anxiety when your period should be happening
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hello all...hope I have not asked about this before...! I am 50 years old and went into perimenopause back over 10 years ago due to chemotherapy. So at this point I get may 4 periods a yaer if that - It seems like during the times I should have my period I am so anxious it drvies me crazy! The other thing that happens ..I wake up in the morning sometimes and my heart is I am going into a panic attack before my feet even set foot on the floor. I usually calm down quickly but its so does not happen all the time. Just wanted to know if anyone else gets the heightened anxiety and just basically eaisly "nerved" up! I plan to "up" my B vitamins too! Thanks for any help!
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jayneejay lisa65434
i am age 50, natural peri for ten years..
i am 16 months post menopause now, but when i was in peri and missed periods, i always had like a PMT with anxiety ... All the usual symtoms, ( less the sore boobs) but no actual period.. Sore boobs were my sign that one would come.. Didnt seem to get sore boobs when i missed one .. ( that was just me)
also near the end, my very final periods, i got migraines, and felt very sick too
when one was coming, and did.
jay x
lisa65434 jayneejay
Yes me too on the feeling sick! I will feel hungry..go to eat and then feel sick.
Thanks so much for your support !!
jayneejay lisa65434
so feel for you, if you were like me, towards the end of peri when i was having just two periods a year, then the final, thats when anxiety hit me the worst, i felt like i wanted to hide away, feelings of doom, no confidence, and would cry at the srop of a hat, at really silly things..
the B6 helped me alot ( 150mg ) daily with no missing..
I still get a blip day.. its not pefect..
if you feel its getting too much, dont suffer go and talk to a doctor hun..
my Gyno told me i had anxiety and i told him i was okay 😳 he said no, i think you have anxiety .. I said i had troubles sleeping etc..
he gave me 2.5 mg diazpepam for the bad anxiety times, to help me relax and sleep, cant say i have used it .. Maybe three times..
but dont suffer, seek some help .. we all need some sometimes ..
jay x
lisa65434 jayneejay
Thank you!!!
raelene_44389 jayneejay
I hope you continue to see magical days and the experience you have been through gives you an inner strength and confidence that you never thought you would have.
Take care
Raelene xx
jayneejay raelene_44389
well i can only say that for me ( i am age 50 now) about 17 months post menopause, no HRT just Vits and supplements...
I can say, i dont feel like i did before meno, but then we wont as we have big changes happened and we run on low hormones..
the only thing i was told / advised to use was Estriol Ovestin Vaginal ovules, as for me when post meno hit and confirmed by Gyno, then other things start, ie: Vaginal Atrophy ( dryness) then pain, discomfort, reoccurring thrush, and even BV due to too much flora and high vaginal PH.
so it is new things to deal with.
also i have pulled my back out ( Saturday) and I am in agony.. i was only bending and it went, snap... think its pulled muscle pain ..
So we bexome delicate and need to think about things before doing them depending on how we feel,
you mention night sweats .. I only had these when i was in very early peri.
i also had a few hot flushes but they went early on.
But, hot flushes day time, returned big time last summer for me, but eased off , still get feelings of bodily warmth but not like it was at the height of spanish summer here .. I just hope that doesnt kick off next summer.
i still get a blip day.. But over all not so bad .. Energy is the thing with me..
it drops like anything. I eat well and am not over weight, i dont drink alcohol.
so its all up and down even when post meno has taken place, well in my case any how
jay x
lisa65434 raelene_44389
I love having a focus each day even if it is the smallest thing like moving some furniture around for a new look or helping a friend paint a room ..I have a huge focus right now I am completely my final semester in Nursing so that keeps me busy. Another thing that pulls me through is that all of these sensations and feelings are normal and they are not harmful and that this board is so helpful that we all can share what we are going through. Eating right is key too..staying away from sugary foods and foods with "added" or modified crap in it just messes with our hormones...ugh.! It is a tough journey for sure and believe I still have days where I depend on this board tremendously ..and I am grateful for it!!!! Hang in there!! We got this!
susan47122 lisa65434
I can relate to you and Raelene my anxieties are like a tornado to There are times they are severe and there are times that aren't just like my stomach problems sometimes my stomach problems act up like a tornado where I'm in the bathroom all day and night and somedays they are calm
Its hard going through the change of life
raelene_44389 lisa65434
I agree we have got this.
I'm not going to let it win!!!!
raelene_44389 jayneejay
It sure is a journey being a woman with all these ups amd downs. Would you say your anxiety has eased post menopause. This is the thing that literally knocks the life out of me. If I could stop the dips of anxiety my life would be so much easier. When something is coming up I just pray that I will be well for it. There have been many a times where I've had to miss out. (upsets me immensely)
I hope your energy levels pick up and those sweats improve for you.
A spanish summer sounds beautiful.
Take care and big hugs xxxx
lisa65434 raelene_44389
It is so helpful to have this site for sure - I always feel so much better knowing that I am normal! Good luck with teaching and tutoring that is a beautiful thing!
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marlene21102 lisa65434
raelene_44389 lisa65434
Keep up those words of encouragement to yourself and inner peace will come.
donna38794 lisa65434
lisa65434 donna38794
marlene21102 donna38794
So many of us get it ,some it goes after a while but it's not good to having this daily ,I'm sure it keeps ones blood pressure elevated .
You can try all things some work ,then some don't .Its a daily battle I agree .
Every day new females are joining this site ,hoping for answers .
What if anything your trying to do for your anxiety ? They say lack of magnesium ,leading up to meno and in post meno is an issue .Im taking Magnesium now ,plus a multi Vit .Many a female walking around like us so not alone ,try Bach Rescue spray couple sprays on your tongue ,give that a try ,get that in supermarkets .Have you got anxiety now ? Mine feels what I call Gyne anxiety ,always have done .
lisa65434 marlene21102
Thanks for your support!!
marlene21102 lisa65434
Try that Bach rescue ,not expensive keep it handy ,one in your handbag as well .Stress is a crippler for sure ,brings your immune system down .
Hope you get yours gone miserable having it going on ,and on .
donna38794 marlene21102
susan47122 donna38794
my anxieties have been bad lately too. We just need to learn to do relaxation when our anxieties hit. We need coping skills and deep breathing and we need time to ourselves to recoperate and feel better. I have had anxieties and panic attacks for a long time and yes it is unbearable at times when you are feeling weak anxious, tired, and just not yourself. I take ativan for my anxieties.
marlene21102 donna38794
jayneejay marlene21102
theres something to be said about Adrenal Fatigue especially Post Menopause ..
Adrenal Function in PMS and Menopause
Adrenal hormones are important to healthy menstruation, and stress is known to affect the menstrual cycle.
The adrenal glands are the only source of testosterone in women, and after menopause are the only source of the female hormones, estrogen and progesterone.
These and other adrenal hormones play a major role in menstruation, sexual function, physical and psychological well-being, and the aging process, among other things.
When these hormones are low, a number of unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms can occur.* It has been observed clinically that many women experiencing adrenal fatigue also experience PMS and tend to have difficulty during perimenopause and menopause.*
When women enter perimenopause and menopause, the ovaries slow their production of estrogen and progesterone, and the adrenal glands have to pick up the slack for menopause to proceed smoothly. If the adrenals are already fatigued, it may be more difficult to meet this extra demand for hormone production.
* In fact, the adrenals may become even more depleted as a result, creating a vicious cycle.
* Pronounced morning fatigue may be a tip-off that low adrenal function is a factor in PMS or menopausal discomfort.
* A saliva cortisol/DHEAS test that measures adrenal hormones at four different times in the day can help determine whether adrenal function is a contributing factor.
* Support for healthy adrenal function can often provide help in this situation.*
jay x
susan47122 jayneejay
I'm going to my OBGYN tomorrow I'm going to have him check my adrenal hormones because with having hypothyroidism and not having a period I feel myself that I'm off balance with having anxieties, being restless at night to where it is hard to fall asleep. Then being tired durring the day and feeling burned out when I'm under stress. Thank you for that tip that you wrote to Marlene
marlene21102 jayneejay
marlene21102 susan47122
I've asked dr is this how meno hormones give up ,as it began ,no Drs ever been able to give me an answer but if I've got it other females I guess would have these symptoms also .its a strange situation were all having these types similar in issues ,got to ask Why ? As all these off the shelf and meds don't work again Why not ? Keep an open mind I do I don't disregard anything what's placed up as a possible cause .Maybe the answer end of day .Never know may stop my tinnitus ,I wish .
jayneejay susan47122
if you request an adrenal hormone blood test, you will have to fast ..
Jay x