Anxiety possible chronic illness in total fear for life afraid I am going to die

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So I've had anxiety and phobias for many years fears of heart disease cancer rabies Lyme disease u name it was tested and tested for disease after disease only to be told it's anxiety related... The past year has been the worst year of my life I feel as if my body is shutting down im literally short of breath gasping for a deep breath from sun up to sun down as well as very nasusea feeling as if I'm going to puke and very faint feeling and weak and light headed and the feelings are Soo severe they interfere with my daily life I'm literally unemployed unable to go for a half a mile walk across a field without feeling as if I have no oxygen and I'm going to die I'm convinced if I exercise I'll die this is how sick I feel it is totally bizarre how a doctor hasn't been able to diagnose me with a sickness it really makes no sense because I lay I'm bed literally all day virtually unable to do anything without getting weak and short of breath I literally feel like a cancer patient or a elderly person living in a nursing home I FEEL VERY VERY VERY SICK SO SICK THAT THERE IS NO WAY ANXIETY IS CAUSING this I am scared of the future I fear there is no future I literally think any day could be the last I've been to so many doctors in a attempt to get my life back and to get the proper medical treatment to treat whatever is killing my body and nothing is done I'm sent home to die a slow and agonizing death I'm scared I'm sick of feeling this way Ive tried SOOOOOO many times to get help I literally do not know what to do I think maybe I should just lay in bed and rot away because no doctor wants to help me I LITERALLY 100% FEEL LIKE I AM IN THE PROCESS OF DYING I CANNOT DO ANYTHING NO EXERCISE EVERYTHING I DO KILLS ME I FEEL SHORT OF BREATH AS SOON AS I OPEN MY EYES MY ONLY RELIEF FROM THIS LIFE OF HELL IS SLEEP I WANT TO GET BETTER BUT I FEAR ITS TO LATE. SORRT FOR THE LACK OF PUNCTUATION JUST VERY SCARED.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Brentley,

    What tests have you had done?

    • Posted

      I seen a heart specialist maybe 5 years ago when my fears started since then I've had countless blood test many done recently I've had multiple EKGs done I had a blood clot test done I had urine test done full blood panels liver function kidney etc chest lung x-ray listen to the lungs and recently I had a pulmonary function test done that showed mild abnormalities doctor said could be asthma or hyperventilation panic related they are not discovering the life threatening illness a blood test recently showed low vitamin D I just feel like there is more test I need to get done I'm so scared for my life

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      Also had a stool test done and a endoscopy maybe 5 years ago
    • Posted

      Hi Brentley,

      I am not a doctor nor am I a medical professional.

      You've had many tests done in specialist areas it appears. I think that if the doctors were concerned about anything specific they would do further tests.

      I don't know if you are receiving any sort of treatment for anxiety, if not perhaps you should speak to your doctor about this. Sometimes we need a little help to get us back on our feet whether it be medication or therapy.

      Anxiety consumes you, you can imagine that you have every illness going because anxiety can mimic symptoms of many illnesses.

      If you worry too much your anxiety will get worse and so will your anxiety symptoms, they feed off one another.

      I too get anxiety, I am going through a bad patch right now but I accept that it is anxiety and it will pass, like it did before.

      A few years ago I was getting shortness of breath for weeks. I convinced myself there was something seriously wrong with me, it meant hospital visits, tests but everything came back clear. After that there was no more shortness of breath. I accepted that it was anxiety.

      Take care now and try not to worry.

    • Posted

      Thats something having a hard time coming to terms with it just being anxiety because I feel like if I go for a jog I'll surely die so it's just very weird what I'm going through but yes some of the doctors I've seen didn't feel the need to do anymore test they told me I needed to seek mental anxiety treatment I just really do not believe anxiety is causing all this

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      I literally look at my face In the mirror and I can see sickness in my face
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      I hear what you are saying but this has been going on for five years and you are alive.

      I think you should take the advice of your doctors and seek anxiety treatment. How will you know unless you try? I think it's time to stop worrying and start trying to do something about it.

      What harm is there in trying after all?

      Take care now

    • Posted

      Just something I remembered about my x boss. His phobia was about flying. He was absolutely terrified, really terrified. We used to try to convince him that it was the safest form of transport but he was insistent that we didn't understand his fears. He used to get really angry and frustrated with us.

      Anyhow, he came to the office one day saying that his wife wanted to go abroad and with much persuasion he agreed to go on one of those trial flights for people with phobias, I think he went to Ireland. I can't remember exactly.

      He came back ever do proud that he had done it and he quite enjoyed it. He was extremely nervous about it but the point is he tried it and overcome his phobia. I never thought he would do it after all the things he used to say but hats off to him he did it.

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      The harm is I actually am sick and it hasn't been found and if I began to excercise and try to live normal I'll die

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      I'm just afraid I'm actually sick and if I try to live normal I'll kill myself but screw it I guess I guess if I kill myself exercising I kill myself

  • Posted

    Anxiety mimics many different diseases and illnesses. Do you have a psychiatrist or therapist? Are you in the UK or US? I think maybe an antianxiety medication may work. I'm not a doctor but it may help. I've been on one for 10 years. It helps. I know what's it like to think your dying.

  • Posted

    I feel your pain I literally think every night I feel my boobs if I feel muscle I convince myself it’s a lump I’m so scared of dying and leaving my two baby’s behind without a Mum my arms are always soar and really heavy for my body is that physical symptom of health anxiety xxxx 
  • Posted

    I have had Lyme disease and if you have the real thing you know something is very wrong. I had to go on massive antibiotics for a year to beat it.

    There are several auto-immune diseases which can cause the symptoms you are describing. Nobody really knows what causes those types of imflammation, they just seem to run their course and eventually you get over it and start feeling better. Lupus is one example. You might want to see an infectious diseases expert or some physician who understands auto-immune diseases.

    • Posted

      I need to find out what is going on it's Terrifying the way I feel

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      I'm just afraid I'm gonna die before I get the help I need I've reached out to Soo many doctors I've been to the ER probably ten times this year and countless doctors l visits

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