Anxiety or epilepsy?
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I've had epilepsy very well controlled for years but since being on the change, I have had feelings like I'm going to have a fit (which in effect makes me anxious) so even though (touch wood) I don't have one I'm anxious that I might so this is affecting my social life, it's a strange feeling like I can actually see myself having this fit (not a nice feeling)!
Anyone had anything like this before?
Advice welcomed
Lesley x
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Penguins73140 lesley61388
lesley61388 Penguins73140
i haven't had a grand mal for over 20 years but I do twitch but it does pass but I think as I'm going through the change then the anxiety is having a knock on effect on my epilepsy and I think my worse fear is having a grand mal outside
sorry it doesn't seem to be exactly what your going through
karen26258 lesley61388
lesley61388 karen26258
what did he suggest to you? More medication
karen26258 lesley61388
I'm sorry about this negative info, I've been on many drugs and they haven't completely worked for me. I've since found out that simple partial szs are difficult to control, NOT like the other ones.
But everyone is different, a good drug for these is called Clobazam, but if you can get them try Perampanel.
I wish you all the best, incidentally I'm going thru the change too, I'm 57, if you are using HRT your Dr might tell you to wean yourself off it.
Karen x
Winnie143 lesley61388
I heard my brother say "God why my sister" as I can hear but cannot control the seizure.
Good Luck, been 4 years since my last fit. !!
nancy71585 lesley61388
sarah_36431 lesley61388
i know the feeling of "having" an attack, and the real feeling of having an attack.does that make sense?
ill try explain. I have epilepsy and suffer from frequent seizures,and although sometimes i do panik im going to have one, ill hurt myself....ect ect....on a regular day, even though there are plenty warning signs and i no the percentage chance of me having a seizure is high, i stay calm and belive that all will work out ok. im not in control, so theres not much to do. i would like to say it doest effect my social life at all....but that wldnt be true.
i do panik, i do sometimes choose to not go out because of the fear of havingf a seizure, but overall i try have a positive, healthy attitude and say whateva will happen, will happen and life has to continue, let people take me for who i am.
good luck with it all.
lesley61388 sarah_36431
thank you for that advice your right a life of constantly worrying about what might happen doesn't get me anywhere.
and yes what will be will be
thank you 😊
karen26258 sarah_36431
lesley61388 karen26258
i can totally relate to you fighting against it, as I was diagnosed in the 70s to and I have let it rule my world,
i would love love to just accept who I am or what I've got but I can't see that happening.
lesley x
karen26258 lesley61388
This VNS device is my last attempt at obtaining a decent life with some control over what goes on in my head, in another 3 weeks I get it ramped up again. If there comes a time when it improves then perhaps I can reduce my meds, much like a lot of other epileptics have done too. Take care Lesley, x (are you in the uk).
lesley61388 karen26258
I've not heard of the vns but hope it helps you
yes I'm in the UK are you UK based?
lesley x
sarah_36431 lesley61388
take care.
BonJovisgirl lesley61388
I've had epilepsy all my life & I'm now 55. During most of my adult life I thought my
seizures were well controlled as I hardly ever lost consciousness. Over the past few
years I started getting what I recall being warning signs only thankfully without
blacking out. As the frequency increased, the more scared I became until I asked to
be referred back to a Neurologist, having not seen one for years. My symptoms
range from feeling as though I'm about to nod off to sleep then jerking awake again
even when I'm not actually tired (my old warning sign that a Grand Mal was in the
offing) to what I always believed to be butterflies in my stomach. With the advent of the internet I now know that this is a form of seizure & not the butterflies that people without Epilepsy experience. Ignorance was once bliss! The butterflies
sensation with an almost overwhelming feeling that I want to cry lasts a few seconds
to maybe a couple of mins & sometimes comes in waves. It can also feeling like a shivering squeezing feeling (again in my stomach) & I want to clench my teeth. Sometimes my eyes have a brief fluttering sensation or I may be talking & get this weird tiny sneeze accompanied by spluttering my words. Thankfully the last one is only once in a while. Rarely I experience a morning where I can't make sense of anything.
Somehow or other I am able to still carry on working but my memory is getting worse. Thankfully I am able to blame my poor memory on my age but I have been told that the seizures are to blame.
I am currently changing my medication from Phenobarbitone to Lamotrigine, a scary thing to do after all these years but the Pheno are clearly not working for me.
The hardest thing of all is trying to describe your symptoms to someone who has never had Epilepsy. My Neurologist didn't believe it was Epilepsy & even said I'd probably outgrown it & didn't see any point in doing an EEG. I was so infuriated that I dug my heels in, I needed to know. As it turns out I had several seizures during the test, a hollow victory but thank God I didn't go home & throw away my meds............
karen26258 BonJovisgirl
BonJovisgirl karen26258
Have you asked about your heart rate Karen? Have they ever picked it up during an EEG? Mine is quite the opposite in that it drops really low, down to 38 bps, normally associated with the superfit apparently! Struggling to get that looked into which is surprising given my family's history of heart disease, acquired & congenital.
What with tinnitus & occasional bouts of vertigo there's a right old party going on in my head, just wish I could enjoy it lol!
On the plus side I'm not allowed to drive. To be fair I can't drive anyway but as well as free prescriptions I also have a bus pass
karen26258 BonJovisgirl
BonJovisgirl karen26258
Thankfully I don't get vertigo very often, hardly at all since the first major episode but don't think it's linked to my Epilepsy, think my symptoms are too normal for it to be anything other than vertigo. Always had problems with my ears too. Been on HRT for years, not looking forward to coming off that as it worked so well for me. Got clinic for that next month then neuro in Nov, deep joy, lol!
Let us know how you get on with your next level on the vns. All the best Karen, you're the first person I've been able to speak to that's going through anything like my symptoms, such a relief!