Anyone else bedridden? I believe I have more than meno going on.
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I have a painful mass in my lower right abdomen with radiating pain encompassing the right hip that makes my right leg ache. Swallowing is gradually becoming more difficult. Chronically constipated. Fear of eating. Intermittent gasping for a deep breath. Tinnitus. Freezing cold hands and feet. Have to get into hot bath to warm up my core. I know I am not long for this world and I am just not ok about it. This life just seems so stupid now.
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Guest leslie95604
Have you had an mri or pt scan to check your abdomen to see what the mass is?
leslie95604 Guest
Thanks so much for your reply. I have an appointment Tues with a Gastrointernologist. Will hopefully get to the bottom of this abdominal mass situation. I recently had an ultrasound done at my right hip groin area but it looked normal? !! Lymphs are fine. This abdominal issue has been intermittent and last year I had gone to the ER and they did a CT scan and even that was inconclusive. Of course I catastrophise (?) everything because I have been in this state for two years now. I am just days away from getting onto BHRT which I have been clawing my way to for the hoops you have to hobble through. But even that scares me now. What if? What if? So now I just go ahead and say to myself (and my poor husband) that I know my body is riddled with stage 4 cancers and I am on my way out. I figure instead of living in fear of the what ifs, I'll just jump ahead and pretend I actually am one giant cancerous blob. That way if it turns out to be true I'll already have accepted it. I'm weird. Thank you again for your input. It really helps.
lisa68384 leslie95604
My heart goes out to you Leslie. None of us are long for this world. I'm praying for you right now.
leslie95604 lisa68384
Thank you for your prayers angel <3
juanita93228 leslie95604
You should have the mass checked by s doctor, but the rest of it sounds like menopause symptoms. I have been in bed all weekend. I can't make myself do the simplest of chores. It's 2:30pm and I'm still in bed, knowing these chores must be done before work tomorrow. I have no get up and go. I'm not really tired, I think apathetic is a better word.
leslie95604 juanita93228
You have to go to work like this???? There's no way. No way. You are way stronger than me. I can't even go to the market. Going to a dr appointment is a huge deal. I have to take a anxiety pill in order to even do that or my blood pressure sky rockets when I am sitting in the drs office. I live on the couch with my pillows, blankets, heating pad, fan, low lamp, earplugs, and crossword puzzles. I hope to God above that once I am on BHRT I might have a chance at resuming living. Because what I have been doing these last two years doesn't resemble living. Hope you turn a corner with this thing soon. It's just no way to live. Heart goes out to you hon XX
juanita93228 leslie95604
Yes, I have no choice. I am single with a mortgage and bills. I got off my antidepressants 12 days ago and I'm going to have to start taking them again because I feel like I want to run away. I'm just going to take half a dose because I have to work and function. I have to run errands after work today. I also need to sell my house, buy a new car and pay off some debt and I have to be in a better state of mind than I am now to do all this.
I am not strong, I have totally been leaning on God and praying everyday asking him to help me get through the day. But I want to do more than just get through the day. I want to laugh and be happyagain. Anyone who says happiness is a choice has obviously never been through menopause.
I'll bet it was a man that said it. Lol!
I hope you can start your BHRT soon. Keep in touch and let me know how your doing.
Guest juanita93228
juanita93228 Guest
Thank you Liz. At least I'm know I'm not alone. Sometimes I wish I had a mate to help. But, no luck on that area yet. Men have changed so much over the years. They've gotten worse!😂😂😂😂
tina00239 juanita93228
Guest juanita93228
We will get through this! 🌸
juanita93228 tina00239
No, I haven't met the right man yet and at 58, I wonder if will ever happen. I hope so . You are very blessed with the men in your lives .
louise25018 leslie95604
leslie95604 louise25018
I'm in the US. I do have a gut doc appt on Tuesday so I may find out then what this issue is. I kind of don't want to know but I have to because it hurts. Remember when we were young and something would hurt on your body but you just kind of shrugged it off and kept moving? I can barely even remember those days. Come on BHRT!! Just around the corner. A bit worried about that too, but I can't continue like this. Aahhhh!! It's like Let's Make A Deal with all bad prizes!!
louise25018 leslie95604
Thinking of you and keep us posted on how it goes. Take care x
leslie95604 louise25018
Turns out I have something wrong with my right kidney. I have had this intermittent sore mass in my lower right abdomen for at least a year. I have mentioned this pain to several doctors over this past year and they told me it couldn't be my kidney because that is up higher on your back. The pain and mass I feel is below my navel about an inch and to the right of it. Like if you drew a line from my right hip bone to my navel it would be halfway. Ultrasound tech said it's my kidney. Not a tumor, not a hernia. So now an appointment with the urologist. . . Meanwhile I continue to be sick while doctors dick around and don't know what the hell their even doing.