Anxiety? Perimenopause? Both? Overwhelming Physical Symptoms.
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So....I'll try to be brief. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder last March, after suffering a panic attack while traveling for business. Since then, I've had a multitude of daily physical symptoms...dizziness/lightheadedness, body aches, headaches, insomnia, night sweats, increased body temperature, feeling weak in my limbs, general fatigue, name it, I've had it. I've just about worn out my welcome at my GP's office, I've been there so often....I've been to the emergency room four times, had an MRI, multiple ECGs, countless rounds of bloodwork, an upper endoscopy...everything comes back clear. So why do I feel so sick all the time? I did have my hormone levels checked, and my doctor confirmed that I'm at least perimenopausal (I'm 45 years old)....could all of these symptoms (and truly, they occur daily) be related to perimeopause? I've developed a serious issue wtih health anxiety due to all of this, because I can't accept that these symptoms are harmless...I'm convinced that something catastrophic is wrong with me. Help!!!
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Snatchpiece wearykitty
I really do feel for you as I started the same as you. Mine started Nov 12 when a close friend of mine was told he had throat cancer and before too long I had convinced myself that I had this aswell. I went to the GP with my concerns and he was really kind and tried to calm me down saying that I had digestive issues as I had delevoped a lumpy throat feeling and it was not throat cancer. I kept trying to think positive until Jan 13 when I woke up one morning with a very strange feeling of that something didnt feel right inside my body and like you panic that there was something so very wrong with me. I couldnt go to work, didnt want to see anyone other than my husband or my son. This lasted for two weeks until my period started and I felt like me again. During this two week spell I booked myself into a Bupa health check where I had everything check (no scans) but ECG, lungs checked loads of dififerent bloods, hearing,eye sight, even checked for diabeties and guess what everything came back as it should have been. I was fine for about 3 months until I woke up again with this very strange feeling that something didnt feel right, again this lasted two weeks and again couldnt go to work etc, once my period arrived I felt myself again. Within two weeks I started feeling strange again, and a repeat of what happened the previous two times. This time I took myself off to have a mamogram, and checked for ovarian cancer, thyroids and gain everything came back ok. So why was I feeling this way and why did I feel that something terrible was about to be found. I visited a lovely lady GP who suggested that my hormones were out of sync and pehaps I tried a low doseage of HRTas this may help, but at this time I wasnt ready to do this. I found some cream called serentiy off wellsprings and started using this and cycles started coming back every 27 days. This was good for about 3 months and then my cycles started to become every 21 days or sometimes every 23 days and my anxiety seem to come back, not as bad as last year but still felt shaky. I found a tablet called Menopol plus off simply supplements and i take this twice a day, together with starflower capsules and Busy B vits which have a min of 100mg of all the main B vits. I did finally agree to try the HRT to help give me a monthly bleed and with the help of all of the above mentioned I am feeling a lot more like myself and not worrying about all the doom and gloom (which by the way is another symptom of the peri). I think I have finally realised that i have joined this nasty journey and have been trying all I can to get to grips with it and trust that it isnt something nasty happening. It is easying saying this when you are feeling great but perhaps if you start taking your B vits anything between 100mg - 300mg to help balance out your hormones you may also start to believe that you too have joined this journey and not something sinister about to happen. I have found so much comfort from this forum and especially from a lady called Jay who sadly has been on this journey for about 9 years and had experienced all sorts. The other ladies on here are all so lovely and will help put your mind at rest that we have and are still going through these funny things. Take care and please do read everyone experience and you will I am sure find comfort too. Take Care Joy xx
wearykitty Snatchpiece
tina37023 Snatchpiece
Snatchpiece tina37023
I am so sorry that you are feeling this way but thankfully you have found this forum which I know will give you a lot of confidence and comfort knowing that you can talk to others that may be experiencing the same as you. I can promise you that you will not be left a lone to deal with these experiences.
Last year when I started with my bad anxieties which lasted for two weeks at a time I found a good accupunture who has been fantastic to me. Not only can they help with moods, if you are suffering from anything else like digestive,sinus,you name it they can help you. I have also found reflexogolgy really good aswell and very relaxing, if you find a good one they can pick up on anything that may be troubling you and work on those areas. When having the accupunture tell them that you are not sleeping well and this is another thing that they can help with. Another thing is to book into have a relaxing massage. I know all of these cost money but they are all natural and you choose how often you go but they all will help no matter how often you can go. For my anxiety I have found Menopol plus from simply supplements (have a read of their reviews) to see what they contain and how they can help. As previously mentioned I have increased my B6 vitamin to at least 200mg daily and have found my happy go lucky nature has reappeared and I am feeling myself again.
I think as others have mentioned it is trying to educate ourselves on what may help relieve our symptoms as we are all different. But hopefully by reading these forums and there is one on here that in the titled "Is it Anxiety or Peri menopause(or something like that)" and has over 600 replies of ladies experiences.
I do hope that you will truly find comfort in knowing that you will start to feel like yourself again and all of this will make us all so much stronger than we already are. Massive hugs to you sweetie! When I started with my experiences last year I explained everything that I was feeling to my husband and I think by doing so (and him also knowing that I have nevered suffered anything like before) he started to support me in everyway possible and without his love and understanding and support I dont think I would have found the strenght to go out there to find a way of getting the old me back again - as I like her a whole load more than the frighten lady I had became. Even if you only find one person that can relate to you or just listen and support you and tell you that there isnt anything terrible going on, then you will gain strenght from their support. Please, please if you want someone to bounce off then just write a few words on here
and I know someone will reply and comfort you. Take Care Tina. xxx
anxiousface tina37023
whatawreck tina37023
lori7712 Snatchpiece
I know this was written over a year ago, but wondered how you are making out with the supplements? I found this after typing ready to give up with panic. I'm 50 and have anxiety my entire life. I've received help and have done a lot of work to get myself to a good place. However, this surge of hormones and panic has me to the point of exhaustion and ready to throw the towel in. It impedes with my sleep and mainly happens at bedtime. I work full time and this has caused me to miss work. I'm desperate. I do mindfulness meditation every day, exercise, and now am listening to the power of now. However, this continues to wear my psyche down.
Thanks and I hope that you receive this message.
nuss999 lori7712
Hi, I'm 53 and was given HRT 6 months ago when I started to get stressed, foggy minded and symptoms of anxiety. I recently chose to stop it when I realised that when I was taking the progesterone, my symptoms were much worse. I would go to bed to be by myself, either to try and meditate or sleep, just to get some relief from these awful feelings. My GP gave me some Diazepam and Prozac, but I really didn't want to go down that route. I have read many articles and looked at what others have done who were in the same situation and time and again, B6 vitamins and Starflower supplements were mentioned. In desperation I went to Holland and Barrett and got some. It's only been a few days, but I'm already feeling more 'normal'. I've also got some Magnesium and Vitamin C. Fingers crossed this is the answer as I too have had to miss work due to the physical and mental symptoms I've had. I wish you well and hope that you too feel better soon.
Needinghelp50 Snatchpiece
Not sure how this blog thing works but I googled the title and came across this blog. After joining the group I read a few stories all of which I can relate!!! My question to whom ever is the weird feeling I have isn't as much as an anxious feeling (I've had them before too) but a weird feeling in my lower chest / like digestive area. Someone on here said two week before her period started she started with the feelings! That's what I have a week to a week and a half it starts with a weird-just something isn't right feeling then it escalates into a digestive feeling/anxious feeling. I haven't had any test done yet but I do have ZYTO scans done regularly and nothing shows up concerning. The doctor does want me to get some general test done to rule out all the important things but it all cost money and approaching the holidays I am putting it off one more month. My question to y'all is does anyone have this weird feeling in the lower chest area and feel like every once in a while you can't get a deep breath? Side note I exercise and feel fine! I even sleep real good! I have had the hot flashes wake me up through the night and periodically have them throughout the day but I haven't had them in a few months. I'm getting good sleep now. Feeling like I'm going crazy!!! 😩
helen85336 Needinghelp50
How are you doing theses days. I've just read all the experiences and feel grateful I'm not alone. Wanted to check in as you're most recent on here.
jill19850 lori7712
julie62117 Needinghelp50
sweet_pack_fan wearykitty
i too had all the same symptoms as you have described. It is very scary indeed. I was in my dr.'s office many times and he kept saying it could not be menopause related. I got so sick and was feeling so ill and I ended up in the ER 4 times. Nothing would show up. I then started to have allergic like symptoms and got numb in my face, lost 35 pounds in a couple of months and was finally sent to the mayo clinic with what my dr. thought might be neuro-endocrine tumors. Before that though, I saw every specialist under the sun, and had every blood test, X-ray, upper GI, etc, and everything kept coming back fine. Even up at mayo, they could find nothing wrong other than going through menopause. I was put on a med to relieve my allergy like symptoms and reactions and was able to finally eat again although I still suffer bouts of those symptoms. After a year, I am better, but still not myself. I continue to have bouts of anxiety as well and I am dead tired, still suffer from hot flashes, the list goes on and on. I just want to feel like myself again. My MD still does not think any of this is menopause related, but I am convinced it is. The timing coincides with all that has happened. So hang in there and don't feel you are alone. This is not all in our heads. It is very real.
wearykitty sweet_pack_fan
staci489 sweet_pack_fan