Anyone else develop travel phobia during perimenopause?
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I do suffer from general anxiety, but i have noticed my fear of traveling is getting worse. I just want to stay home in my safe zone. i see friends my age going on vacation and enjoying life. what is wrong with me?? having hot flashes and not getting much sleep is not helping my situation. i just got a new supplement yesterday that will hopefully start working. of course here i am awake since 1:45 and it is now 3. thanks for listening to me vent
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anxiousface 2chr2015
YES thats me too, iv not been on holiday or anywhere far for 8 years now and if we do have to travel i get anxious and want to get back home ASAP.
i find even driving to my sisters which isnt far i get anxious. WHATS WRONG WITH US ??
All my friends and relatives are living their life to the full and im stuck in my own small bubble waiting for the to pass but after 8 years i feel im scared for life.
ITS JUST NOT FAIR i know how your feeling hun x
Guest 2chr2015
Yes!!! The same thing has happened to me. It started slowly about 7 years ago but only 4 years ago it turned into a monster! Like you i feel super anxious the moment i know i have to go somewhere. I cant leave my house!! Every time i try i get very nauseated and afraid of who knows what! Ive tried meds, counseling by phone and nothing works! I feel like im trapped in a nightmare that wont get better
Kazjo 2chr2015
Hey! I'm sorry you are going through this! I've traveled all my life, lived in 3 countries, (traveled to more than 56) and enjoyed my youth. In recent years, however, I've become absolutely disgusted by traveling. I'm sure menopause has something to do with it because I had to fly to New England from FL last month and dreaded the trip due partially to fear of having a hot flash while sitting in that TINY (and often filthy) seat airlines cram us into. I did not have any hot flashes but was delayed 5 hours on the trip home, re-routed to a very out of the way city, given 30 minutes to catch connecting flight, then DEEPLY disrespected by an American Airline worker so that I cried in anger THE ENTIRE FLIGHT. We are just expected to take abuse by airlines and shut up about it. I'm sick to death of the entire process. High prices, delays, lost/ruined/stolen baggage, rudeness, filth, lack of space, creeps and more. I have zero desire to travel anymore but I love Europe and when I go, I'll just have to suck it up. Within the US, it's a road trip or train for me from now on.
There is nothing wrong with you at all. I wonder how much of it is menopause/anxiety or just too many bad experiences flying.
Just started on bio identicals which so far have helped but made me overly emotional (hence the flight crying?). Research them to see if they are an option for you...I tried many supplements and none worked for me. Anxiety is a very common side-effect of menopause, unfortunately, and the stress of traveling today is enough to make you never want to do it again. This may very well, like many other symptoms of meno, pass. Hugs to you.
pamela2016 2chr2015
i have that phobia right now moving in two days to FL and my anxiety everything is in high gear. ugh
Kazjo pamela2016
Take a deep breath. Moving is always stressful. Stay focused and organized...and enjoy your new FL home. We have nice winters and even nicer springtimes. 😄
pamela2016 Kazjo
are you from Fl? im trying to stay calm been dealing with sinus issues all week making dizziness worse. this morning having hot flashes making me feel faint then it stops and im cold all so fun. i have anxiety so bad it just hits every morning as soon as i open my eyes horrible can just feel the adrenaline constantly in my stomach makes me nauseated.
anxiousface pamela2016
hi again pamela. me & you are so much alike i too am suffering sinus problems ,iv has sinusitis since last Wednesday, shivering to the bone one minute then too hot, my head feels it will combust at any minute , i expect our anxiety makes it worse. so sorry your feeling this when when you've got a big day tomorrow.
try to stay focused on your lovely new home and just do what you can tomorrow.
let us all know how it went and how you are pamela x
pamela2016 anxiousface
my head feels pressure worse then usual and that scares me, off balance is worse and like you cold one min hot the next. light headache today as well my ears feel clogged weird thing is my sinuses isnt badly congested sneezing off and on. im trying to do what i can slow progress in doing last min packing. im suffering with no meds to take as all decongestants raise blood pressure and im on bp meds already. oh what fun all this is hope you feel better soon
Kazjo pamela2016
Yes, I live in Orlando. Summers are brutal but the one good thing is that you are already not wearing anything heavy so when a hot flash hits, you don't have do disrobe in a panic. I'm sorry you're having such a rough go. It sounds like your anxiety is manifesting in nausea and dizziness. That's normal under the stress of moving house. **However, drink lots of water because dehydration causes nausea and dizziness! You'll learn that fast living here, but start hydrating right now and I bet you'll feel better straight away.
Keep us posted on how the move goes! -Kazjo
pamela2016 Kazjo
im moving to cape Canaveral my sister is in that area, the car ride being in the car for so many hours before stopping over is what im worried the most about moving in a car makes my dizzies worse. plus sinus crap this week has made that worse ugh and thanks fir the tips will keep ya posted
Kazjo pamela2016
Hey Pamela,
How did the move go? Are you feeling well?
kelly55079 2chr2015
Yes.. It's not fun anymore.. In the spring I was on a plane just felt hot and sick to my stomach. I'm sure it was anxiety because I felt nervous and panicky too. It was awful and couldn't get off the plane fast enough.. When I visited my sister over the summer (maybe this was comfort) BUT I made sure to have peppermints, rescue remedy lozenges and a few other things. I felt better knowing I was well prepared.
2chr2015 kelly55079
thats a good idea kelly. maybe i can pick up a few comfort items to take with me
Marinab kelly55079
Hi Kelly - curious about rescue remedy. What are they made of and are they sold at Whole Foods or Trader Joe's? Thanks!
the husband and i have plans to get away for the weekend and i will look for any excuse to get out of it. i am so sick of being scared of EVERYTHING. its like everything that happens, i question...why is this happening? and what if? maybe this means (something bad) ...or i saw on the news or on the internet that this bad thing happened to someone. i know the tv media and social media play a big part in all of this. our mothers and grandmothers had to be much more at ease in their minds. Not that they didn't have hard lives, but i don't think the worry component was as bad as it is for them.
i meant to say for us