Anxiety with mono?

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Has anyone else had horrible anxiety and depression with mono? I've had both for years, but never as much as I have since being diagnosed. Anytime I have a new symptom, I relentlessly Google them and end up giving myself anxiety attacks even though I know mono is what's causing them. I've also almost cried several times when I go to eat or go shopping because I used to love eating and going in stores, but now I don't even want to look at food and have no energy for shopping and it's really upsetting. All of the physical and mental stress of this virus is just really bringing me down. I just wanted to if anyone else has these problems and if so, do you know of anything that helps?

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37 Replies

  • Posted

    I've never suffered with anxiety until now, nor have I had panic attacks before. It's very difficult to deal with them. I've learnt that every set back you have, every pain discomfort etc will go away. So I try to remember that and focus on at some point I will get better. I think negative thoughts is negative energy and feeds the virus. It's obviously easier said than done, but just need to keep your mind on small things and take each day as it comes. Then remember one day this will be alot easier to deal with

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying, Dodge. This virus is so tiring and frustrating that it's hard to focus on anything else sometimes apart from how terrible I feel. Sending good vibes and hoping you are better soon.

    • Posted

      Yes it becomes ALL you think about and drives you nuts ... no matter how you try to distract yourself it’s always there . 
    • Posted

      Hang in there Lori, still thinking about you and believing that you are going to get better from this. The anxiety and worry and not knowing when things will get better is so draining I know, I remember it and it's just so hard and frightening. But absolutely there is hope and you will get there and this thing does get better, you're riding through the eye of the storm right now I know but it does pass Lori truly it does.

      Hoping for a good and settled week for you and thanks as always for all your support.


  • Posted

    Hi ciela 

    Yes I have horrible anxiety and depression ..and the strangest mental feeling .... it’s horrible! 

    I try to do simple things ... take a short walk watch a good show ... that’s all we can do right now until this thing passes. 

    But you’re tired and anxious at the same time which is a horrible feeling ! And yes! This is ALL so stressful just waiting waiting waiting ... for it all to be over .

    • Posted

      Hi Lori,

      I've been trying to rest and relax but it's so hard when all I can think about is how awful I feel and how many problems it's caused me. It seems like everytime I try to focus on something else, I just end up obsessing over every new symptom again. I know I shouldn't and that I'm only hurting myself more doing it, but I keep trying to work through it all and return to my normal schedule even though I'm so worn through - it's really difficult to accept that I can't do these things when I feel so unwell.

      I desperately wish that we'll both feel much better soon.

  • Posted

    Hi Ciela I had terrible anxiety which I never had before mono so I know its part and parcel of this virus,it has eased off now thank goodness as im sure yours will when you start feeling a bit better,i listened and still do to relaxation and meditation videos on YouTube,find them very helpful,it gets your body into a relaxation mode which helps healing


    • Posted

      That’s great to hear it’s eased off ... and yes my anxiety is through the roof !  Can’t relax wake up anxious can’t take a nap . 

      I think it makes it worse as your life becomes so small so it’s all you focus on .... but hey it’s not our fault .. we’re told to rest don’t push it take it easy which means keeping a low profile and living a very mundane life which isn’t healthy mentally either. 

    • Posted

      Hi Diane,

      I'm so glad to hear that yours has eased. I haven't watched any meditation videos yet, but I'll look some up tonight before I go to bed to help relax me. Thank you so much.

    • Posted

      Hi Diane,

      Just wondering how you are doing at the moment. Wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. I've been hit with a hard couple of weeks and it just reminds me of how hard it is to go through physical and mental suffering, and I know you've been through so much of that Diane and just wanted you to know I still see such strength and wisdom in your words and character. Wish I had a dose more of that kind of courage which I've been lacking lately!!

      Hoping that anxiety stays well away and that you can continue to feel stronger and stronger as time passes. Sending healing hugs and love.


    • Posted

      Hi Craig my friend,im sorry to hear your having a rough time,really hoping it eases up soon for you,you don't deserve this,youve been so kind to everyone on here and reassuring us all,things will eventually get better for you Craig,im sure they will,our bodies have such resilience and can bounce back just when we think we cant take it any longer,any pain and illness just drags us down and affects our moods and then our minds run away with us and think all sorts of things,stay strong Craig,you can do this,you ARE doing it,dont be too hard on yourself things will come good again,you are stronger than you think,sending love back at you Craig and thank you for staying around to help us on here,im very slowly improving but a long way to go yet,but im thankful for small mercies,i just tire so easily with the slightest effort,spnding a lot of time resting and watching old black and white films,having a terrible time with sleeping though,my body clock has gone on the night shift mode and I cannot sleep before 5 and 6 am !!! good job I haven't got to get up for work!! just taking each day as it comes and listening to my body and if that means staying in bed and doing nothing then so be it, take care Craig and thinking of you xx


    • Posted

      Oh thanks so much Diane,

      That was a lovely message I'm so grateful for your kind words and support. This last couple of days have been more settled and better than most of the last fortnight which has been very very hard indeed. As you say just important to be grateful for small and all mercies and take each day as it comes. I know my troubles have been slight compared to many people just things have overwhelmed me and lots of different things taken its toll over a period of time affecting my health and confidence. 

      Thanks for reminding me that our bodies are more resilient than we think, that we can get through hard times and will bounce back - that means a lot and really encourages me Diane.

      I'm still thinking about you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I really hope that your energy levels and sleep pattern can improve, you're going to get there Diane I really believe it. Just enjoy those films and take that time to rest when you need to, even if it is a lot or most of the time right now, your body will tell you when it feels more ready to do things and you will know within yourself when the right time is to do a bit more, but for now just cope with each day as it comes as you say. 

      That must be so frustrating being so tired and then not being able to sleep through the night. I'm not sure if you've tried or heard or amitrypyline, it's a kind of low-grade anti-depressant but also used for pain which I've been on for 3 years now. You take it a couple of hours before you go to sleep and it makes the world of difference, it really does help you get a sleep. But of course different things work for different people I know and of course it's just something worth talking to the doc about anyway perhaps. 

      Believing your energy levels are going to slowly but surely return over time Diane, you're still showing courage and am still grateful you take the time to give me such words of support and wisdom - you are a special person Diane I have a real sense of that and want you to know that I believe God still has a great purpose for your life and He needs you well to get there. 

      The God Wants You Well Series on this web link has lots of really powerful and good and encouraging 30 minute stories of people who have been healed by God - can't remember if I sent the link before, the one on this link on the Wed, Thu and Fri videos is really good and stirred up hope in me - 

      Thinking of too and remember just hang in there and manage each day and let God look after the bigger picture. 


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  • Posted

    Hi Ciela,

    Yes, to all of the above, it causes the worst anxiety to go along with the worst feeling of illness ever.

    • Posted

      Hi Mono too,

      I had never realized it could cause so much anxiety and panic, I definitely underestimated the intensity of this when I was first diagnosed.

      I hope you're feeling better, and if you don't, then I hope you do soon.

    • Posted

      Hi Ciela,

      I have recovered after a year of illness, I thought I would never feel better, but it did finally happen for me and it will for you too.


    • Posted

      Tara great news Ciela 

      So happy to hear a ‘good news’ story gives us all hope when we are such despair 😩

    • Posted

      You’ve got that right Mono .... you constantly feel like your skin in crawling ! 

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