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feel like I’m going mad worrying about my health. Had a hysterectomy 6 years ago due to having a fibroid, ovaries not removed, last year at this time I was worrying about a pain in my side and now after being on hrt for 2 months I feel strange pain/sensation in my left breast, went to the doctor & no lumps or bumps felt she thought I may have strained muscles whilst working out. I have now got myself so worked up about my health and my anxietylevels are horrific. 

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    Have very similar situation to you Ali, full hysterectomy 6 years ago due to large fibroids Still get an on-going pain on lower right hand side of tummy, every morning when i wake up, always lasting 4/5 hours. after multiple tests & many discussions with GP over the years no one can explain it. The best they have come up with is body trauma from op. The frustrating thing is it feels like the same pain I got with fibroids. I thought the op would get rid if that! I did find one year when I stopped HRT after few days pain disappeared but I couldn't cope with all other stuff so went back on and pain came back.

    Finally got rid of my health anxiety after years of various tests coming up ok. But still get daily anxiety attacks from menopause.

  • Posted

    Hi Ali I am 2 worry about my health I 2 have a weird feeling like a pulled mussel in my right breast same as you no lumps or bumps been doctors thwy said mussel my anxiety is thought the roof xxx
  • Posted

    Me 2 am trying weird feelings like I pulled a mussel in my right breast been doctors and she said is mussel my health anxiety is driving me mad how you feeling now ?
    • Posted

      Hi Maud this is driving me mad my anxiety is through the roof and today was terrible stayed in my bed most of the day but my brain will not switch off from worrying. Going to try some sleeping tablets to try and get a decent rest & hope by tomorrow things have at least improved. Even ordered and got a SAD light today as this health anxiety hit me this time last year. I keep saying it is no coincidence that it is the same time of the year so trying the light a and going to speak to someone next Friday, which I did last year and I got through. It is such an awful feeling. X

    • Posted

      Hi Ali, I wish I could stay in bed but Anxiety wouldn't let me wouldn't be able to keep quiet..I know how you feel worring is terrible I do it too,everything you think you have, when my heart in racing I'm quiet and could settle down and watch tv when it's bothering me I can't keep quiet because it's thumping and scares me although ignore it I wish it would stop and go away these symptoms are here to annoy us, I'm going to think positive that one morning this will be all over and that's what I do daily.

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      What do you worry about witb your health anxiety Ali? X
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      Insuffer with that 2 it's crippling... terrible anxiety every day feel like I got no life but have to battle on every ache or pain I think the worse. Is it menapause making us feel this way 😣😣😣

    • Posted

      I might help yoybwith the lamp ... health anxiety is horrid never gives you any peace mind works over rime. I have thought of trying hrt. But am scared of the risk involved in it x
    • Posted

      Hi Maud had a reasonable sleep as I took sleeping tablets. Health anxiety - I get a little twing and my brain just goes into overdrive that I have a serious illness this time it was funny sensation in my left breast (2 months after starting hrt) went to docs who checked me out nothing there just thought I had maybe strained a muscle from my training however my brain just keeps going thinking the worst. This time last year I had ache in my right side (fibroid removed 6 years ago) and again was in the position, after taking diazepam & going to speak to someone I did get over this horrible horrible time. So fingers crossed for all of us that we will get through. It makes you think you are going mad. Today I have got up sat in front of my SAD lamp and now off for a shower & try and do something constructive around the house & even go for a walk. I keep saying if I could cut my brain out I would be fine!! I certainly find the hrt working for other symptoms and just have to believe it is that/menopause or a strained muscle that is causing my twing odd feeling in left breast. Let me know how your doing and take care of you. X

  • Posted

    Hi Ali can't I ask what sort of twinge feeling you have what's it feel like ??? I am now having to start taking my diazpan today as my anxiety is to much for me constant churning stomach.... i hope this lamp does some good

    How is your anxiery today? Xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Maud, my strange feeling started on the left side near where my bra wire is then has been down the bottom and can the feel heavy on top! Doc checked no lumps or bumps and thought I had maybe a strain from working out. I went through the same thing this time last year with my right pelvic area - cannot just be a coincidence I have problems same time of the year! Went on diazepam last year and spoke to someone and eventually came through just for it to rear it’s ugly head again this week. It is totally sole destroying as although you are trying your brain will not shut down and give you piece always goes back to the ‘what if’. Took the only diazepam I had left yesterday along with sleeping tablet so slightly better today at least I have got up and moving and hoping to get some more diazepam today. I only got 14 last year and obviously didn’t use them all which proves you do move on. Used the SAD lamp yesterday and today anything is wore a try. The person who told me about the sad lamp is older than us and admitted she had several years around this time when she was going to the doctors convinced she had something seriously wrong, waking up with night sweats etc etc so it was her that suggested the lamp. The aches and pains, I am sure including my left breast is partially due to worrying/stressing out as your brain keeps going back to the same area. Read all the things on breast cancer (Yep I know not the best thing to do) and spoke to people who say if no lump/redness/weeping etc etc and been to doctors then no need to worry also have my mammograms regularly last one 2 years ago and breast cancer doesn’t come with pain especially if it’s all over - hormonal. Whew Maud bit of a story but let’s stick with it and stay positive. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi Ali I can't live without my diazapan at the minute I took 5mg earlier then took 2mg as my anxiety is so bad like you doctor said sound like mussel. Told her I had my mamagramm in October 5th 2017 she months ago she said she is not worried so why can't I believe her I no why because my brain is a powerful tool and tells me different... does your twing. Feel like mussel? Xx

    • Posted

      I like you was reasonably happy when my doctor said no lumps or bumps then like you my brain kicked in. Again reading about breast cancer it rarely comes with pain without a lump so trying to get that in my brain also. Don’t know if my twing feels liked muscle my thoughts are it has to be menopause or hrt or muscle as the twinge (cannot say it is pain as such moves around) sometimes on the left or near the right top and then sometimes pulling like under my arm honestly I have checked and re-checked nothing but brain is something else! Also if you have health anxiety your brain appears to fixate on the one thing that is worrying you making it feel worse. Xx
    • Posted

      Hi ali how are you ? Went to sew a breast consultancy yest .. i payed to him him he checked me over and said ok

      How is your breast now

      Mine been going on 2 months ? X

    • Posted

      Hi Maud delighted ur good I’m still not great went on diazepam yesterday but thinking I need to do what you have done & go and pay to see a Breast specialist. Did they do a mammogram? I keep thinking if I go & see a specialist & get things checked then I will be better. Did you have to wait long for the appointment? X

    • Posted

      Hi Maud I have just arranged to see a breast specialist privately on Thursday I don’t think they do mammograms etc but hopefully  a specialist will put my mind a ease & give me peace from worrying. Could you let me know if you were just checked over hope you don’t mind me asking. Thank you. X

    • Posted

      Hi ali yes he checked me all over and said i didnt need a mamagramm as i had one in noverember ... i thought that would be it but o no i thinking now others things health anxiety makes yiy think that way .. i went to private hospital at London bridge £220 pound s just fir a consultation xxx

    • Posted

      Hi Maud glad you went and seen the consultant please try not to worry about other things they know what they are about and would have done other tests if they thought necessary. I go tomorrow, had a better sleep last night although did take a sleeping tablet woke up twice but went straight back to sleep with no waking up soaking from anxiety so hopefully the diazepam is kicking in and settling me down. Trying to have a normal day today. This anxiety is just awful & I get angry with myself foe being like this but cannot help it. Take care. X

    • Posted

      Hi ali then i think its somthing eles my brain dont switch of ... what do you feel like with your anxierty ... mine is feeling scared all the time

      . Churning stomache butterflys constantly thinking about it thinking i need more test because i dont believe when they tell me somthing grrrr??

    • Posted

      Hi yep know how you feel your brain just cannot switch off. I’m now beginning to think about my appointment tomorrow - butterfly’s etc worrying about what they will say but trying to stay positive just hormones and my anxiety working overtime at this time of the year. I just keep telling myself I had this last year around the same time worrying about a pain in my right hand side & it went away so stay positive. I think I mentioned earlier about a lady older than us who at this time of the year kept going to the doctors thinking she was seriously ill, she kept getting pains etc and eventually realised it is the time of the year which was making her anxious. She was a nurse and ran a nursing home so she was not silly, as we are not it is just how our brains work - arghh if only we could shut the thoughts down. X

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