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feel like I’m going mad worrying about my health. Had a hysterectomy 6 years ago due to having a fibroid, ovaries not removed, last year at this time I was worrying about a pain in my side and now after being on hrt for 2 months I feel strange pain/sensation in my left breast, went to the doctor & no lumps or bumps felt she thought I may have strained muscles whilst working out. I have now got myself so worked up about my health and my anxietylevels are horrific. 

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47 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Ali, yes we all do worrying about health thinking something wrong, nothing wrong girl Anixety for me is bad too I'm trying to get through it daily, I also had a fribroid remove little one,you must not worry darling come on here and vent like the rest of us.

    • Posted

      Hi Maria thank you for your response it is good to know I’m not alone with this horrible anxiety feel terrible but I too am trying to get through each day & feel I made progress today for at least not checking my symptoms on the internet! 

    • Posted

      Yes the Internet tells you bad things about menopause and other health condition each page has its own answer when you type in what you want to know it tells the worst possible thing..I guess the devil create Google who else Lol.. I'm here trying to distract mine ever so often I'm not sleeping properly and it upsets me I turn to Utube sleep and meditation to see if I can drift off when I do some funny feeling stops me and I hate it so much but what can I do, your bed is the best place to relax on wind and drift off peacefully but for me it becomes a nightmare.

    • Posted

      Hi Ali again does Anxeity stop you also from sleeping 
    • Posted

      Hi Maria I appear to be able to get off to sleep, try and read anxiety book to help, however I wake around 5am sweating and feeling terrible.
    • Posted

      I wish I could but as you said wake up feeling terrible not nice at all, is it hotflashes or generally feeling bad 
    • Posted

      Generally just feeling bad then of course once your awake your brain starts working and goes into overdrive
    • Posted

      OMG, I LOL'ed at your reply. Checking on internet for all of my aches and pains has become a daily habit for me too! I am sure often that I am at death's door, but more often than not it is the evil "M" making its presence felt.

      Hang in there, they say it will be better. I seem to be bang in the middle of it with pain/ache in breast area (left), pain in the middle of the chest (no cardiac problems) and several nerve pains that I am sure are nerve blockage leading to stroke.

      Discussion forums like these are really helpful. I am very new here, and it has already helped me lots!

    • Posted

      Hi I am very new here also, someone gave me the information today, so thought I would give it a try. Have to say sharing problems with others and knowing you are not alone and going mad has already helped. Looking up the internet is soooo bad as you only pick out the negatives. I like you have feeling of pains/aches but need to try and focus on the positives and stop feeling negative.
  • Posted

    Hi Ali,

    I had a pain in my lower right quandrant that persisted. I went for all manner of tests, ultrasounds and ovarian cancer tests etc...then a colonoscopy and finally an mri scan but nothing found. The pain was at times excruciating. I had it for four solid years then it vanished and since then has been replaced with dozens of other weird symptoms. I have also had left breast pain. It was non cyclical and was so bad I couldnt have my partner anywhere near me. Nothing found again thankfully so I just put everything down to hormones. What other explanation eh!! But health anxiety - well mine is through the ceiling. I think you will find most of us on here have a fairly large dose of it so try not to worry and feel free to vent on here if you need to. Hugs xx

    • Posted

      Wow this is so interesting when you think no one can understand how you feel and that you are going totally mad someone responds and although you do not want others to be suffering you know you are not alone. These weird feelings in my left breast really freaked me and even when the doctor confirmed no lumps/bumps my mind when into overdrive a few hours later, have to keep thinking it’s hormonal and possibly even due to being on hrt for only 2 months so hoping things will settle down. X
    • Posted

      Im sure if you have been checked out that its hormones that are to blame. My left breast pain lasted a year or so then vanished like the pain in my lower right side but I had planned my own funeral thinking it was something awful. My worst thing is googling everything. It makes me worse but its almost a compulsion. It helps so much reading stories from other ladies on here though.
    • Posted

      HI, infuse to get a lot of breast pain when my periods started to change and as soon as they started to stop it would disappear I no longer get it thank will go.
    • Posted

      Your are so right about this forum helping. Googling is bad and is a compulsion which doesn’t help, you think it does however you only ever focus on the negatives. I tried so hard today to keep busy and think good thoughts and managed to get through the day without googling my symptoms - hopefully a step in the right direction also going to see a councillor next week which is what I did last year, at this time of the year, when my anxiety was over the top and making me ill. Wondering if a lot of my issues are down to the time of year - SAD? X

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