Any Sciatic tips?

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Hello! Im 25 and have been experiencing back for a few years that I just shrugged off but last week when full of the cold, I coughed and felt something make a sharp shooting pain in my lower back. Off to the doctors, told I have sciatica, prescribed cocodamol and signed off work for a week. Which when full of a cold that led to sinusitis and sore was no picnic. Back to the doctors yesterday as pain has left my back but now unable to stand straight without shooting pain down my left leg (which was my affected side anyway). The doctor burshed it off and I was prescribed naproxen, an anti inflammatory, which as yet seems to be doing nothing. I can only describe the pain as the back of my thigh being tight and whenever I stretch it I just about end up crying on the floor in a mess. I was wondering if this is normal for sciatica and should I continue as I am with the prescribed meds and just keep on attempting to keep moving about as I have been told staying still for too long will only lengthen the healing process. Any help would be great, I've been signed off work for a further two weeks with it sad

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16 Replies

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    hello yes you most probably have a bulging disc which hits off a nerve and runs down the leg the doctor told me to exercise ,,,thats a joke  the only way for me was rest lie down and let disc reduce,i hope this helps
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    Hi Emily. This is normal for sciatica as usually you feel more pain in your leg than your back. Most people recover from this in a few weeks, other people can take upto 3 months and if you're unlucky like I have been longer. I have had it for 6 months and i now have an operation booked for a lumbar discesctomy in June. I was started with Naproxen and co codomal and it seems that this is standard medication at the start . I went to physio, referred by the GP after about 3 weeks but the exercises for these are on the NHS website . They didn't help me but might help you although I still do them to keep my spine mobile, and they do take some pressure off . Keep moving about so that you don't stiffen up, take care with lifting, over stretching, sitting for too long and if you can go for walks or swimming as these will all benefit you. Heat or ice packs to the area can also help.  My sciatica just got worse over the weeks and i did not see any improvement despite my best efforts, i hope that you are luckier. Sciatica is usually caused by a disc herniation putting pressure on the sciatic nerve which runs all the way down your leg. My pain was in the buttock, and the back of my upper thigh, knee, calf, ankle and i had numbness in my toes all appearing over a matter of weeks. I asked for a scan after about 5-6 weeks, which took about 4 weeks to come through. So if this continues for you make sure you ask for one as until you do no one knows exactly where your problem is. I hope that this message helps you and that you make a speedy recovery. Best Wishes Donna
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      Thank you so much Donna! Did you experience any problems with the naproxen? It made me feel a bit sick today and didn't seem to make any difference. The cocodamol helps but seems to floor me, so I tend to just take it at night to help me sleep. I'm dithering about going to the physio as I've already found exercises I can do with some research but then a professional might help... Just so annoying, can barely go for a pee!! Lol. Thank you again for the really informative response! As annoying as it is, its good to know im not alone!
    • Posted

      Hi Emily. Didn't have any problems with the Naproxen but yes the cocodomal can knock you out but it's suprising how soon you get used to it. I'm on morphine now and initially all I wanted to do was sleep but now I hardly know I've taken it. I had to go to a work physio who I could only see for 4 sessions and because of this I think he really pushed me and I really think it did more harm than good, honestly he had my legs all over the place. I also saw an NHS Physio who was the opposite and all the exercises he gave me were very gentle. Initially he asked me to do, or try to do, certain movements and from this he got an idea of where he thought the problem was and from that he gave me exercises to do which would target this area more. They help to mobilise your spine and to open the space between your discs to help give some relief. It also gave me some reassurance that I was doing them right and not causing more problems.

       I had to laugh at the bit about going for a pee as I know exactly what you mean. rolleyes 

      Another tip I was given was too sleep with a pillow under my knees which has helped me, you can also use one between your knees if you sleep on your side. I think it helps to keep your spine aligned??

      Anyway any questions please ask, if I can help I will as I totally understand how you are feeling.x

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      Thank you so much! It's so nice to have some sort of positive feedback!
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    forgot to say that it can take Naproxen  a few weeks to start to work
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    Hi Emily. I'm 33 and had a sciatic nerve release which is different to yours I guess because mine was stuck between my pelvis and hip and ended up with nerve damage in my left leg. However, I know how painful it can be. Naproxen made me sick so having it with food might help. I've been on long term opioids for hip issues but yeah if makes you drowsy just be careful with what u do. I would discourage seeing a physio without a scan as they have no idea what they are treating or how bad it is. If it's no better with rest and gentle movement in a couple of weeks or is worse, insist on a scan. If you do see a physio make sure you explain that you don't know what's wrong. (What's causing it). Any physio worth their salt won't do too much and will expect at least an X-ray. I've been to many physio's and if they do the wrong thing you might be in trouble. Any increase in pain or muscle spasms tell (don't ask) your GP for a scan. It sounds like the GP is a bit lazy, no offense.
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    I was pumped full of drugs for a few weeks and it turned I needed an urgent hip operation for a trapped sciatic nerve then later, pumped full of drugs and it turned out my hip was partially dislocating. GP's tend to throw drugs at you in the UK. Yes a pillow between your legs is a great idea. Nurofen gel may help muscle pain, but not sure if you can use it with naproxen. I was using everything they could think of and spent weeks in hospital. And colour change, sensation change and increased pain go straight back to GP.
  • Posted

    Yes my sciatica sends shooting pains down my leg to my foot.  It is caused by a compressed nerve.  Doctors just give us pain killers and sometimes rub in gels.  An osteopath or physiotherapist may be able to help with manipulation.  I do exercises shown to my by hospital physiotherapist and also there are exercises on utube for sciatica. 

    I hobble about, but when the pain shoots, it is so bad, I do a little cry out loud, ouch!!  Yes it is bad isn't it?  Yes keep moving about as much as you can.  I find sitting and walking painful, and lying down eases the back pain.  We have to keep mo9ving however much it hurts. 

    Often it does get better on its own, I find I am OK for a while, but it returns.  Keep taking the pain killers if they help.  I just manage my problem by myself now as fed up with taking strong pain killers that make me feel worse, and Ibrupofen that gave me bleeding from my bowel. 

    I cannot afford private physiotherapy or chiropratic or osteopath, but I think they are worth trying.  I have done in the past when I could afford it. 

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    No offense to Anne but never let anyone manipulate your back. Sciatic nerve problems can be serious and people do end up with damage. Unless they have conclusive clinical evidence regarding the cause of your pain no one should touch you, perhaps just core exercises etc but no manipulation, movement or intense physiotherapy until you have a diagnosis. I would advise an X-Ray given you felt a snap and then an MRI if you don't improve with anti-inflammatories in time.
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    Sorry, you felt a sharp shooting pain after you coughed? Does sounds like a disc or inflammation of some kind. Still would suggest the above if no better with anti-inflammatory medication. Try a heat pack or hot water bottle wrapped in a towel to settle any muscle spasms.
  • Posted

    Hello, all. Thank you so much for all your replies! My pain is now settling into a dull ache in my calf and walking is unbearable just about. It feels like its shooting into my hip. The naproxen doesn't seem to touch it at all. Ive sat with cold compresses, hot water bottle, I had a bath and nothing eases it. Im back to the doctor on Friday but have the feeling im just going to be told its all bloody normal...

    It really is the sort of pain that just whittles away at you, isn't it?!

    • Posted

      Hi Emily, Yes you will probably be told that your symptoms are normal for sciatica but what you don't have to put up with is pain. If you don't feel that the pain  medication you have been prescribed is right for you speak to your GP about this. Sciaitic pain is extremely painful and it does wear you down. Another medication that your GP may try is Gabapebtin.

      With the cold compress and hot water bottles make sure you apply them for no less than 2o minutes.

      From speaking with various occupational health advisers it is unlikely that a GP would refer for a MRI before 6 weeks of your problem starting because in most cases it resolves before this. If you are still having problems after this time make sure you ask for one and dont take no for an answer.

      Stay positive x


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