Any advise on MRI Scans for the brain.

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Not sure if im posting in the right group, fairly new to all this..

Im having a MRI scan in my head on the 13th. As for 2-3 weeks ive been getting severe burning sensations in the right side of my head they have been so severe obviously my doctors are aware.. this is accompanied with numbess of the face snd various places on my body, fatigue, foggy head when burning sensation isn't present, heavy sore eyes. They begin a hour or so after waking and can last from anything up to hours, they make me feel like i am about to pass out. Very frightening no pain relief work! So im having a mri if it shows something bad will they tell me straight away? Any information on mri scans or if anyone has had similar problems to what i have. Much appreciated as very worried and dont know what to do anymore i have been ill for about 2 months all together but the burning sensations about 2-3 weeks

my worrying is very acssesive.

Thanks in advance.

I posted a previous post in (other conditions and genetal health) which explains everything ive gone through past 2 months.


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15 Replies

  • Posted

    ******** forgot to say in my post I am a 21 year old female.

    My previous post is posted in (other conditions and general health) which explains what ive gone through past 2 months. If any more detail wants to be read. Tia

    • Posted

      Hi Tia,

      As far as an MRI scan is concerned try not to worry about this procedure, it does get noisy, but they provide headphones that sometimes play music through too.  Its a lot safer to have than say a CT scan for instance.  But try not to let the noise of the machine bother you, its all perfectly normal.

      Now as for your symptoms you have explained here they sound similar to what I get and the first time it happened to me it was scarey as it felt like a stroke, do you feel that it could be similar to a stroke Tia?  The condition I get is Hemiplegic Migraine and it always hospitalises me.  Since having Botox, which is a treatment for all migraines, the condition has been somewhat better.  Although I have been suffering with a lot of eye pain and facial numbmess this last few days.  Thankfully it hasnt developed though.

      Good luck with the MRI TIa and let us know how you get on.  Try not to worry, but I know its not easy.

      Take care and best wishes

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your reply.

      Yes i do feel like that. I get so scared because there not going away and they can be very intense, ive lost myself in this im not the same person anymore as ive been poorly for abit and its stopping me from doing the things i want. I see ive nevet heard of those types of migraines before, how often do you get these? When the burning sensations arnt present my heads very foggy and my eyes are very heavy i just dont feel normal its so strange! I appreciate your reply thankyou!

    • Posted

      You are very welcome Tia!

      Well I do get them once in a while, and they are aggrevated by stress and worry, so I have tried to reduce my stress a lot of the last 18 months.

      The thing is Tia, you are not alone in this suffering as you have this forum where we are all sufferers in some way or another.  Just come on and share your worries, stresses and symptoms I will always reply.

      Tell me please what medicines you have tried so far and what you are taking now.


    • Posted

      Right yeah i see. Mine are continuously, on going which makes worrying worse as you can imagine... i am under a lot of stress/emotional stress at the moment, yes indeed i think sharing your problems kind of helps in a way. As ive been poorly for 2 months with it all starting with a tummy pain, you can read my first post which will tell you my full story if your interested its posted in (other conditions and general health) they have tried me on various medication as ive had different symtoms from the beginning till now.



      Normal pain killers ibufen etc

      And other things for other symptoms they havent give me much for my head as there's other symptoms.

      They thought it was nerve pain in the beginning hense those named above.

      However not long afrer taking pregabalin this all started, being sickly,foggy head and just unwell. I was taken to A+E as of the numbness they said coukd be sensitive to that drug, however im still feeling the same so my doc said it wasnt the pills as that was a month ago now.. so i am having an MRI.

      Apologies i have loads to say!

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      I am also on propranolol 40mg to calm me down to help with tension etc.
    • Posted

      Hi Tia,

      Dont worry about having loads to say, just talk about whatever you want, I am sure it will help.  Send me the link to your other post please, I would like to read more about your other issues.  Pregabalin is one of the drugs I take and it did take me a while to get used to it, now I take 300mg twice a day.  You could also suggest Nortriptylene to your neurologist as I have taken this to help me cope with my issues.

      Do please let us know how you get on and give us an update to how you are getting on.  I will always reply and give you support as I know it helps me too.

      Good luck and best wishes.

      Take care

    • Posted

      I read your other post in other conditions and general health and I am really shocked at what you have been/going through!  I am so sorry to hear you are having such a bad time.

      I wanted to ask, do you get much support from your family and close friends through all this?  With being so ill they should be right by your side.

      When I read you had pain in the upper right abdomen I straight away thought of the problem I had last year with my gall bladder.  They found a stone, but the main problem was my bile duct had become twisted and so when they removed my gall bladder, this got sorted out in the process.  Now thank fully I am ok.

      I will offer all the support I can Tia, I am not a dr but if I think of anything will pass it on.

      Take care


    • Posted

      Aww i know its been hard! Just want answers now and for some help.

      Yes i get plenty of support from all the family. especially my mum! Shes great shes my best friend.

      It may seem like i dont because i post so much on here, its because i like to hear off people who are going through the same/similar thing to hear there story! And for advise from people who have had problems.

      Yes. I had suspected gall stones at first! but every thing was clear from previous scans and tests! Its baffled us all we dont have a clue.

      Glad to hear you was ok from that.

      And thankyou so much. I appreciate it!

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      I know its tough, when all you want to do is sleep!  I am a frelance personal trainer and it kills me to be doing nothing sometimes!  Still good that I have another job that pays me when I cant work, else I would be in trouble
    • Posted

      Received a letter from my doctors saying they have recieved my MRI results ring for an appoimtment to discuss your results am shaking so scared does this mean somethings seriously wrong? I only had the scan a week ago and they told me it would be 2 weeks for my results and it would be earlier if something shows up am so frightened.
  • Posted

    Nikki, I've had very similar problems with headaches, I've had several MRIs and CT scans. When I couldn't take it any longer they finally did the tests. Years of suffering and then they found an aneurysm in my brain. Fortunately for me it was small and they could go in with coils and hopefully stop it from ever exploding. i still have the headaches and some doctors think it is due to my damage in my spine. Ive got several disc problems in my neck and low back. Ive tried all kinds of medications and nothing and I mean NOTHING helps at times. Ive actually tried to drink my self into sleep for relief. At this point I feel totally lost when they come back. And when hey come back they don't leave for what seems an eternity. The doctors keep poking and prodding but to no ending results of relief. I am sorry you are experiencing this pain and hope you find a good doctor that will see beyond what most doctors think, that you are seeking drugs. It's hard to believe in doctors when they can't find the reason. So I don't know what to tell you but research your doctors and ask all the questions you want answered. Research the causes for yourself and ask the doctor about your research, but don't believe everything you read on the internet. Cross referencing helps come up with solid information. 

    Hope you soon find relief.


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