Anxiety when something is wrong

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I would like to know how many of you live in dread and fear of something horrible being wrong with you or happening to you? For the last year, I am almost in a total panic that I have something horrible. The menopause has made me so afraid, I get these daily health emails and its always about cancer or heart disease, and I know this information is meant to be useful and helpful, it makes my anxietyworse. Anything dealing with cancer is scary to me. I never was like this before, I had a rational approach. I just wondered if this is happening to other people, the other issue I am noticing is nausea, some of the other women here have said its apart of menopause too and I am now thinking whats next? I have anxiety, heat flashes, and now bad stomach issues. Any advice would be great.

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45 Replies

  • Posted

    So sorry for you I know exactly you feel. My anxiety and fear is just awful. It drives me crazy. I'm always thinking something is wrong with me or that something bad is gonna happen to me or someone in my family. I hope you find relief. I know someone on here will give you some good advice. Hugs to you. smile
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      i read an article that said most women have this anxiety because they are worried most for their family.  we are too young to be feeling this dread! i'm 52
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    yes, i've been going through this.   in the last 8 weeks i've been in the hospital twice.  the psychiatrist prescribed effexor for anxiety and perimenopause symptoms and i had a really bad reaction to it after only 5 days.  the first time i was driving and had an episode on the freeway - scared the hell out of me.   same as that day on the freeway, 3 nights later i had high bp and heart rate, burning in chest (flushing) and chest pain; tingling and muscle cramps in legs.  weakness and feeling like passing out.   i thought it was a heart attack.  i thought i was going to die that night.   they did all the blood work - no heart attack.  they  decided it was gerd.  and when i ate at the hospital, my heart rate and bp did go  way up; it was very strange.  i went home and continued to have mild symptoms, which made me not want to eat... and then it got really bad again after one little bite of a pasta dish, and i went to the er and they finally did a stress test of the heart - it was clear.  all my numbers and blood work were good.  my gp scanned my thyroid (i have nodules), my liver, gallbladder, spleen - clear.  it seemed that anytime i ate spicy foods, or sugary foods my bp went crazy.  so i stopped eating just about everything.  i stuck to bland foods:  bananas, rice, yogurt, cottage cheese, protein shakes, broth, bland chicken breast, lots of fresh veggies, dried fruits, minimal breads, NO processed foods.  i've lost 14 pounds.   it seems like too much to lose so soon,  but my symptoms are better.  no bad flushing, no racing heart (i had caffeine one day and that caused palpitations, so caffeine is OUT!).    i added evening primrose, caltrate, fish oil to my magnesium, l-lysine and zinc regimen.  i also take bp meds, a stomach acid reducer and a low dose of valium ONLY when anxiety is really bad. i also have hypothyroidism and those symptoms are almost like perimenopause...sheesh!   like you, anytime i got an email about cancer, heart attack, my chest would hurt and my heart rate would increase.  you've got to expect that things aren't going to feel right, but it isn't the end.  easier said than done, i know.  i have a history of anxiety, but i make things worse by thinking the worst.  hope some of this helps. 
    • Posted

      Wow Kristi, I feel like you. I am you, I almost Checked myself into a hospital too. I have nodules on my shoulder, it started last summer when peri started. Even that scares me. I had a horrible episode going around a curve driving I thought that I was having a heart attack. I didn't want to go on anti anxiety medication but I can't live like this worried and scared. I'm extremely emotional, I teach and I feel like I'm falling apart. I almost feel like running away. Seriously. . But I would have to take me along. Lol. My word, how long will this last

      I'm going to take those herbs and vitamins that you are taking. Thanks ladies.

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      i also take probiotics for my stomach.  i don't know what your history is, but most people with anxiety tend to have stomach issues.  good luck and keep posting.  getting out your worries, even just typing them, really does help.  smile
    • Posted

      You sound like so ME. I've had that horrible feelings in last year, in a  fullest scale; heart palpatations, sudden rise of BP, chest pain, fear of heart attack and ER.  I've changed my die too like ou said, and lost almost 4-5 kg. Med tests come out clean. Now, I have occasioal heart palpatations and anxiety. Since I began drinking lemon water in the morning a months ago this seem to be helping a lot. I'm taking vitamins and eating less meat and sugary foods. Thanks for sharing and good luck! 
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      Ok, I never thought about probiotics. I'm taking the evening primrose. I'll report on it progress soon
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      the root of most problems (especially hormonal) is a bad gut.  probiotics are said to improve menopause symptoms.  it's worth a try.  smile
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    Hi Lenie, do not be scared.  I know things look bad, but they will get better.  About 1,5 years ago I started having symptoms of peri, all together, scary, terrible - very irregular heartbeat ( I was put on a holter), diziness, ashtma-alike symptoms, had alergies I never had before, hair falling, bad skin/hair, dry eyes, muscle and joints pain (every joint in my body would make noise as a machine without lubrication), stomach issues, like reflux, confused memory, a weakness that prevent me to throw a toy to my dog,  etc. Was awful, belive.  This website saved me...  I never thought all that could come from perimenopause. thought I had some terrible dease.  When I complained to my doctors, they never acknowledged it could come from peri - they tested me for all, what is good.  

    Good news, most of the symptoms desappeared.  You see, is not always that bad :D. 

    I never had depression, eventhough as human I have my ups and downs. Of course, getting older put you closer to death, but think how many younger people are not in this planet any ore i feel more "mortal" nowadays, lol.  It is part of getting old, it is just a case to accept :S. Apart from that, it looks for me like you are in a down spot - hormones can do that- and maybe you need to do something to relax - could be yoga, a natural herb or maybe somethig more strong. - if it feels unbearable, look for a doctor.

    You should check the recommendations for vitamins in here, they helped me a lo, once oyr bodies at this particular time, have probem to proccess food. 

    Research here, you will find lots of good info.

    Be well!

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    one more thing:  B-12!!  make sure it is made with methylcobalamin.  that REALLY helps with mood and sluggishness. 
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      Hi kristi, just picked up on your post about B12, just started taking it yesterday and has turned wee neon bright yellow, do you have this or is it something else for me to obsess about ?x
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      i've noticed a little more yellow than usual, yes.   please make sure you are taking the B12 with methylcobalamin.  it is a little more expensive, but it is absorbed so much better than the other.  you can get it in dissolvable (sublingual) tablets or drops. 
    • Posted

      Hello Kirsti, thank you for that, I have actually stopped taking it as I was scared and it was adding to my anxiety, it was a shock to see the change and I wasnt prepared and at the moment cant handle any more scary symptoms - does the same thing happen with the drops ? x
    • Posted

      i think the yellow is from the cheaper b-12 you find at the supermarket.  look at your health food stores for the methylcobalamin, or buy online.  i don't notice any bright yellow with mine.  i do remember years ago when i used to take the supermarket brand.  there's nothing to them and it's a waste of money.   and... not everything needs to be worried about.  the only time you worry about your urine is if it's blue, brown or cloudy.   the first two ARE worrisome, but the 3rd could be from drinking milk.  YES, milk can make your pee cloudy.  so, do some deep breathing. relax.   
    • Posted

      Thank you for information and yes will look into it , I did buy them from H and B and try to steer clear from cheaper versions, so perhaps it's just me ! Interesting about the milk and will bear that in mind, thanks very much x

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