Any help diagnosing scrotum rash? Going on 5 months since it appeared, no relief
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Beginning in the fall of last year, I noticed some irritation in my right side of scrotum. I would just rub or scratch the area and it would subside. As a big runner I figured it was jock itch, and thus saw a doctor and got a medical grade anti fungal. I treated with this and it stayed at bay, for a while. It was still bothersome from time to time and around July it got very bad. I tried to throw a few things at it, including gold bond with menthol (burnt badly, scared i burned the scrotum from this) and more fungal cream with hydrocortisone.
I went to bed on July 20 with what you see in the first picture. Minor irritation, but no significant reddening. I woke back up the next morning and my scrotum was very red. I went to a dermatologist that week and was given predisone- i followed up and was given an anti fungal pill and cream. That did not work and I followed up and was given a biopsy which came back as spongeotic dermatitis with traces of bacteria- i was then given a anti bacterial cream and pill. About a month after this i followed up and was once again given doxycline and gapabentin for "red scrotum syndrome" as well as elidel cream.
I then received patch testing which came back negative. Following the patch test I was prescribed topicort steroid cream.
I am at my wits end trying to figure out what is going on. I don't know if this is eczema, psoriasis, if a cream would help, if there is a pill that may help?? Its very itchy and bothersome if wearing any kind of tight clothing. I am on leave from work currently as my anxiety got so bad that i was having trouble keeping up with my responsibilities.
Are there any suggestions or ideas to what this may or may not be?
When it is irritated badly it will get spot patches all the way up my penis. THe scrotum becomes almost brownish red, and the itch is unbearable even with antihistamines.
It is always red, but just varies in terms of severity.
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more pictures from various times over the past few months

Kyguy83 bob98505
im dealing with the exact same thing. same time line and mostly same prescriptions
bob98505 Kyguy83
have any doctors noted what it may be? How have you been able to cope/deal with it?
Has your rash been there for the entire time? Meaning it hasnt come and gone?
Kyguy83 bob98505
has been there pretty much whole time. first doc said jock itch, second just said irritated/itchy scrotum. nothing has really worked. been trying excema relief cream (colloidal oatmeal) for a couple days. gonna see how that works.
bob98505 Kyguy83
did you notice if the steroids seemed to make symptoms worse? do you have any pictures from when it first began/ has it seemed to worsen since?
Kyguy83 bob98505
i didnt start taking any photos until recently. it didnt seem to improve or worsen with the steroids
bob98505 Kyguy83
i sent you a message if you dont mind. thanks
jimmy69420 bob98505
bob have you figured it out ? im convinced its a curse from God lol.
JMM12010 bob98505
I think I have something similar. Doc said it was Red Scrotum Syndrome caused as a rare side effect of a topical cream I was using to treat a skin cancer spot on my face. I quit using the cream and it slowly got better. I then had a rash on my stomach and he gave me a different cream. Almost immediately my scrotum started getting red again so I stopped using that cream. That is where I am currently. Hoping the redness and pain goes away since I stopped this other topical cream. Have you had any success or made any progress?
joe60264 JMM12010
any success?
Pic527 JMM12010
any update?
matt31106 bob98505
I have had this condition for 21 years now and 44 years old now. sucks! My Scrotum is red, the head of my penis, and the crack of my but cheeks
are all red and doesn't itch. it just stings and is worse when it gets moist in the summer. it never goes away and has been hard to live with. I have accepted the fact that I will have it forever. i never have one day of relief. i have seen doctors. and tried many creams and some pills. I even had a patch biopsi taken. I have read some success stories and I hope you and everyone here that has this gets it cured.
tab27009 matt31106
i would try gold bond powder
does sting a timy bit at first but then soothes and cools. i would certainly try!
joe60264 bob98505
I think I have the same problem. Have you figured it out by now or am I doomed?
Pic527 joe60264
any update?
georgi14320 Pic527
i can help u send me nessage on whatsap 447946556455