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feel like I’m going mad worrying about my health. Had a hysterectomy 6 years ago due to having a fibroid, ovaries not removed, last year at this time I was worrying about a pain in my side and now after being on hrt for 2 months I feel strange pain/sensation in my left breast, went to the doctor & no lumps or bumps felt she thought I may have strained muscles whilst working out. I have now got myself so worked up about my health and my anxietylevels are horrific.
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liz67338 ali80468
ali80468 liz67338
Hi Liz I hope you managed to get something from the docs to help ur anxiety. I was on citalopram last year but came off mid way through the year & then my anxiety started again a couple of weeks ago. Back on citalopram - but it does take a couple of weeks to kick in so got diazepam for a couple of weeks to kick start. My problem is health anxiety & I keep trying to tell myself I cannot get a serious illness in January each year that just does not make sense but will my brain listen- arghh. Anyhow hope you feel better soon. X
Maud12345 ali80468
ali80468 Maud12345
Maud12345 ali80468
ali80468 Maud12345
Hi she actually didn’t say what she thought she was just sure nothing wrong & that hopefully things would settle down. I am sure Maud this is all to do with health anxiety if it wasn’t my left breast then it would be something else like my right side last year when I had anxiety about that. I asked about the hrt but she suggested I stay on it as it does have benefits and because I am on the solo, due to having had a hysterectomy 6 years ago this does not affect my chances of getting breast cancer. My meeting with a therapist tomorrow will hopefully help and as my doctor has suggested we need to get to the bottom of why at this time of the year I get anxiety and it always comes down to me worrying about my health. X
liz67338 ali80468
Hi Ali I started taking it last week and like you said was advised it will take a good 2 weeks to kick in and may make you feel worse to start (true) but bearing with it until it kicks in....anything is worth it if it works. Here's hoping. I understand, I used to get extreme health anxiety too...more on and off took 2 years of many tests and reassurance and changing my diet & lifestyle to calm that hard to control when you get those horrible "bouts" where you can't control your thoughts...I hope your recent cleared checks helped you xxx
ali80468 liz67338
Hi Liz just bear with the tablets and I am sure they will kick in. This health anxiety is not fun I certainly am feeling better today although my left breast is still annoying me - not so much pain as just funny feeling they do say that with health anxiety you can have systematic (is that the correct word) pain and the more you think about it the worse it feels. I have now seen my doctor (week past Monday) & a breast consultant (Thursday past) and both have said nothing wrong so I need to get my head round that and just keep thinking it is the menopause and possibly the hrt tablets that I went on around 6 weeks ago. As you say these bouts are absolutely horrible & you just cannot control them. People keep mentioning CBT or something similar, I do want to get to the bottom of why I get this health anxiety however I am not good at talking to people face to face. X