Any more advice for blepharitis

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Hi have had bleph and dry eye for some years. I was at the eye hospital this afternoon to have

stitch taken out after cataract surgery. My eyes were really bad last week which I thought might be

air polution we had last week (see my recent post). They seemed to feel much better this week so

was surprised and disappointed to learn that when the doctor looked under the slit lamp the bleph

is very bad, lots of debri and blocked glands. I do usual hot compresses (flannal) massage and

cleaning with cotton buds and baby shampoo in boiled water. Anyone got any other ideas I also

take Omega 3, doctor suggested flaxseed oil and one of the bags you can buy which goes in the

microwave, also blephasol. Anyone tried these, they are all expensive and as a pensioner I am

worried that they won't work, and I will have wasted my money which I can't afford to do. Any

suggestions welcome.

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    I have had great success with taking flaxseed everyday on my cereal. Just a dessert spoonful daily helped

    and within two weeks I saw and improvement. I have done this since November and the watering has completely stopped. I hope this helps.

  • Posted

    Hi libralady

    I too have had a bad week with my Blepharitis and like you I have had surgery.. lens replacement, which is the same procedure as cataract removal.

    I was diagnosed with Blepharitis last September and am in constant battle to keep my eyes moist and free from grittiness, soreness, aching, tiredness and redness. I have a few days were I think I'm getting some improvement and then back to square one!

    I do all the things you're meant to do for Blepharitis and bought one of the special eye bags, which hasn't helped me at all. In fact I get more relief, albeit it short term, with cold compresses.

    I take 1000mg Flaxseed oil capsule each day but again no results. I've been trying different eye drops but no results. I use Hylo Forte drops for hydration and find these the most effective but on really bad days I have to use them every two hours!

    There are many comments on this site about using Wet One wipes which some people are finding helps but others have a very bad reaction to them so as know I haven't tried them… the Optrex drops have the same ingredient as a preservative but as I've said don't help .I have not got any more ideas at present but I'm continuing to search and research!! You get to the point where you'll give almost anything a go.

    Hope you find something that helps you!

  • Posted

    I was told my a consultant that omega 3 pills are not effective as natural flaxseed or even oily fish in your diet.
    • Posted

      Yes, yes!!  I too was told to take Omega3's, pills actually, 3000 units per day by my opthamologist!!  He said it might take 3 months to see an effect to reduce my dry eye symptoms.  The lady in the health store advised me to take more, ie 10,000 units per day (2000 units 5Xper day), but then she might just want the sales!!  Thanks for reminding me of this as I did not mention this in my messages.
    • Posted

      My consultant said pills were not as effective. Natural flaxseed is best :-)


    • Posted

      I use flaxseeds in my yogurt and have been for years!  But I got this eye condition only in the past 3 months.  I eat foods rich in Omega 3's too!  I guess I just need more!! I also take astaxanthin (red algae).  But I still have this eye condition, but am getting tears back at least.
  • Posted

    I found that filling a flask with boiling water and steaming my eye over it as hot as I could bear and using a buddy to massage the area cleared it up after a few days of doing this morning and night.
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    If I eat much more oily fish I'll become one!!!

    I will try the flaxseed though

  • Posted

    Dear Libralady and everyone,

    A friend was able to kill her Blepharits wihich had moved onto her eyelids (where you put eye shadow) with an Avon anibacterial facial scrub. They no longer make that with the ingredient that kilkled her Blepharitis.

    I google what other products had Benzethonium Chloride in it (what was in the Avon antibacteria scrub).

    I ended up using WET ONES, an antibacterial hand wipe. It has .03% Benzethonium Chloride in them.

    I killed it off too. I had the terrible itching and just driving me crazy kind. If you are not allergic to shampoo, detergent, fabric softners and spermicidal jelly you may be albe to kill it off too.

    Funny thing is they put .01% Benzalkonium Chloride in most steroid meds for the eye. It is called BAK. They put BAK in over the counter eye drops for lubrication too. It is an antimicrobial

    Benzalkonium Chloride and Benzethonium Chloride are ammonium salts or compounds.

    Honjon on this site used the hand wipes with Benzalkonium Chloride in them. He was doing really good. Check it out.

    I was able to kill the Blepharitis (been almost 1 1/2 years now) and wear mascara at the same time.

    If you want that information let me know. It involves buyint throw away wands and other simple stuff.

    There were 3 doctors who looked into my eyes and could not find it. They said it would come back. I found it to be a bacterial infection. How else could 2 different products with antibacterial agents in it kill it?

    Hope this info helps.


  • Posted


    All I can help you with is the microwave bag. Its great. No better I suppose than the flannel {which I use first thing in the morning......but after that its the microwave for 30 sect then you lie down for 10 mins with it on your eyes......its better than re heating a flannel and I would think more effective.

    As for the rest of it ...sorry cant help. I've been back and forward to the consultant at the hospital for nearly 3 years now and the nearest I've got to a diagnosis is bleph but a lot more going on there as well and they try different things {with about 3 months between them} sad nothing has worked yet.....I'm on antibiotics and I see him next week.

    As for the microwave bag...its great.



  • Posted

    Dear Eileen and everyone,

    If anyone has Thyroid problems and takes a thyroid meds you have to take your Flax at the opposite time of the day because hormones cancel one another out. My husband was drinking Soy (female plant hormone just like flax) and taking his thyroid at the same time and gaining weight.

    We actually found that info at the drugstore (chemist) while waiting for a perscription in their open books about drugs.

    I have thyroid problems and take my Flax and Soy at night and thyroid med in the morning.

    Hope this info helps someone.

    Lynda 79

  • Posted

    Hi Lynda Very interesting I am thinking of trying flaxseed for blepharitis as recommended here. Did think I might check with GP in case it would upset my IBS or affect medication I am on. Never thought about

    thyroxine I have been on it for 20years so will keep your advice in mind. Thanks for mentioning it.

    Libralady 13

  • Posted

    Dear Libralady,

    When I was looking up info on Thyroid (mayoclinc) it also mentioned that you should not have milk or milk products for 4 hours after taking thyroid meds.

    That includes iron or calcium supplements or antacids. I use non-dairy creamer for coffee now.

    Just take your Flax or Soy or these other things 4 hours later. I do at least 8 to be safe.

    Thinking of you,


  • Posted

    Hi Lynda 79 Thank you for that information. I knew that you should always take thyroxine with water and at

    least half and hour to an hour before eating breakfast, which I do, but like most people have a cup of tea as

    soon as I am up. I knew that you should not take antacids at the same time, but I had no idea about milk,

    cheese etc. Did you also know to go easy on brassica family like cabbage, kale etc. Found this out like you by doing own research. Gps seem to know nothing about do's and don'ts for hypothyroidism. There seems to be a lot of disagreement in the medical field regarding doing full thryoid blood tests not just tsh and the

    range used, which seems to differ from lab to lab. According Thryoid groups like Thryoid UK loads of people are not diagnosed and some patients are under treated. By the way I was advised not to take Soy at all but

    it is in lots of processed products. I am going very shortly for my yearly blood tests andI will mention this to

    the nurse but I expect she won't know. Keep in touch Libralady13

  • Posted

    Hello again Lynda Forgot to say I was told years ago (can't remember by who by I suspect it might have

    been Thryoid UK) not to take your thyroxine until after your fasting blood test as it give a false higher reading.

    Just wondered if you had come across that. Perhaps I have gone off the subject of blep and should have put this on the thyroid forum.

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