google is not my friend.

I'm finding now if I focus on something that makes me panicky, I will get that pass out, light feeling. When I say light, I don't necessarily mean light headed. You know how when you stand up too fast and get that head rush? It's not like that. I just feel like my entire body and head is light. It's very strange and I hate it!!!! It's like a pass out feeling. I constantly check my blood pressure at home and it's always normal. I'm having a hard time understand why anxiety does this. I had a physical in October and all my blood work was fine. But then of course I read crap online about people having something wrong with them, even with good bloodwork so I get freaked out.

Weird lighting makes my eyes feel weird too. And sometimes that triggers that feeling. It just comes out of nowhere.

I also suffer from panic attacks. I get a very weird rush through my body and have to immediately go somewhere cold, or put something frozen on my face from the freezer. Listening to my calming app and laying in front of my fan usually calms me down.

I'm just so sick of thinking something is wrong with me all of the time! And I have a hard time believing this is all anxiety. I get waves of dizziness here and there too! Not spinny dizzy, just a woozy feeling. I can't stand it!!!

I just want anyone who also feels like this to let me know how it feels for them, and how they deal with it.

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  • Posted

    Well you've just described exactly how I feel a lot of the time. It can happen when I'm not stressed and then of course it causes me to feel stressed which makes it worse. The "lightness of body" you describe is exactly what I get, and the feeling of being about to pass out. Like you I have had numerous tests. I think my problem was triggered years ago when I had an electric shock and thought I was going to die or pass out. Vile isn't it? But difficult to non-sufferers. Sometimes distraction in the form of rubbish telly or a small glass of wine can help but of course that isn't practicable when driving - I use music then. Good luck, I only just joined this forum and this is the first time I really admitted to these symptoms.

    • Posted

      It's almost like a weightless feeling isn't it!? It's SO ODD. It makes me feel very panicky and awful. I can't focus on anything except that. I try to say "it's just anxiety" but it doesn't work. I hate it so much!!!!! It's like my entire body just goes airy and light. If I'm driving and that happens, I get so fidgety and nervous and have to sing and put the air on full blast.

    • Posted

      I hate to say I'm glad to hear about your symptoms but it's made me feel so relieved that I'm not the only person like this! I also used to get the "wobbly walking" described by another sufferer. It was like trying to walk on a boat on rough seas but that seems to have gone so maybe we can hope that these weightless feelings will go too. Although I have had them for years.......

    • Posted

      I also get a weird dizziness. It's woozy, not spinny. I don't get the wobbly walking to that extent, but I sometimes feel weird when I'm walking around. Sometimes my legs feel heavy or shaky, even though they aren't. Or I'm standing still, I feel like I can't balance right on them. It's weird. Or if I'm in a store, and I'm nervous, my legs will feel noodly.

    • Posted

      Yeah, I get that too in shops (I'm in the UK, it sounds like you may be in the States but the feeling's the same!) I can never use a shopping trolley cos I'm scared of being wobbly or panicky with a full trolley at the checkout so I have to nip in quick with a basket. I'm in there every damn day.

    • Posted

      And isn't it annoying to be told it's just anxiety when you always think that this time maybe it isn't?

    • Posted

      I assume a trolley is a cart? lol yes I'm in the states! Nothing gives you worse anxiety than having Trump as your frigging president.

      BUT ANYWAYS, yes I hate it if the cart feels wobbly because then I feel like I'm wobbly and it makes me woozy. It's a cycle and it sucks!!!

    • Posted

      Hi Jamie

      I feel panic and light headed when I go into stores. If I walk outside I start to feel better. My anxiety began when I had vertigo now the vertigo is gone the anxiety has been a major challenge. Especially when driving because that's when the vertigo occurred. Now I feel like something is going to happen. I am having multiple anxiety attacks a day for the past 3 weeks. I'm using meditation to help me at the moment. It helps.

  • Posted

    I think it's good knowing that people are having the same symptoms and it gives slight ease and relief I guess in a way, it's not good to have the symptoms I was having the dizziness in November and December it was like I was getting suddenly very light weighted limbs and my body just felt so weird and the first.time I got it I was convinced I was going to pass out and die and I called a ambulance and laid in a empty bath tub trying to breathe and relax and I thought that was the end that day but I knew at the same time I'll be fine it's anxiety and during an attack knowing it's anxiety doesn't seem to help sadly for me anyways sad I think the worse thing is explaining your symptoms to people because I know they'll just think I'm stupid and say you'll be fine it's anxiety

    • Posted

      I love hearing people say they have my anxiety symptoms. It makes me feel a lot better!!!! I feel exactly like you do.
    • Posted

      Yeah I agree smile it doesn't get rid of the symptoms but it helps a lot and makes me feel more relived that it's nothing serious but just have to work on ways to help and improve our anxiety

  • Posted

    Omg. You guys, this is exactly me. Im exhausted from these symptoms. Did any of you find anything that works?
  • Posted

    Same here! Seems like more females deal with this than men, but here I am. I’ve noticed a lot of real brainy people have anxiety probably because of the heavy thinking and knowledge about certain things as well as knowledge and coherence of self and how they feel. My doctor calls it dumb bliss for those that are not capable of getting anxiety because they either don’t or can’t put the thoughts together to make it a worry. I feel as if my eyes can’t comcentrate on one thing and it makes me feel like I’m gonna pass out at times. My feet and hands get really cold and clammy and feels like my heart is in m throat. I recently had a baby and when my fiancé woke me up to say it was time I had a full blown panic attack I called 911 and although my blood pressure was 200+/100+ they said I was fine and didn’t need a ambulance ride which completely freaked me out but it went away and the baby came and we were happy for about a month then it just got worse I was in and out of the ER with heart and lung related issues and every time I left being told I was fine maybe I should follow up with my doctor which I did and he totally dismissed it as anything to worry about. I spent 5 days a week in the gym for several years and now I feel like even just walking to the car or climbing some stairs I get the feeling that I’m overexerting myself I hate it. I have bradycardia and my pulse when resting can get as low as 40 and it freaks me out but it’s always been treated like normal by doctors because I workout but my cardiovascular health isn’t that of a runner I just lift weights so idk but it’s not a good feeling it makeshift me pay attention to it almost religiously as well as my blood pressure and it’s  really just making it worse. 

  • Posted

    I have been recently diagnosed with mycoid liposarvvoma on my left thigh, and I am terrified. I experienced all your symptoms, it is anxiety. I have severe anxiety and depression, and I do not know what should I do with these symptoms, If managed to control them please give me some advise. Thanks, an I hope you are fine now.

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