Anxiety possible chronic illness in total fear for life afraid I am going to die

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So I've had anxiety and phobias for many years fears of heart disease cancer rabies Lyme disease u name it was tested and tested for disease after disease only to be told it's anxiety related... The past year has been the worst year of my life I feel as if my body is shutting down im literally short of breath gasping for a deep breath from sun up to sun down as well as very nasusea feeling as if I'm going to puke and very faint feeling and weak and light headed and the feelings are Soo severe they interfere with my daily life I'm literally unemployed unable to go for a half a mile walk across a field without feeling as if I have no oxygen and I'm going to die I'm convinced if I exercise I'll die this is how sick I feel it is totally bizarre how a doctor hasn't been able to diagnose me with a sickness it really makes no sense because I lay I'm bed literally all day virtually unable to do anything without getting weak and short of breath I literally feel like a cancer patient or a elderly person living in a nursing home I FEEL VERY VERY VERY SICK SO SICK THAT THERE IS NO WAY ANXIETY IS CAUSING this I am scared of the future I fear there is no future I literally think any day could be the last I've been to so many doctors in a attempt to get my life back and to get the proper medical treatment to treat whatever is killing my body and nothing is done I'm sent home to die a slow and agonizing death I'm scared I'm sick of feeling this way Ive tried SOOOOOO many times to get help I literally do not know what to do I think maybe I should just lay in bed and rot away because no doctor wants to help me I LITERALLY 100% FEEL LIKE I AM IN THE PROCESS OF DYING I CANNOT DO ANYTHING NO EXERCISE EVERYTHING I DO KILLS ME I FEEL SHORT OF BREATH AS SOON AS I OPEN MY EYES MY ONLY RELIEF FROM THIS LIFE OF HELL IS SLEEP I WANT TO GET BETTER BUT I FEAR ITS TO LATE. SORRT FOR THE LACK OF PUNCTUATION JUST VERY SCARED.

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27 Replies

  • Posted

    One of the best thing for your body is excerzing. Even just a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood a few times a week to get your muscles moving. It will make your heart stronger. Laying in bed only weakens the body and muscles.
    • Posted

      I just feel like I'm unable to excercise and I'm afraid to now because I feel like if something is wrong with me and I excercise or walk I might die and I live so far from the ER about 10-15 minutes if something goes wrong I'm as good as dead

    • Posted

      I tell myself I need to excercise I'm only 26 I'm 6'3 180 lb I was a big time athlete growing up up to last year played alot of basketball and golfed alot now I feel like I can't and if I do I will die I definitely could it's not that I couldn't strength wise I'm just afraid of my breathing and afraid I will die I've went like over 6 months without excercise or a job maybe I've caused irreplaceable damaged to my heart and lungs maybe I've ruined my body due to not excercising that's another fear of mine

    • Posted

      I don't think you have damaged your body. I have diostolic dysfunction. Which has to do with the heart and I order to help strengthen it I need to excerze and lose weight. I also had a pulmonary embolism back in late 2016. Maybe from kicking a door still don't know. But due to be on the heavier side to avoid these things and make myself healthier I'm trying to lose the weight and not be sedentary. You have to move around and get up and walk. Your blood needs to be able to flow throughout your body. If you sit in a certain position for long periods of time every day you do put your self at risk for say a DVT. To avoid health problems you need to fight the psychological problems suck as anxiety. You have one life to live. Do you want to really live it staying in bed or do you want to live it happy with people you love and things you once loved to do? I know your pain believe me. I live every day wondering if I will get another pulmonary embolism and will it kill me this time but I still have to go on with my life and work and try to avoid it by exercising and losing weight but I still worry. You can do it. I know you can.

  • Posted

    Hi Brently.

       I know exactly how you feel my friend!

    I deal with this almost on a daily basis. I sometimes feel that if I attempt to exercise that my heart won't be able to take it. But, I also know that if I keep doing nothing, just sitting and laying around, that I'll grow weaker and weaker and eventually die on my sofa. I struggle on a daily basis with anxiety. It's a serious illness!

    In my opinion, I would rather die attempting to walk around and better my physical condition, over dyeing just laying on the sofa. At least if I'm in public among other people, someone would hopefully call 911.

    Verses dyeing on my sofa with no one around, and I die alone.

    We all are going to die, there's no escaping that. So get Angry at your anxiety! Don't let it win!

    I know some days are harder than others, but, on the days you feel "ok", hurry and get outside and walk!

    Walk in the sun...sunshine is good for you! It's healing! Let the sun's hot UV rays hit you and sweat!

    Get outside and feel the sun's heat! This helps me, and I hope this helps you.

    There's no cure for anxiety, but there are ways to slowly take back your life.

    It's Your it by Your Rules...not Anxiety's Rules!

    We all die....die on Your Terms!

    Be well my friend!

    • Posted

      I appreciate that comment man your very right I just wonder if it's something else besides anxiety if I exercise I'll kill myself but if it is anxiety which I don't believe that's all it is but I hope it is

    • Posted

      I know it's hard, because I struggle with this also!

      But, think about it like this...

      You've been dealing with this for a very long time, and so have I.

      We're both still alive...we're not dead yet, or had anything terrible happen to us from this...other than "feeling" like we're about to die.

      So maybe....just's really just in our head.

      I know this is easy to say whenever we're feeling "ok"...but it's the truth.

      I deal with health anxiety almost every day, and on my "bad days", it's next to impossible to think it's just in my head. I feel like my heart will just stop beating at any minute.

      This is why I said, on "good days"...don't waste them!

      If you're feeling Half Good...get outside!! Walk!!

      Walk around the store...any store!

      Don't shop to buy things, because that might lead to stress. I mean just get out and walk around. Breathe fresh air, feel the hot sun. I understand that on "bad days" it's almost impossible to even get off the sofa. But don't waste the Good Days!

    • Posted

      The only thing that kills me the most is the shortness of breath I feel it literally all day long I recently went to a pulmonologist over the feeling like I can't breathe and the pulmonologist said I had some mild abnormalities on my pulmonary function test he said maybe asthma or maybe panic hyperventilation related which I pray it is I've always been a big athlete growing up never had any signs of ashma I just pray my lungs are not failing me I'm only 26 he said nothing severe maybe asthma or panic related because I was super super anxious panicky when taking the test I've got to go back in 4 weeks to get a asthma test or maybe I'm dying or hopefully it's panic related but I just don't know I literally feel like I can't breathe all day long which is mainly what keeps me on the couch the other symptoms I can live with

    • Posted

      I totaly agree with you on that one, I try my best on my good days ,it would be a shame if I didn't, am 32 and a mum ov 3 , which I am blessed with , don't no what id do without them there my world,at one time my mum had to take them for a little while , i was so deppressed , it wasn't fair on them seen me like that, I missed them so much , I walk mountains now ," Snowdon in Wales, there is so much energy at the top , , it's just something about them that's good for me, I am charged for the month , then go an do it again, is advise any one who suffers with anxiety an depression to do it.

    • Posted

      i hope you didnt pass. ive been getting those poppings in back of my head too. i always fainting they dont know whats wrongs . i know what you mean on the feeling something warm on your head shoulders like icyhot . everything keeps coming put fine. but my pulses keeps dropping now. i hope you were able get answers

  • Posted

    Sorry to hear the way you are feeling , I am exactly the same, I constantly feel like iv got cancer so I can totally sympathise with you, the only difference is that I go the doctor an tell him my symptoms , he then refairs me for tests an I don't follow them up , am to scared they'll tell me av got my worst fear ""Cancer"😦 av worried all my life an am scared av got it , so I totaly no how you feel .

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