Any experience greatly appreciated!

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I would love to know if anyone has any experience...good or not so good...using the powdered form of magnesium citrate to help with insomnia.

I can't post the product name but hopefully some ladies may know what I mean?

It does have some rave reviews for helping with insomnia as well as muscle pains etc

I do already take 400g of chelated magnesium daily, which doesn't really help my insomnia but is good for my tummy.

Have tried citrate in pill form but that went through me...could this popular powder form be just the same?

I know you have to start off with tiny quantities but does anyone know if there's a difference between pill or powdered form in its quality?

I really need to get more than 4 hours sleep per night!

Thanks jx

1 like, 21 replies

21 Replies

  • Posted

    I know the one you mean I tried it, it's quite good. The best one I've found is a liquid one ! It's the best rated one off a very popular site that sells everything !! Good luck. Deb smile
    • Posted

      Thank you Debbie

      Just checking, as have done with Annie, is yours the powdered product which you add , 1/2 tsp by 1/2 tsp, to hot water?

      Or is yours syrup type liquid? !!!

    • Posted

      Hi no it's just a liquid ready to take ! No mixing, Nano size particals for best absorption. Not cheap though but I love it.
    • Posted

      Thank you for description and replies Debbie

      Really do appreciate everyone's help in making my purchase!

      I have my homework to do after dinner!


    • Posted


      I couldn't see the liquid you referred to so continued to order the powdered form...give it a shot!

      I'll try to find the product you prefer so thank you for your help and experience


  • Posted


    If it is the most popular one, yes, it has helped me way better than the pill form. I believe I absorbed liquids better than pills these days. It helps me sleep better and also with muslce pains. I am bad though, about being taking it religiously and I do notice a definite difference (to the negative side) if I don't take it. Try it, it may work well for you.


    • Posted

      Mine is the powered efferevesent type, not the chalky liquid, to be clear.wink
    • Posted

      Thank you Annie

      To be clear, the powdered form which you add 1/2 tsp to warm water, increasing amount to tummy tolerance?

    • Posted

      yes.....start slow work up and you'll be fine. biggrin

      I think I started with 1/4 tsp first couple of days to be sure no stomach issues (there weren't) and moved up and it's been just fine. Just be a bit more consistent than me, that is! lol! Hoping it works out well for you!


    • Posted

      Thank you Annie

      I'll order today!

      Just get fed up with trying other natural remedies which don't make any difference ie: ghastly teas etc!

      As I said, I swear by the chelated type but not for sleep issues

      Appreciate your speedy reply


  • Posted

    Yes!! I  swear by it.  I also took magnesium daily and did nothing.  I find that a level teaspoon of the calcium magnesium citrate powder w/Vit. D3 (400 mg. each of calcium and magnesium, 200 Vit. D3) mixed with cranberry or orange juice before bed time works well and I don't taste it.  It doesn't run through me at night and I sleep so much better. I was like you, never sleeping more than 4 hours at a time. The first night I took it, I slept until the alarm went off.  I find it helps so much.  There is a definite difference between the power and the pill. I take it a few times a week to help me sleep.
    • Posted

      Gosh ... Thank you Terri

      I've had so many positive responses in half an hour!

      Did post at beginning of week but gave too many clues as to product and was deactivated until now!

      So, the product you love is the magnesium/ calcium mix...flavoured?

      Hadn't considered that one...just mag citrate!

      Do you feel, in your experience, the mixed one could work better?

      Does it include the Vit D3?

      A bit confused with that sentence as haven't got the product page in front of me at mo!

      Thank you so much for views and speedy reply jx

  • Posted

    No flavor. it's just a white powder. I take the powder in a mixed form because I read so much about calcium and magnesium and the benefits of taking them together for bone health and disease prevention. I have joint issues and severe muscle tightness/pain so it's important for me.  The powder has all three ingredients I mentioned.  I like that it contains vitamin D3 because it's an important supplement for bones as well. Sorry for the confusion.

    As everyone has mentioned, I think you'll find it helpful no matter which one you try once you figure out the correct dosage for your body. 

    • Posted

      Yes...all very positive...and I've been taking chelated magnesium for months now!

      Thank you for your help in describing product!

      After dinner, will go online to order!


    • Posted

      Dear Annie and Terri

      Thanks for all your help re product...I ordered last night but have one last query about dosage.

      I'm used to taking 400mg of chelated magnesium, so if I now start with the powdered type at 1/4 tsp, I'm only receiving probably less than 100mg, so do you think I should also continue to maybe take 200mg of chelated in morning with my multivitamin, omega 3 and starflower cap...or could it be your opinions?

      We end up self-diagnosing as GPs don't have much idea about natural remedies.

      Not sure what to do now!

      Thank you jx

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